
Feb 15, 2005
At the website I'm able to sign in with Comcast login (as I've used on ESPN3) and clicking on RU at Purdue women's game it tells me game doesn't start until 7 pm. Think the game will show up there?

Up 9-1 on Copper jumper! GO RU
This post was edited on 1/29 7:16 PM by hjljr
Re: gonna work?

Also BTN2 go luck. And since the idiot men chose to have a brawl, their game had an 8 minute delay. Score?
Re: gonna work?

22-15 RU with 3:56 remaining first half

Strange looking game--mostly streaks, was 11-1 RU then 15-15 and now 22-15 RU.

This post was edited on 1/29 7:42 PM by ea_1
Re: gonna work?

I tried to...when I log in with my FIOS ID it tells me I'm not a TV subscriber, yet here I am watching the mens game on my FIOs service on BTN

Women blew a 15-1 lead..I stepped away and when I came back the game was tied 1t 15-15..
This post was edited on 1/29 5:49 PM by nj4shore
Re: gonna work?

Not particularly sharp first half. Tyler saddled with 2 quick fouls and sat a lot of first half. Betnijah has 6 points and 8 rebounds. Only shooting 35 % from the floor.

Purdue not a good 3 point shooting team. We are both 1-4 from 3 (Briyona Canty for us). Officiating is pretty good tonight. Calls going both ways unlike the Minn game.

Need to get off to a good start in the 2nd half
Re: gonna work?

Try going to, click on one of the games showing there and log in. Then try btn2go again. BTN may read the cookie set by ESPN and get you going... other than trying that I've no other suggestions...

Up 26-22 at half... would be up by more if our "bigs" had made a couple of shots under the basket...

Game now on TV... enjoy (he writes hopefully)
This post was edited on 1/29 8:06 PM by hjljr
Sloppy second half: four possessions in a row we turn it over trying to force it inside.

I hate these cold spells.
Rachel made a big difference but picked up some stupid fouls.

Tyler sloppy play.

What's the story with Ariel? Did she not play at all? Is she sick or hurt? Both Christa and Rachel fouled out and Parker came in -- not exactly an even exchange, height-wise.
Will we get a Fat Cat? Sorry I was in Round table.
This post was edited on 1/29 9:06 PM by shields
Originally posted by mom'sthefan:
What's the story with Ariel? Did she not play at all? Is she sick or hurt? Both Christa and Rachel fouled out and Parker came in -- not exactly an even exchange, height-wise.
There was less than 1 minute left when Our 2nd post player fouled out. At that point we wanted ball handlers and ft shooters in the game in case Purdue pressed or fouled. Ariel played briefly in the first half.
The only reason this was a close game was Scaife had a poor offensive game and Purdue made foul shots and some 3 pointers.It was a ugly game to watch but it was a win and that is the only thing that matters.Hopefully Rutgers destroys Penn State this weekend.
Yep I watched on BNT2Go also. I am a Verizon FIOS subscriber. Just logged in and was all set.
Was able to catch the 2nd half. A few general comments:

--Rachel actually had some very nice plays, both offensively and defensively, but she couldn't keep herself on the court. Some of the fouls I saw were ticky-tacky, others she was put in a bad position, but she needs to figure out how to stay on the court, because she was getting into a groove and then was forced to sit.

--Scaife looked completely off in the second half. Wasn't looking to score at all, was careless with the ball, and a liability on defense. Not sure what was going on there.

--The team was too passive against Purdue's zone for my taste, though Purdue's game plan was to slow down the pace of the game, and we allowed them to do that. What's frustrating is that this is the exact type of game we recruited Hernandez for, yet she saw 0 time. Maybe she is looking lost in practice, but it would have been nice to have our 3-pt threat out on the court to bust a zone.

--Canty had a solid game, but she has seemed more tentative on offense the last few games. i know she's running the offense, but she needs to look to be a proactive offensive weapon herself.
Wasn't pretty, but as Coach said, "they gutted it out".

Air Copper is so smooth.

Some of those fouls called on our bigs were bogus.

Interesting name for a game thread.

Crista gave us a solid game as she was called upon to play several minutes. Good job on defense.

Our perimeter defense was very tough. Essie and Canty were all over the ball handlers.

Essie just seems to have a knack of finding the loose ball or rebound, especially during crunch time. Canty has a really nice handle, but I would have liked to see her drive or shoot more often,

Laney and Copper came through for us in the second half.....we really needed this.

One thing I don't think I ever witnessed: a ten second violation with no defensive pressure!!

I am concerned about our lack of points in the paint, we are relying too heavily on jump shots.
only heard part of the 2nd half on the radio and it was the good part when RU took control

Seemed like the typical groggy start slow to pull away type road win we have seen for years under CVS. Purdue is 10-11 for a reason but it was good to see the defense make sure they didn't make a run. Scaife had another bad game...3 in last 4 so you wonder whats going on there especially since she played so well vs Minny. The thread the other about our bigs got the OP called out but he was right, those bigs need to generate more offense or RU will not go far in the tourney. Not playing Hernandez...why why why when she single handedly won road games at Indy and Wisky with her timely shots.

Still RU got the win that's whats important, 9-1 on the road and now have a chance to strut some stuff at home with an easier game vs PSU and a big time matchup with Nebby. I really think RU is primed to play some great basketball this upcoming week.
I thought they played pretty well tonight. Only saw the second half but thought every time Purdue made a move we answered. Copper is a player and Laney had her usual solid game. Still don't seem to be very deep on the bench and believe we need a legitimate 3 point threat to go far in the tournament.
Originally posted by bac2therac:

Not playing Hernandez...why why why when she single handedly won road games at Indy and Wisky with her timely shots.
I did not see any of the game, but this stood out to me in the box score. We have one outside shooting threat on this team. She needs PT to mesh with the team and provide that dimension.

Always nice to win a conference road game, of course.
Originally posted by MC1974:

I am concerned about our lack of points in the paint, we are relying too heavily on jump shots.
22 points in the paint, for what it's worth.
Originally posted by BeKnighted:

Originally posted by MC1974:

I am concerned about our lack of points in the paint, we are relying too heavily on jump shots.
22 points in the paint, for what it's worth.
It is worth 22 points!!

Still, if we can make more turnover-free feeds inside and actually convert a decent amount of them we could beat these teams by a much more comfortable margin.

For those asking for more of Cynthia, I do agree; however, because our defense was so effective I think CVS wanted to leave well enough alone. I do think Canty should have attempted some more of those threes. Her defense and assists are at a high level but if she can score more points it would really help.
question for those who followed the entire game...I listen only to part of the 2nd half on the radio and fell asleep with RU leading 11-1 on the tv replay. If RU played so well why was this game as close as it was. Purdue is only a 10-11 lead, why were they hanging around. Did they play above their heads?

I think the criticism of the play in the paint goes beyond the league games, its taking an eye at the NCAA tournament, that's what I am concerned about, you cant make a deep run when you are so limited offensively to just taking jumpers, sometimes they just will not go down. I also would like to see Canty take some more shots and get more offense from him. Ive seen her at times use her speed to slash to the hoop. Cannot afford to just get little offense from both her and Davis
Bac: I think the game was closer than it seemed because we went into our patented scoring slumps. For example, very early in the second half we went four or five consecutive possessions where we tried to feed the post but either attempted a stupid shot or turned the ball over. Tyler went cold and couldn't hold on to the ball...wasn't herself.

We built a few double digit leads but Purdue would quickly outscore us by four or six points, making it close. We made around ten turnovers in the second half alone (first was good.) Next, fouls hurt us, posts and Copper late. Our defense was very good, as evidenced by the score. Our guard pressure on the perimeter was good.

We dominated this game yet I sometimes felt we would blow it because I was not confident with our offense. Purdue played tight defense and if it weren't for some offensive rebounds late in the game and the scoring of Copper, and Laney somewhat, we could have lost this one. We could not close things out in the last few minutes because our offense stunk but Purdue missed most of their shots during that time.

While I think Crista was good, she provided little offense except for some screens and rebounds. Ariel did not look good. If Rachel could stay on the floor we would have won by 20 points. The announcers kept saying that Rachel is working her way into the starting lineup as a performance issue, when we all know it is to keep her out of foul trouble.

Keeping Rachel in there and hitting more threes (Cynthia, Briyona and Tyler) could make these games a lot less worrisome. ur defense has been very good.