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    The problem we have is all of these teams have at least 3 (and many 4+) more losses than us right now. So realistically - a lot of them...
  • bac2therac
    the plot thickens as both the 18z hrrr and nam have bumped snow totals...again 8 hour storm...quick thump of snow to ice
  • B
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  • needmorecowbell
    He has really improved his turnovers and shot selection. Keep taking wide open threes and open layups. Otherwise, drive / kick to the...
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    MADHAT1 replied to the thread Tennessee beats UConn.
    South Carolina is the new UConn and now even though Geno's program still deserves respect, it shouldn't be considered close to...
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  • DJ Spanky
    What's this "central jersey" you speak of?
  • P
    In my opinion - only Dayton could be a legit At Large contender from the A-10 if they go on a win streak unless the committee buys into...
  • SirScarlet
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  • bigmatt718
    I think we finally take down a name B1G team this year, and IMO it's Iowa at home. Very good chance it'll be a Friday night game and the...
  • RW90
    RW90 replied to the thread Referee Jeff "High Knees" Anderson.
    The best was the Illinois defender's reaction to the play in the longer video saying "WTF?".
  • C
    CHOPU replied to the thread OT: NJ Devils 2024-2025 Thread.
    Need more ponies that can score . Secondary scoring has dried up and almost non-existent
  • Ruallamerican
    Ruallamerican replied to the thread Rutgers 14-9 (vs. 12-11).
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    MADHAT1 replied to the thread RU vs Indiana 2/6/25.
    Washington has had her shot ( in my opinion) and missed badly, her contact expires at the end of the 2027-28 season, but games like...
    Planning on a trip from Rahway to AC Sunday afternoon. I see multiple forecasts. Will it be so bad that driving will be hazardous?
