Board-related question (Sticky Threads)


Heisman Winner
Apr 1, 2004
Is there a way for a message board user to permanently collapse the Sticky Threads? I rarely use them, yet have to scroll past them each and every time I go to the board. They take up too much of the viewable display. Do nominal threads achieve Sticky Threads status based on the thread's activity?
Not to my knowledge...but we only have 4 of them here. One is Carino, another Zags, one is John O's then the other. Not sure what we could cut there...
They could be collapsed into a links thread?

I don't really care one way or the other, they don't bother me, but just looking at it, those threads have roughly 450 and 250 views, whereas there are multiple threads on the first page alone with well over a thousand. The Malik Ellison thread has like 5500 views in just a few days.
I enjoy the Zags and Hoops Haven stickies.
When I come on this board they are one of the things I check out and glad to have them pinned.
Wait, why was Aggs' Google doc removed? I found that incredibly useful considering how poor Rivals covers basketball recruiting.
If you grab my CSS modifications from the football board and add

.discussionList .discussionListItem.sticky {
display: none;

it will hide all sticky threads. Can't get rid of the sticky-header, since that isn't a separate CSS element.