• J
    Regarding your argument about the ratings for Florida State going up if they play better teams, you can say that about anybody. Not...
  • S
    It works better offensively and worse defensively, and your 2nd point is hopefully correct. I think we are actually finding the best...
  • LeapinLou
    Wow, that's probably more than the point spread will be. Bad matchup in your opinion with the size advantage they will have at the...
  • S
    Eh, it's been 12 pages since our net was actually relevant, so does it matter? Ha, win a few more, we can go back to NET.
  • RU4Real
    No. You're going to be told that ADS-B (the system that was turned off) isn't the primary data source. The aircraft's Mode C...
  • S
    Pretty sure the made Martini 3 was actually assisted by Davis, not Williams or Dylan.
  • mosito
  • S
    No doubt, there became a point a while back where Ace realized it wasn't score the ball only. He began doing a great job on the boards...
  • T
    They have the ratings for the games each week so all the figures are there. All you have to do is get a pencil and a piece of paper and...
  • DJ Spanky
    DJ Spanky replied to the thread Maryland versus Ohio State.
    Was watching some of this game last night: not impressed with Maryland at all. Lots of mistakes, too many instances of players driving...
  • Richie O
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • m1ipabrams
    Disclaimer I am not an expert here..... But the transponder exists for reporting position information out to air traffic control. So...
  • D
    Degaz-RU replied to the thread MLAX Enters Rankings.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • W
    Speaking on young players, had no idea Aiello was a freshman. With players like Soller, Kurdyla, and Aiello, coach is really building...
  • Skull83
    Skull83 replied to the thread MLAX Enters Rankings.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • D
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • RU848789
    Posting Pivotal maps in mixed snow/sleet events is misleading, as it makes it look like there's no frozen precip for areas getting...
  • bac2therac
    Maryland 75 RUTGERS 67
  • K
    Yes Dwek was a Deal guy. That's why I stated multiple Lakewood Rabbis were caught up in the bank fraud case and that he was rearrested...
  • J
    JayDog has not heard the term poser since approximately 6th grade, when the skater crew was ranking on the jocks for wearing Airwalks...
    WW HEISENBERG replied to the thread BB Bubble Watch.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • bac2therac
    also it would be nice if this was just a thread for the NET...not sure how a conversation about J Will/Acuff took the last couple of...
