Brian Kelly going after a Coach on the Sidelines

I think the assistant showed great restraint. Kelly is lucky he didn't get dropped on national TV.
I am a Notre Dame hater. This isn't great, but you guys are grossly exaggerating the severity of this. It looks like the assistant coach was abusing the ref and Kelly pushes him off the sideline, pointing to himself as if to say "I am the one who talks to the refs, not you." This is hardly anything for Rutgers fans to care about.
That looked like the genesis of it on the highlight show. Still don't think he should have put his hands on him in such aggressive fashion but they didn't blow it up much and said things get emotional in the heat of the game and sometimes you do or say things you'd like to take back.
Kelly needs to take an example from a real coach. The correct response is to write your feeling down in a notebook to later discuss in a safe environment with your AD.
Kelly is a manbaby with a terrible temper who blames everyone but himself for his team's shortcomings. Hope ND don't fire him.
I understand Kelly's reason for doing what he did. But that doesn't justify it. You don't physically attack a co-worker... ever.

Then, of course, Kelly doesn't apologize or take responsibility for his actions. Total jerk.

Will be interesting to see what sanctions ND imposes on Kelly for this. My guess is none.
Here's what concerns me about the situation. I understand that Kelly's did not want to risk of getting "coaches" unsportsmanlike conduct penalty at such a sensitive time in the game. But he cannot touch anyone on that sideline. I doubt ND will take action but you never know. Other than monetary gain Kelly would have been better served coaching for another team. He is truly an excellent Head Coach.
I'm not a ND hater, but the administration will do nothing except maybe fine him (With a hearty "We're Notre Dame!") With all the ND bluster about academics, etc. the primary focus is still on winning...whether it be a cameraman dying or a rape being swept under the rug.
The assistant strength coach was jawing too much with the ref and was going to get ND a 15 yard penalty at a crucial time.

I don't blame Kelly at all.
Anyone who has ever attended Catholic schools knows that someone laying his hands on you is not considered assault like it is the liberal world. We are talking about ND here.
F*ck Kelly. You guys could nut hug him all you want. He has the right to be upset, but you don't rough up an assistant on national television. And it's not just this one incident, he's a habitual line-stepper. Time and time again he proves to be a bully and a maniac.
I'm not a ND hater, but the administration will do nothing except maybe fine him (With a hearty "We're Notre Dame!") With all the ND bluster about academics, etc. the primary focus is still on winning...whether it be a cameraman dying or a rape being swept under the rug.

What rape was swept under the carpet?

I get why Kelly freaked out but that probably isn't the best way to get the point across. He looked a bit out of control last night.
Anyone who has ever attended Catholic schools knows that someone laying his hands on you is not considered assault like it is the liberal world. We are talking about ND here.

This is complete and utter bullshit in the present day. Both of my daughters are SJV graduates and I can tell you that these schools have ZERO tolerance for anything, whether it's drugs, violence, what have you. They state their position very plainly and very often: "Unlike public schools, we can throw kids out for pretty much no reason at all."
Ty Webb: Read the Washington Post article by Melinda Henneberger. It'll make you sick. Sexual Assault accusation that wasn't investigated until 5 days after girl committed suicide (10days later). President John Jenkins refused to even meet with dead girl's parents, instead highlighting an investigation into the GIRL. Numerous other articles recount the story. Google under Seebring and Shembo. No charges filed but after a Federal investigation, a "settlement" was reached.

Then there was an actual rape report by another girl, but when Notre Dame players called the girl to tell her not to mess with ND football -- look what happened to the other girl, she didn't press charges.

I'm a Catholic boy who went to Catholic grammer school and was always a ND fan. No longer. I rank the administrator/priests at ND no higher than the Bishops and Cardinals that knew little boys were being molested and not only did nothing, but greased the skids to continue to do it.

Probably outguns Joe Pa at Ped State.