Give it a rest. He's gone. Be happy in that and let him have his say.Classy for sure. I don't want to be critical of the man, but let's pump the brakes on the "strong foundation" stuff. He put more than his fair share of cracks into it
Classy for sure. I don't want to be critical of the man, but let's pump the brakes on the "strong foundation" stuff. He put more than his fair share of cracks into it
98% of that job happens outside of a TV broadcast. 98% of judging that job, the opposite.Deep down he probably thought he was doing a great job.
I wish him the best. This just wasn't a good fit for him.
Classy job by flood. While a poor head coach he was a valuable part of the staff for a long time. Think he would be great in an assistants role again on a P5 staff and hope he gets a look.
Also ., Is this just me or is 2012 big east championship talk a joke. I cringe every time I see him or someone else list this as some great accomplishment. We went to the 3rd place bowl game that year
Just think, if he lost the USF game in 2013, he would be gone back then. The powers that be ensured that we won that game. Lousy USF team on a cold night in Piscataway.And this right here is also the reason why I never took part in ridiculing and piling on the guy for getting fired, and why I never booed him or called him names during the "Be a Hero" ad no matter how frustrated I was with his performance.. Ontop of all the selfless community work he organized, he did the best he could. He wasn't ALL bad, and he did give us a few cool moments over the years.
He's only 44... so he was at Rutgers for nearly half of his adult life. He loved RU and he loved those kids like they were his own. You better believe taking him away from that after so long has him torn to shreds. He could barely keep it together at the USF game in 2013 when the rumors were swirling... the guy is probably curled into a ball crying like a baby right now. I wish him the best of luck.
Ask Leonte Carroo and get back to me.San what did he do well in the 98% we didn't see ?