There needs to be a large decibel meter in the RAC

Paladino's study was the most helpful. It's interest how loud the RAC is at the top of the 300s. In my notes I have putting this thing either on a ribbon board (where?) on each side of the scoreboard, or at the bottom of the student section. An alternate idea is to have it on the floor somewhere on the scorer's table and they can reference it on occasion when we are on defense.

I see no reason why it cannot have a game high rating, season high rating, all time etc. I think it would be cool and could attract attention to the arena in a positive manner.

Pretty sure I would fundraise for it if it's like like 100k but I have no idea.
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No. 12 Rutgers wrestling (11-5, 3-3) faces Maryland (8-7, 3-2) on Friday night in College Park

Really disappointed in Shawver and Turley this year. Coming off B10 championship and AA thought Shawver would take next level jump. Instead hes regressed. His offense isnt nearly what it was nor his effort to ride. Seems happy he AA’d and really no care to jump levels. This is where PSU is just different. Every guy wants to be better.

Turley mistake coming back. Should have just hung it up. Yeah hes a couple good efforts but completely inconsistent and lots of WTF moments for this experienced a guy. No business losing that match besides lack of effort and focus.

On flip side, really hope Peterson can stay confident between his ears bc he is as good as anyone at 125 when he wants to be. Olivieri can stay with most anyone, needs to believe he can win. Really wish we just stay with Barbosa. Harer has to develop offense from feet or will not get to next level. Starting to wonder if SCW was right decision.
Turley honestly should've gotten his degree and moved on.
