Tonight was something I had never experienced. Apparently they went full football mode with volume on 100....all kinds of Ozzy nonsense, all aboard, make some noise. God I thought I was going to hear a train horn. They played Bring Em Out over the fight song. That infuriated me. The incessant dance club, the one horrific one latin type song they played maybe with a minute left was the absolute worst. We were spared the Ay Ah Ay Ah at least
Whoever was in charge should be FIRED. Its not a football game. I understand that there will be a lot of piped in music but tonight was ridiculous and it better not be the norm going forward. Take that shit and gtfoh
Whoever was in charge should be FIRED. Its not a football game. I understand that there will be a lot of piped in music but tonight was ridiculous and it better not be the norm going forward. Take that shit and gtfoh