Dear “NobodyLikesNUTS” (moniker 375)

Happy Thanksgiving!

you can wish that @$$hat one
I'll say this to it
I think he has two more since this post.

Oh, it's been prolific since Thanksgiving Eve: here's the tale of the tape:

SpankyLuvsBC 11/27/2024 11:12 PM
FireSpankyBanNUTS 11/28/2024 10:10 AM
BowlingRU 11/28/2024 12:46 PM
NobodyLikesNUTS 11/28/2024 12:58 PM
SpankySucksNUTS 11/28/2024 1:32 PM
SpankyNUTSHypocrites 11/28/2024 7:17 PM
DJLicksNUTS 11/29/2024 11:03 AM

Ok …so what is the deal here ? Is this a poster that was wronged and wants revenge ?
There has to be a backstory

No backstory. It's been around since at least 2016 which is as far back as we can go with the search capability. It came across the moderators' radar back in the spring of that year with its continual bickering and hijacking of threads concerning the Mets. What's hilarious is that it was the other moderators who first started banning it as those weren't threads i paid much attention to. But it quickly started infesting other threads

One of the earliest names for it was RutgersB1G - even back then it was grinding its attendance axe as evidenced, for example, by this poll it started:

Michigan at Rutgers: Actual attendance

As you can see in that thread, other people have already identified its trolling and are calling it out.

A few have opined this may actually be just an evolution of TSopranoRU - not sure about that because we have no examples of posting style or content from way back then in the late 2000's. Back then that person used to stalk John O. and I across multiple platforms, social media, IM, etc.
Oh, it's been prolific since Thanksgiving Eve: here's the tale of the tape:

SpankyLuvsBC 11/27/2024 11:12 PM
FireSpankyBanNUTS 11/28/2024 10:10 AM
BowlingRU 11/28/2024 12:46 PM
NobodyLikesNUTS 11/28/2024 12:58 PM
SpankySucksNUTS 11/28/2024 1:32 PM
SpankyNUTSHypocrites 11/28/2024 7:17 PM
DJLicksNUTS 11/29/2024 11:03 AM

No backstory. It's been around since at least 2016 which is as far back as we can go with the search capability. It came across the moderators' radar back in the spring of that year with its continual bickering and hijacking of threads concerning the Mets. What's hilarious is that it was the other moderators who first started banning it as those weren't threads i paid much attention to. But it quickly started infesting other threads

One of the earliest names for it was RutgersB1G - even back then it was grinding its attendance axe as evidenced, for example, by this poll it started:

Michigan at Rutgers: Actual attendance

As you can see in that thread, other people have already identified its trolling and are calling it out.

A few have opined this may actually be just an evolution of TSopranoRU - not sure about that because we have no examples of posting style or content from way back then in the late 2000's. Back then that person used to stalk John O. and I across multiple platforms, social media, IM, etc.
Yikes !!!
Oh, it's been prolific since Thanksgiving Eve: here's the tale of the tape:

SpankyLuvsBC 11/27/2024 11:12 PM
FireSpankyBanNUTS 11/28/2024 10:10 AM
BowlingRU 11/28/2024 12:46 PM
NobodyLikesNUTS 11/28/2024 12:58 PM
SpankySucksNUTS 11/28/2024 1:32 PM
SpankyNUTSHypocrites 11/28/2024 7:17 PM
DJLicksNUTS 11/29/2024 11:03 AM

No backstory. It's been around since at least 2016 which is as far back as we can go with the search capability. It came across the moderators' radar back in the spring of that year with its continual bickering and hijacking of threads concerning the Mets. What's hilarious is that it was the other moderators who first started banning it as those weren't threads i paid much attention to. But it quickly started infesting other threads

One of the earliest names for it was RutgersB1G - even back then it was grinding its attendance axe as evidenced, for example, by this poll it started:

Michigan at Rutgers: Actual attendance

As you can see in that thread, other people have already identified its trolling and are calling it out.

A few have opined this may actually be just an evolution of TSopranoRU - not sure about that because we have no examples of posting style or content from way back then in the late 2000's. Back then that person used to stalk John O. and I across multiple platforms, social media, IM, etc.
With all those accounts I wonder if that poster uses the same password. Psycho.
Hey, we got a new name for our spineless, dickless, virgin (his right hand doesn't count), friendless, socially inept, outcast, intelligence challenged, waste of sperm, basement dwelling troll: Spanky Da Shitass

Was he the FOCUS!!! Guy?

Yep, TSopranoRU was the idiot who thought the team would lose if the fans didn't focus on the game.
Hey, we got a new name for our spineless, dickless, virgin (his right hand doesn't count), friendless, socially inept, outcast, intelligence challenged, waste of sperm, basement dwelling troll: Spanky Da Shitass

Awwwwwww.....................the poor baby didn't like this post. It keeps reporting it. Someone call a Waaaaammmmmbulance!

@DJ Spanky you should find the thread on the VT board where he argued, with himself as different posters, for a full page. That's another good example of his insanity