Aha Moment: Flood has OCD


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
He is neurotic: he keeps doing the same thing even though it doesn't work.

Flood documents things that happen, could have happened, should have happened....didn't happen in his note book ....but then does NOTHING with the information / keeps doing the same thing. F'ing head case!

Flood seems obsessed with sticking to a plan that proves to be ineffective, weak and needing adjustments. Yet he continues doing the same thing. Flood is compulsive about documenting his lack of success and trying to go 1-0 every week...yet we play a 12 game season (not twelve 1 game seasons): if something isn't working in game # 1 many really good coaches would change things at half time. Not Flood "an elephant faithful 100%."

Here's hoping that Flood either takes whatever is prescribed for his DSM disease and starts making decisions that good coaches make, or we get a new coach who is not here on an ADA mandate.

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It's a thought. I think it's simply that he is not very smart. Or he just continually makes horrible decisions.