COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmissions, Deaths, Treatments, Vaccines, Interventions and More...

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Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

(CNN) We're now more than seven months into the coronavirus pandemic that has upended the lives of most of Earth's inhabitants. And while it is true that the scientific community has learned many things about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, Covid-19, there are also many gaps in our understanding.

One big mystery: Why do some people get very sick and even die from their illness, while other similar people show no symptoms and may not realize they've been infected at all?
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Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

(CNN) We're now more than seven months into the coronavirus pandemic that has upended the lives of most of Earth's inhabitants. And while it is true that the scientific community has learned many things about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, Covid-19, there are also many gaps in our understanding.

One big mystery: Why do some people get very sick and even die from their illness, while other similar people show no symptoms and may not realize they've been infected at all?
Folks that have no or little symptoms likely are not obese or have diabetes.
I think very little of their opinion. I have high confidence in a vaccine (several vaccines actually) working, given the data we've seen on recovered COVID patients having at least 6 months of sustained neutralizing antibodies and early vaccine clinical trials showing good responses for those antibodies. Of course, we won't know for sure until the phase III trials have been completed, but there's every indication that one of more of these vaccines will likely work. Even if vaccine immunity only lasts a year, I don't think most would complain about having to get a vaccine booster every year. Now, if we have a working vaccine and only 50% of people get it, it's quite possible that the virus will become endemic and occasionally flare up among the non-vaccinated (and for those the vaccine is not 100% protective for, which is very possible, although in those cases there would likely be greatly reduced symptoms).
Thanks - hopefully people realize that arguing and even the occasional insult or two doesn't mean not caring. Trying to provide some useful information is a big part of why I've spent so much time on social media during this pandemic. Good luck and great to hear you're getting the oximeter. It also sounds like a very low probability that you would've infected anyone, given your practices.
Numbers I believe 99.9% of people on this board care... care about family, friends and Rutgers... I also know even though I have been at fault more than I care to admit. I am always concerned about people and Rutgers. Since 1967 it has brought me and my family great memories. So thank you.
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I'm curious as to what the safety issues would be. Kids have been getting MMR vaccines for years. I understand those are 3 different viruses but theoretically getting 3 different anti viral mechanisms against 1 virus should be as safe as the MMR vaccine.
And every one of those combos was tested extensively before being deployed. There's simply no way of knowing if there might be a safety issue without testing. How would the different active agents interact with each other and the virus, eventually? Could ADE (antibody dependent enhancement - was an issue in animals for the SARS vaccine) become more likely? I could pose another 10 questions, but that's the gist of it.
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No issue with discussing the risks of obesity - my issue is blaming our huge differences with other countries based on obesity, which is maybe a 2X factor out of a 50X difference.
I agree with the regards to the spread of the virus. Obesity has nothing to do with it. However or high death rate I believe is a significant factor other than age
Was talking to my stepmom today in Florida. She knows three people who got positive results who didnt even take a test. They were in line only and couldnt get tested. What a joke the numbers reported are.

You’re right that there is a joke to be made here...

“We are continuing to see an exponential surge in patients who arrive in our ER and fake life-threatening symptoms of a virus we all know doesn’t really exist—or, if it does, is no worse than the flu,” said Dr. Melinda Rowenta, a critical care physician in Miami, explaining that the popular trend of pretending to be dying from Covid-19 had put an incredible strain on the Level 1 trauma center where she works
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You’re right that there is a joke to be made here...

“We are continuing to see an exponential surge in patients who arrive in our ER and fake life-threatening symptoms of a virus we all know doesn’t really exist—or, if it does, is no worse than the flu,” said Dr. Melinda Rowenta, a critical care physician in Miami, explaining that the popular trend of pretending to be dying from Covid-19 had put an incredible strain on the Level 1 trauma center where she works
Is this for real? If so, this country is in deep trouble not health wise but society wise.
Wow---the mods allow this demonstrably false political rant to remain but took down a post of Sen Schumer not wearing a mask while rubbing elbows with Pelosi. LOL

We don't even need to look back at the seven Union generals Abraham Lincoln fired during the Civil War to know that a POTUS and those under him don't always align in terms of policy or philosophy or "culture". In the last 3 years alone we've seen the bureaucracy of this Admin try to take down Trump twice (at least), in the Rusher and Ukraine scams. In both cases the public was lectured incessantly by the Dems and 95% of media that the career government officials were "the experts" and doing their jobs as "professionals" as they opposed Trump's policy, philosophy and "culture".

Now we are to believe those tragic errors in a CDC lab in Atlanta by other career government scientists and health officials are because of Trump. And even though both Fauci and Birx have criticized the misinformation and lack of transparency by China, along with the WHO's failures that are so obvious, the chicomvirus seeding here so deeply is, of course, Trump's fault? What else? Is Cuomo's order sending covid-infected elderly LTC patients into nursing homes Trump's fault? Or Cuomo threatening to sue Trump if Trump quarantined NYC is, yet again, Trump's fault?

I could go on but why bother...entrenched political opinions seem immune to facts.

What happened to us respecting each others opinions?

My post that seems to have you going off the deep end again is completely factual. Trump has blown it big time. Everybody except the remaining 30% Trump 4evers understands this.

Your Civil War analogy is as stupid as it is ridiculous. I could write a thesis on how stupid it is to compare the Civil War to this pandemic. But yeah, your the wronged party on this board.
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Was talking to my stepmom today in Florida. She knows three people who got positive results who didnt even take a test. They were in line only and couldnt get tested. What a joke the numbers reported are.
Do they take the address and contact information for people in line prior to them being tested? Doesn’t make much sense to me that they would bother with having them fill out info prior to the test.
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Was talking to my stepmom today in Florida. She knows three people who got positive results who didnt even take a test. They were in line only and couldnt get tested. What a joke the numbers reported are.

I've seen this same story countless times on social media. Supposedly it's happening throughout the country.

It (people getting positive test results without actually taking a test) is either a major problem or this story that is showing up everywhere is a hoax.
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Haven't updated the IHME models in awhile, so thought the end of the month was a good time to do so. The model is now showing a cumulative 231K deaths through 11/1/20 (from 158K now) and 207K deaths through 10/1/20, which represents a modest increase from the mid-June model run (as per the linked post above), which showed a projected 201K deaths through 10/1/2020; this was a big jump up from 169K a week earlier with most of that increase due to increased projections from FL, CA, GA, AZ, AL, and TX.

I can't tell from their release notes if they're factoring in lower death rates due to the factors I've been discussing for awhile, i.e., younger people infected, less serious cases detected now witih more testing, and improved treatments/procedures - I think they are, since they're using recent death rate history to inform the model.

Note that they also show projections for 198K cumulative deaths through 11/1 if there were universal masking, which is a substantial reduction, as one would expect, and they also show projections of 252K cumulative deaths through 11/1 if current mandates in place were substantially eased, which is a substantial increase, again as one would expect. One would think saving 33K lives over the next 3 months would be enough to convince people to all wear masks. It's also interesting to note that another COVID model has a nearly identical projection of 230K US deaths through 11/1/20 (link below).

Lastly, the projected deaths for NJ/NY are fairly low (per capita vs. the rest of the US) from here through the end of October, with NY inceasing from 32.8K now to 34.5K by 11/1 and with NJ increasing from 15.9K to 17.0K from now through 11/1. See the graphs below.



Can someone explain how NJ’s transmission rates keep going up WoW while our new cases remain range bound?
Love it. Everyone will get it sooner or later. The sooner the better.

I might agree with this except for a couple of key points:
1. Doctors are getting better at treating the symptoms of the infection which is reducing death rates. Assuming there continues to be improvements in treatment protocols, the longer someone holds off on getting infected, the better their chances of avoiding severe reactions.
2. There are vaccines and other treatments on the relatively immediate horizon. Why should we risk significant numbers of people's lives and/or health when it is quite possible in a few months Covid will be mostly tamed?

If treatment improvements had plateaued and there was no relatively short term hope for vaccine/advanced treatments, I would agree with the concept, lets get this thing over with, why draw it out if eventually essentially the same number of people are going to die(or have severe effects).
but fortunately that is not the case, and both hospital treatments and potential cures continue to progress.
I might agree with this except for a couple of key points:
1. Doctors are getting better at treating the symptoms of the infection which is reducing death rates. Assuming there continues to be improvements in treatment protocols, the longer someone holds off on getting infected, the better their chances of avoiding severe reactions.
2. There are vaccines and other treatments on the relatively immediate horizon. Why should we risk significant numbers of people's lives and/or health when it is quite possible in a few months Covid will be mostly tamed?

If treatment improvements had plateaued and there was no relatively short term hope for vaccine/advanced treatments, I would agree with the concept, lets get this thing over with, why draw it out if eventually essentially the same number of people are going to die(or have severe effects).
but fortunately that is not the case, and both hospital treatments and potential cures continue to progress.

It's why seeing countries do so much better is so frustrating. If they can keep things under control for a few more months and we then have a near cure or a vaccine, they'll have 5-10 deaths per 1MM and we'll have 800 per 1MM.
Was talking to my stepmom today in Florida. She knows three people who got positive results who didnt even take a test. They were in line only and couldnt get tested. What a joke the numbers reported are.
Same in North Carolina
Who is making the money?
Is it the Testing Centers?
Who is supposed to be paying them?
States get Federal Funds to combat the virus, no? More positives more deaths leads to a bigger piece of the pie. Please explain the first post on this why a person waiting to be tested gets notification of a positive?
I'm going to disagree. Too many deaths of other reasons are being reported as Covid. Heart attack and stroke deaths are down. They are just being bundled into Covid #s

The analysis in that article is simply pointing out that more people are dying this year compared to other years.
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States get Federal Funds to combat the virus, no? More positives more deaths leads to a bigger piece of the pie. Please explain the first post on this why a person waiting to be tested gets notification of a positive?
1.The testing is being done by commercial labs, so the state would need to convince the commercial labs to commit fraud on their behalf. Given the supposed breadth of the fraud that is happening, there would need to be lots of people in the commercial labs in on the scheme. Someone would have gone to the police already if that was the case.
2. Pretty easy to explain why there is a post stating a person waiting to be tested get notification of a positive, because the person who posted read about it on social media and forgot that social media isn't news, its social media, and you can't trust anything you read on social media.
1.The testing is being done by commercial labs, so the state would need to convince the commercial labs to commit fraud on their behalf. Given the supposed breadth of the fraud that is happening, there would need to be lots of people in the commercial labs in on the scheme. Someone would have gone to the police already if that was the case.
2. Pretty easy to explain why there is a post stating a person waiting to be tested get notification of a positive, because the person who posted read about it on social media and forgot that social media isn't news, its social media, and you can't trust anything you read on social media.
So you are saying without facts that person is lying? Gotcha.
And yes the testing agencies looking for free funds too. They don't need to be told how to work the system. A lot of companies are making a lot of $ of this
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So you are saying without facts that person is lying? Gotcha.
Why should I trust a random person on the internet?
How about proving they aren't lying? You are making a claim that there is a broad based conspiracy to somehow raise the number of cases by faking positive test results. Where is the proof? Why isn't the fed government cracking down on this?
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Why should I trust a random person on the internet?
How about proving they aren't lying? You are making a claim that there is a broad based conspiracy to somehow raise the number of cases by faking positive test results. Where is the proof? Why isn't the fed government cracking down on this?
$$ rules dude.
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