For those who post content from NJ.Com/Ledger

John Otterstedt

Hall of Famer
Jul 10, 2001
Hello everyone.... While I totally get the issues that many of you have with the Ledger and, I can't support people posting the full text of their articles with the intent of saving people from giving them page views. It can get us into trouble. On top of that, the press box is a small place, and we have to peacefully coexist with the writers from various companies. All of the writers are friendly, and oftentimes writers from different companies help one another with stats, quotes, insight, etc. With that said, aside from it being wrong to post the content in a copy/paste manner, it makes it uncomfortable for us when we are working alongside the people whose articles you are pasting.

If you don't like the Ledger, I ask you to simply ignore them as opposed to copying/pasting their content.

Thank you.
Those who condemn links to the Ledger are small minded and tools IMO. Not everyone who reads this board lives locally in NJ.
I think the Ledger/NJO threatened to sue Scarlet Nation, during the Josh & Ted BS campaign , for its members copying and pasting full articles and putting them here ,so no one had to go to the NJO site to read the article..
This should apply to content from ALL sources, not just

My post containing a quote of the game statistics only was deleted in another thread. Statistics are not protected by copyright. There was some disparity in Duggan's posted stats on Rettig and the Asbury Park Press report, and was wondering which stats were correct. I'm pretty careful with what I quote, and I would not post an entire article.

Sports Statistics Not Protected
Originally posted by Knight Shift:
This should apply to content from ALL sources, not just

Hope John can get some moderating help so that when others copy/paste entire articles...those posts get deleted or edited, plus those that commit those violations get warning notices sent (seems that most violations are done by the same few).
Knight Shift... You will notice slight differences in stats because the school didn't keep official stats like they do for regular games. Every writer was on his own to figure out where each play started and stopped. This was complicated further since, from what I was told (I wasn't there), there were some situations that weren't typical game situations and, therefore, some writers might not have kept stats for those plays.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
But its ok for duggan and politi to take stories from here...

If you see see duggan or politi in the small press box, please fart on them
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Knightmoves:
Those who condemn links to the Ledger are small minded and tools IMO. Not everyone who reads this board lives locally in NJ.
I don't live in NJ

I wholeheartedly condemn all links to the star liar
The animosity towards the Ledger is way overblown around here, like it used to be towards Luicci. Yeah, some of the stories are slanted and/or exaggerated to sell papers, but I assure you they'd all love nothing more than to be covering a top 10 RU program. And I can't stand when people start threads talking about a Ledger story and don't even include the link.
Originally posted by RU848789:
The animosity towards the Ledger is way overblown around here, like it used to be towards Luicci. Yeah, some of the stories are slanted and/or exaggerated to sell papers, but I assure you they'd all love nothing more than to be covering a top 10 RU program. And I can't stand when people start threads talking about a Ledger story and don't even include the link.
I disagree about it being overblown. I've noticed that on Yahoo news, there are at least 2 over the top head over heels positive stories about Michigan football and Harbaugh every day from the Detroit Free press. While I understand Harbaugh is expected to be the savior of their program, why is such cheerleading by the newspaper warranted? On the other hand, if Julie farts or something mildly goes out of whack around Rutgers sports, the bozos at the Star Liar and NJ.Com have a field day with multiple stories for weeks on end. You don't see this crap from Dunleavy and the crew at the Home News and Asbury Park Press. While I don't expect the reporters to be total homers, the constant and predictable negativity from the Star Liar/ is tiresome. Whatever is in bac's signature I hope happens to them. You reap what you sow.

Check out the Detroit Free Press Wolverine PR Machine.

Detroit Free Press
Wow. Some crybabies in this thread. If you don't like the SL don't read it and don't post about it. Simple enough.
Originally posted by RU848789:
The animosity towards the Ledger is way overblown around here, like it used to be towards Luicci. Yeah, some of the stories are slanted and/or exaggerated to sell papers, but I assure you they'd all love nothing more than to be covering a top 10 RU program. And I can't stand when people start threads talking about a Ledger story and don't even include the link.
Disagree with you here. I never had any problem with Lucci. To me, he was always fair - although not a cheerleader. And he was (and still is) a professional.

The SL/NJ.COM's attacks (mostly from that dochebag politi) on Herman have been completely unprofessional and self-serving. And while I realize that not visiting their website is unlikely to have any impact on them, it's the only form of protest I have available to me. I will go back to reading SL/NJ.COM articles when they dissassociate themselves from Politi and Manahan. But not until then.
Don't want to take any flak from the SL over posting stuff that shouldn't be posted. However, I do appreciate when someone calls out that their hotlink is from the SL or - that at least gives those of us that prefer not to give them web traffic the choice to avoid those articles.

The SL has proven repeatedly to be no friend to the university or the athletic department. (And that's wholly apart from its other failings as a major newspaper). But I don't want to get John or the site in hot water for posting any proprietary content.

So I will never ever buy any of their newspapers and I will continue to encourage everyone to do the same.

I will also never ever visit their website for any reason.

I will never post any text or links to their site.

Hopefully that will help.
John please be clearer on one point. To cut and paste is not ok from what you appear to be saying. However I don't see any problem y making reference to.a link or link g in directly to as this appears to be public information available yo anyone and a link to it should be ok. Is my assumption correct?
I am pretty sure as long as you post a link, the poor widdle crybaby talk from that rag would dry up (although the thought of those cretin execs fretting about the attribution/citing behavior of an essentially, with all due respect, high school recruiting website gives me pleasure to no end).

kinda like this:
do NOT click this, it goes to the HORRIBLE star ledger website.
Originally posted by mdh2003:
I am pretty sure as long as you post a link, the poor widdle crybaby talk from that rag would dry up (although the thought of those cretin execs fretting about the attribution/citing behavior of an essentially, with all due respect, high school recruiting website gives me pleasure to no end).

kinda like this:
do NOT click this, it goes to the HORRIBLE star ledger website.
Nails it. The fact that they are concerned about it shows, beyond all reasonable doubt, that their primary motivation in writing unfair stories about the school is to generate click bait for largely, the big fans of RU who will always click to see "what lies they are telling this time." Especially as it pertains to the online stories, people who don't like Rutgers don't click those links.
Originally posted by RutgersROB:
But its ok for duggan and politi to take stories from here...

If you see see duggan or politi in the small press box, please fart on them

Posted from Rivals Mobile
+100. I was thinking the same thing. They generate some of their content from posts on this site.
I don't think they would be happy with a copy/paste of an entire article, even if there was a link. I wouldn't be happy with that if it were my article. That is why I think that, if you are against sending a site traffic, don't mention their content.
Guys, John is doing his best here to promote proper behaviour on posting. I hate the SL as much as anybody, but that is no reason to put John or the staff into difficult, or even legally exposed situations. You don't want to promote the SL, don't post their stuff. You if do want to post stuff, you have to provide a link.
Originally posted by SkilletHead2:
Guys, John is doing his best here to promote proper behaviour on posting. I hate the SL as much as anybody, but that is no reason to put John or the staff into difficult, or even legally exposed situations. You don't want to promote the SL, don't post their stuff. You if do want to post stuff, you have to provide a link.
I get that. What I have an issue with is the definition of "legally exposed situation(s)". I think we should endeavor to better understand precisely what that is, so that everyone is aware of rules which do not appear in any way vague or arbitrary.
What about the Times when we have a nice heated discussion on this board and then the exact same topic ends up in an article. Stay classy NJ.
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by SkilletHead2:
Guys, John is doing his best here to promote proper behaviour on posting. I hate the SL as much as anybody, but that is no reason to put John or the staff into difficult, or even legally exposed situations. You don't want to promote the SL, don't post their stuff. You if do want to post stuff, you have to provide a link.
I get that. What I have an issue with is the definition of "legally exposed situation(s)". I think we should endeavor to better understand precisely what that is, so that everyone is aware of rules which do not appear in any way vague or arbitrary.
agree, I would like to get clarification on this issue as to what is and what isn't illegal. If you provide a link and then copy and paste a paragraph or two is that okay...I thought it was okay as long as the link was provided. Yes I would think copying an entirely article is probably not legal but where do we draw the line
I would suggest you give a brief description in your own words on what the article is about and then say see for yourself
and post link..
Originally posted by SkilletHead2:
Guys, John is doing his best here to promote proper behaviour on posting. I hate the SL as much as anybody, but that is no reason to put John or the staff into difficult, or even legally exposed situations. You don't want to promote the SL, don't post their stuff. You if do want to post stuff, you have to provide a link.
Dude - as far as I know, you're still an American. Start acting like it. It's "behavior." :>)
Originally posted by MADHAT1:
I would suggest you give a brief description in your own words on what the article is about and then say see for yourself
and post link..
or just do a Google search for the source article from another news outlet, message board posting, and/or fictional story reprint...... goodness knows, no one at that rag ever had an original idea..........
Originally posted by SkilletHead2:
Guys, John is doing his best here to promote proper behaviour on posting. I hate the SL as much as anybody, but that is no reason to put John or the staff into difficult, or even legally exposed situations. You don't want to promote the SL, don't post their stuff. You if do want to post stuff, you have to provide a link.
This..they suck and this is the correct manner to address John's ask..