This.I see a lot of people have issues with the deal but I don't really. It is what it is and beggars can't be choosers. If you see throughout the article, Delany was fairly non committal about RU most of the way. To what degree that's just tough bargaining talk who knows. Yea sure we're the number 1 market and would help further monetize the BTN and give geographic partners to PSU but how can you know just how much you can push? Or how far is too far. Plus how do we know TP and crew didn't ask for better terms but were rebuffed. We needed a lifeline, they didn't. If you're drowning in the sea and some luxury liner (not a dingey) fishes you out, you don't ask many questions and stay grateful.
Delany is the guy who wouldn't be pushed around by ESPN, the big behemoth in sports, at a time where they were at their zenith. They thought they were gonna call his bluff and instead unleashed a pandora's box of conference networks. If ESPN isn't going to push him in negotiations, it's unlikely we can. One can say, well yea the B10 wants the #1 market in the country but just how far you can push them and how much they want it is unknown and if you think they're bluffing, well you could end up regretting it like ESPN. It's a long term lifetime decision so if you have to put up with some less than ideal circumstances for a short period, you deal with it for the much greater good down the line.
The deal Rutgers got was that we would be saved from ruin, and while we would maintain current revenue levels, we would be at a financial disadvantage to our new conference mates for 7 years. After that RU would receive an equal share in perpetuity.
7 years is a blink of the eye. Nothing to be upset about with the deal that was made.