Way OT: Work-around if you're having problems viewing text of emails using Outlook


Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
This morning an Office update from Microsoft went out and I didn't think about it at all until I was opening up some emails and noticed there was only text in the first line, if at all, in every folder I had. After panicking a bit, thinking all of my emails may have been corrupted, I noticed that I could copy the contents of an email to the clipboard and paste it into Word or Excel, so at least I knew the content wasn't gone and it was some display/settings issue. So I Googled some and found some unhelpful tips for past issues like this and then called the Geek Squad and the first person said the issue needed a specialist and it would take about an hour.

So, sitting there annoyed, I Googled issues over the last day and got a good hit and found a fairly simple work-around, which set Office back to the previous update, which didn't have this issue. Supposedly, MS is going to automatically push a fix to everyone by sometime tomorrow, but if this is driving you crazy, here's a link to the site with the fix and the fix instructions. Supposedly this is not an issue with the web version of Outlook (just the client version). Pretty crappy MS quality control at work...

For those who haven't been through the whole thread, here's the fix. Type Windows-R to open the Run dialogue and then paste in the line below including quotes and hit Return. It takes les than 3 minutes to run. No reboot required. "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\officec2rclient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=16.0.13901.20462"
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