

All Conference
Aug 18, 2006
Bought it around $5.50 it's now at $2.50, crap earnings report after Christmas. I can cash out now and lose 8 k, or see it go bankrupt and lose 12 k. Any insights on what to do? Does anyone else own it or have knowledge about it?
My kids started ignoring their leapfrog like five years ago, and it has been Nintendo DS and iPad ever since. Why would you even buy this stock?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Kenny Rodgers comes to mind, " Know when to hold'em and know when to fold'em"
lose a little now lose all later
I would drop it. Why ride it to the ground. get whatever money you can out of the stock and move on.

As a parent I think that segment of children's toys is dead. Who wants to buy a standalone product that only plays crappy games. Most of us are moving to regular tablets with kid safe/password protected interfaces. Both my kids have leapfrogs - that were given to us. They get used once a quarter for 5 minutes. The tablet is used a few times a week.

Don't let emotion guide your investments. You should really only invest in stocks you fully understand. Your best bet is index funds and mutual funds. Set it and forget it type of thing.
Cash it out now, hopefully you have some gains you can offset with this. Use this as a lesson to never dump $12K into a single stock when you don't know enough about the company to where you have to ask for advice on an anonymous message board.
Originally posted by RBS05:
Cash it out now, hopefully you have some gains you can offset with this. Use this as a lesson to never dump $12K into a single stock when you don't know enough about the company to where you have to ask for advice on an anonymous message board.
I bought it back at 9ish a long time ago and sold it a long time ago at 12 and change. Sell it. It's not going to get better. Sorry.