"‪This is where we earn it."

OMG - hate it! Suicide drills sucked and you had to do it until you faked dry heaves. Just don't tell couch you faked it, but he knew it...

This is how I learned to shoot FT's. I took 4 semesters of Basketball Phys Ed in college, coached by Jack Rohan (then AD at Columbia, had been the long-standing Columbia basketball coach - coached Jim McMillen (sp?)). At the end of the class - following a short scrimmage - we did FT drills. The bottom half of the class in shooting had to do suicides. Taught me the value of FT's - strong motivation to shoot well, using consistent form. Though I cannot shoot FT's well now (not enough practice), back then was a pretty consistent 80%+ FT shooter in practice - all to avoid suicides.