College Ave. Construction


Heisman Winner
Oct 11, 2004
Picture from NB's Facebook page:


40 College Ave, where a public plaza, retail and student housing is
being developed; Mid-ground: 100 Hamilton St - 31 units of
student-oriented housing; Background: Somerset Mews - new rental housing
where 20% of the units are set aside for affordable housing.
Really hope they went with the "Union Place" moniker.
Originally posted by RUseaweed:
They recently updated the Devco website. Which is nice, because a lot of the information there is from last September. Here's a recent picture of construction:

What's the future for the "Dixie Cup" building? That eventually getting torn down?
Originally posted by Jim_from_RU:

Originally posted by RUseaweed:
They recently updated the Devco website. Which is nice, because a lot of the information there is from last September. Here's a recent picture of construction:

What's the future for the "Dixie Cup" building? That eventually getting torn down?
Yes, that will be demolished for the School of Arts and Sciences building.

Originally posted by lawmatt78:
Originally posted by Jim_from_RU:

Originally posted by RUseaweed:
They recently updated the Devco website. Which is nice, because a lot of the information there is from last September. Here's a recent picture of construction:

What's the future for the "Dixie Cup" building? That eventually getting torn down?
Yes, that will be demolished for the School of Arts and Sciences building.

To me this is the much bigger and more important of the two construction projects. One is just run of the ill new urban retail and housing. This is true collegiate style project in the heart of the historic campus.
Originally posted by derleider:

Originally posted by lawmatt78:

Originally posted by Jim_from_RU:

Originally posted by RUseaweed:
They recently updated the Devco website. Which is nice, because a lot of the information there is from last September. Here's a recent picture of construction:

What's the future for the "Dixie Cup" building? That eventually getting torn down?
Yes, that will be demolished for the School of Arts and Sciences building.

To me this is the much bigger and more important of the two construction projects. One is just run of the ill new urban retail and housing. This is true collegiate style project in the heart of the historic campus.

Thoughts on the question if Rutgers is "getting it right" here?
Originally posted by e5fdny:
Originally posted by derleider:

Originally posted by lawmatt78:

Originally posted by Jim_from_RU:

Originally posted by RUseaweed:
They recently updated the Devco website. Which is nice, because a lot of the information there is from last September. Here's a recent picture of construction:

What's the future for the "Dixie Cup" building? That eventually getting torn down?
Yes, that will be demolished for the School of Arts and Sciences building.

To me this is the much bigger and more important of the two construction projects. One is just run of the ill new urban retail and housing. This is true collegiate style project in the heart of the historic campus.

Thoughts on the question if Rutgers is "getting it right" here?
The Holy Hill site is certainly about as right as RU has ever gotten it from the illustrations.

The lot 8 - would much rather have seen them go with something lower, and more collegiate and then make their way down College Ave (where there are way too many houses and parking lots) if they needed more dorm capacity (if need be, offer the frats a land swap with some of the RU Union street frontage). I think the high rise is completely inappropriate to the setting.

That would have killed two birds with one stone - provide needed capacity increases and gotten rid of unsightly buildings on CA.
Originally posted by derleider:

Originally posted by e5fdny:
Originally posted by derleider:

Originally posted by lawmatt78:

Originally posted by Jim_from_RU:

Originally posted by RUseaweed:
They recently updated the Devco website. Which is nice, because a lot of the information there is from last September. Here's a recent picture of construction:

What's the future for the "Dixie Cup" building? That eventually getting torn down?
Yes, that will be demolished for the School of Arts and Sciences building.

To me this is the much bigger and more important of the two construction projects. One is just run of the ill new urban retail and housing. This is true collegiate style project in the heart of the historic campus.

Thoughts on the question if Rutgers is "getting it right" here?
The Holy Hill site is certainly about as right as RU has ever gotten it from the illustrations.

The lot 8 - would much rather have seen them go with something lower, and more collegiate and then make their way down College Ave (where there are way too many houses and parking lots) if they needed more dorm capacity (if need be, offer the frats a land swap with some of the RU Union street frontage). I think the high rise is completely inappropriate to the setting.

That would have killed two birds with one stone - provide needed capacity increases and gotten rid of unsightly buildings on CA.
What this bigger project does do (in conjunction with the Honors College housing) is allow Rutgers to demolish and redevelop without losing a lot of housing and greatly inconveniencing students as much. Once these projects are done, it will be much easier to demolish one or more of the river dorms without impacting available beds. I will reserve judgement on the lot 8 project until it is complete (although I believe that the hype over the grassy 'knoll' is way overdone and I envision either a giant mud bath therein or an acre of dusty, dirt laden footpaths)
It makes sense to want to build dorms - but like I said there were other ways of doing it that would have made more sense than simply erecting a fadish apartment building on a prime corner and calling it a dorm.
We will update more recent photos ......things are moving along ...NBTS moved tomorrow..asbestos abatement starts next week on Dixie cup building with demo hopefully by the end of the month....steel on honors college will be completed by end of July .....still no name for lot 8....
Originally posted by Cofifa:
We will update more recent photos ......things are moving along ...NBTS moved tomorrow..asbestos abatement starts next week on Dixie cup building with demo hopefully by the end of the month....steel on honors college will be completed by end of July .....still no name for lot 8....
Thanks for the update - moving along very nicely
Recent construction photo updates of Honors College

This post was edited on 7/1 3:29 PM by Cofifa

This post was edited on 7/1 3:34 PM by Cofifa
You'll have an impressive view from cedar ave in highland park, not to mention from NJT when over the raritan
Wow. That Honors College is really going to have a spectacular view. Very interested to see what the final product looks like. As a freshman in Frelinghuysen I was always left with a bad taste in my mouth staring at the empty grass/dirt lot where Fiji used to be.

Glad to hear the Dixie Cup building is getting torn down soon. Was a real eye sore when compared to Vorhees Mall across the street.
Originally posted by Cofifa:
We will update more recent photos ......things are moving along ...NBTS moved tomorrow..asbestos abatement starts next week on Dixie cup building with demo hopefully by the end of the month....steel on honors college will be completed by end of July .....still no name for lot 8....
Let me just throw in a thank you. Each project will be a tremendous asset to our University.
Oy vey... People are averse to change it's comical. If the "people" had their way, the gateway, Easton ave apts, river watch, rockoff, the George, et al would have never been built.

Devco has been tremendous in getting things built at all costs. Esp when compared to more suburban urban areas w/o a devco like organization. Every urban center trying to build should have a devco or asbury partners type organization working to rebuild and revamp their downtowns. Otherwise, you get cowardice politicians who are too afraid to go all in a project out of fear of being voted out of office.
Definitely a smart move to orient the Arts & Sciences buildings parallel with College Ave. and have a space between them - as opposed to the wall that was created by the old Seminary building.
Looks great. I hope when they upgrade College Ave more near the Raritan that they really spruce it up. Get rid of all the graffiti.
RU G-How about the Records Hall redevelopment area, is DEVCO involved with any of that?

Honors College is AWESOME!

Panera is going into the TCNJ Campus Town...need to find them parking at RU
Originally posted by SF88:
RU G-How about the Records Hall redevelopment area, is DEVCO involved with any of that?

Honors College is AWESOME!

Panera is going into the TCNJ Campus Town...need to find them parking at RU
The Records Hall area is part of the long-term redevelopment plan, but I don't think Devco is involved - at least not yet.

How do we "find" Panera parking? If they can't adapt to denser development, they can take a walk. They aren't that special.
This would be a storefront with hundreds of students living above it, thousands of people walking by daily, and thousands of people living within several blocks. And they need a parking lot? Please...
Originally posted by lawmatt78:
Originally posted by SF88:
RU G-How about the Records Hall redevelopment area, is DEVCO involved with any of that?

Honors College is AWESOME!

Panera is going into the TCNJ Campus Town...need to find them parking at RU
The Records Hall area is part of the long-term redevelopment plan, but I don't think Devco is involved - at least not yet.

How do we "find" Panera parking? If they can't adapt to denser development, they can take a walk. They aren't that special.
This would be a storefront with hundreds of students living above it, thousands of people walking by daily, and thousands of people living within several blocks. And they need a parking lot? Please...
More to the point is WHY? Jeez - its Panera. If students really want to DRIVE to Panera they can just drive to the one on Route 1.
Re: Please Hurry!!!

What I really want to see is a rebuild College Ave. looking downtown from the Commons - landscaping, bike lanes, bus lanes, the works. It has been just too long.
I know it was sort of unavoidable but the parking lot behind the new seminary school stings a little. Shame they couldn't compromise and agree to a lot somewhere else or raised money (probably too significant) to build an underground lot. Still looks good, and a huge improvement from before. Just a shame we moved rather than removed a parking lot. dead in the center of campus =/
I totally agree the parking lot is short sited but NBTS insisted. We did price a large underground garage and the cost was prohibitive .