Feel Bad For Rettig


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
I feel like the more experience I get, the better I am going to be," Rettig said. "I just felt good finishing that drive. Even all the fans weren't there, I felt good. My teammates felt good. I progressed."

I feel bad that this kid had to show his stuff in the waning minutes of a nationally televised blow out...and the home crowd was down to rubber- neckers at a fender bender.

Rettig is very talented / if Flood has one iota of brain cell that functions he should play him the same way he rotates his RB's (whether every other QTR or series): I don't care. Ask Urban how to manage 3 QB's. Just do it.

When it becomes clear that Rettig is JT Barrett and Laviano is Jones....we might make it to 6 "W's"....if not, fire him /Julie and let's get it right this time.