I once dated a model


All Conference
Jul 21, 2008
This was before I had any money. Early 90's. I met her online -as in the bathroom line for the Baja club on the UWS. She was beautiful. Unlike most model/actresses she was actually getting tons of work. She bought me clothes. She fired my barber and gave my new guy the instructions for the haircut I've been walking around in ever since. Being with a hard working, average looking guy fed something in her. Some girls really like a tall fella. Daddy issues go without saying. Friends and family thought that everything must be great. There was just no magic. She was in and out of my life within 6 months.

I think of Ace and Dylan and I feel like they look great but this is probably going nowhere.
Excuse Me Reaction GIF
The female equivalent to Ace/Dylan skill never gave me the time of day. You're either better looking than you give yourself credit for, or you were brimming with remarkable confidence in the 90s.

I did pretty well with the Souf Mensah level chicks.
This was before I had any money. Early 90's. I met her online -as in the bathroom line for the Baja club on the UWS. She was beautiful. Unlike most model/actresses she was actually getting tons of work. She bought me clothes. She fired my barber and gave my new guy the instructions for the haircut I've been walking around in ever since. Being with a hard working, average looking guy fed something in her. Some girls really like a tall fella. Daddy issues go without saying. Friends and family thought that everything must be great. There was just no magic. She was in and out of my life within 6 months.

I think of Ace and Dylan and I feel like they look great but this is probably going nowhere.
I read this and I felt like I was your therapist and you were about to hit me with some underlying issue this left you with. You entertained me though, it was better than reading more threads of Martini sucks and Pike doesn’t know how to coach.
This isn’t even an Ace/Dylan issue though.

It’s the same issues that have been clear as day for the past few years. Nothing has changed other than people realizing even with clear NBA talent, we’re on the struggle bus.
I heard Paul Mokeski’s ex is available for some of you lookers 😅
This was before I had any money. Early 90's. I met her online -as in the bathroom line for the Baja club on the UWS. She was beautiful. Unlike most model/actresses she was actually getting tons of work. She bought me clothes. She fired my barber and gave my new guy the instructions for the haircut I've been walking around in ever since. Being with a hard working, average looking guy fed something in her. Some girls really like a tall fella. Daddy issues go without saying. Friends and family thought that everything must be great. There was just no magic. She was in and out of my life within 6 months.

I think of Ace and Dylan and I feel like they look great but this is probably going nowhere.
Sounds like a plastic fantastic lover.
Strange thread but a hellova more interesting than another thread about the probabilities of making the dance and Q1, Q2, Q4 wins/losses etc. Or a thread about Dylan's flu and how many buckets he filled vomitting.
While I'm here, I've never dated a professional model but dated a few absolutely spectacular topless dancers in my heyday😊😇🙂
This was before I had any money. Early 90's. I met her online -as in the bathroom line for the Baja club on the UWS. She was beautiful. Unlike most model/actresses she was actually getting tons of work. She bought me clothes. She fired my barber and gave my new guy the instructions for the haircut I've been walking around in ever since. Being with a hard working, average looking guy fed something in her. Some girls really like a tall fella. Daddy issues go without saying. Friends and family thought that everything must be great. There was just no magic. She was in and out of my life within 6 months.

I think of Ace and Dylan and I feel like they look great but this is probably going nowhere.
Back to the model. Could she make free throws?
This was before I had any money. Early 90's. I met her online -as in the bathroom line for the Baja club on the UWS. She was beautiful. Unlike most model/actresses she was actually getting tons of work. She bought me clothes. She fired my barber and gave my new guy the instructions for the haircut I've been walking around in ever since. Being with a hard working, average looking guy fed something in her. Some girls really like a tall fella. Daddy issues go without saying. Friends and family thought that everything must be great. There was just no magic. She was in and out of my life within 6 months.

I think of Ace and Dylan and I feel like they look great but this is probably going nowhere.
Was her name Grace by any chance and did she look like Salma Hayek? I also hung out quite a bit at the Baja Club, 72nd and Columbus, in the late 80's and early 90's. Great club. Had a lot of success there. The women there were quite attractive.
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Was her name Grace by any chance and did she look like Salma Hayek? I also hung out quite a bit at the Baja Club, 72nd and Columbus, in the late 80's and early 90's. Great club. Had a lot of success there. The women there were quite attractive.
Not Grace and not quite Salma Hayek, who pretty much pins the needle on my speedometer. It was a great club. Great music. Dancing but also a chill vibe. Never any fights. The bathroom had more snow than Alaska and more sex than ...Alaska. Personally I just used the bathroom as a bathroom.

Funny to think we were in the same place at the same time, having the same good time. They had professional party throwers who recruited the bold and the beautiful and students with fake IDs. Club Promoters, they were the primordial influencers. If Elon Musk get the kinks in a time machine worked out, I would love to go back there for a night.

For you young guns out there, a little advice: Shower, iron clean clothes, and a quart of Paco Rabanne. Eye contact. The most beautiful women want an average looking guy...with money and connections, but you can fake that. Average looking girls want an average looking guys and uggos want an average looking guy. There is only a narrow band of 9's that insist on a handsome man. You're practically better off being average looking. I cite Lovette v. Roberts, Joel v. Brinkley, and Zappa v. Greg Alman's Ex.

As for RU bball, I'm a disappointed but not disaffected. Let's win a few and feel what a good roll feels like.
Yeah ... forget the RU reference, and I'm going with the follow-up for "model" stories. Here are mine )not nearly as good as his, but the best I can do):

1) In college I had a girlfriend for a brief time who was a very tall (6'+) shapely blonde who worked at Ford's Modelling Agency - so a working model. We broke up (she dumped me - but I was okay with it and we remained good friends) ... Someone in our 6-8 person "friend" group started dating her ... a guy who was literally the spitting image of Jim Morrison (and a guitar player with his own ]band, no less). Just goes to show that the hip guitar player wannabe rocker beats out the nerd every time.

2) Also late in college or right out of college, spent 3 hours on a train sitting next to, and chatting with, Brooke Shields - nicest girl ... just really sweet and kind ... yeah, gorgeous (and really tall), also - she was in Princeton at the time. Helped her with her duffel bag getting on the train and off the train (she came onto the train after I had already been on for a while - and chose to sit next to me - many other options ... I may have been one of the few people near her age in that car). No, I didn't hit on her, and purposely made no real issue over who she was ... I think why we had such a nice conversation the whole trip ... but she did introduce herself as "Brooke". I have a dim recollection that she adored her half and step siblings, as she talked a lot about them as we rode the train ... I was wearing a Boy Scout National Jamboree coat - and she commented, I recall, that her step brother had loved being a boy scout.

So ... not as exciting as the initial poster in this thread. But I enjoy recalling those 2 stories.
At a business dinner reception in Bologna, Italy, 2008, I was seated at one of 5 tables, with an empty chair to my right. Halfway through, someone put a purse on that seat. I turned to see Paris Hilton standing next to me.

She immediately got mobbed by others at the party, so I got up and went across the ballroom to the wine bar and got a glass of Cabernet. I watched alone from a distance while she graciously took pics with others, and after a few minutes everyone went back to mingling while she was left standing there.

She looked around and started heading toward the bar, where just the bartender and I were standing. As she approached, I asked him for another glass of wine, and just as she came up behind me, I turned, held out the glass for her, and said, “I’m guessing you might like one of these.”

We clinked glasses, took a sip of wine, and proceeded to chat for a good 10 minutes, uninterrupted until another guest came over with a camera and said, “You two look like a nice couple, how about a photo?” We obliged by getting close together (enough for me to put my arm around her waist). The pic was taken, and I asked the picture-taker to email it to me.

If I knew how to post a pic on here from my iPhone I’d share it, but rest assured it was one of those rare moments that you just couldn’t anticipate.
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I'm so tired that I read the title of this post and thought it was going to be about Pike's dated model of coaching! I kid, I kid - I actually like Pike and I think that we can turn things around this season. If Harper was not sick, we would have won both of our last two games. Keep the faith! Go RU!
Not Grace and not quite Salma Hayek, who pretty much pins the needle on my speedometer. It was a great club. Great music. Dancing but also a chill vibe. Never any fights. The bathroom had more snow than Alaska and more sex than ...Alaska. Personally I just used the bathroom as a bathroom.

Funny to think we were in the same place at the same time, having the same good time. They had professional party throwers who recruited the bold and the beautiful and students with fake IDs. Club Promoters, they were the primordial influencers. If Elon Musk get the kinks in a time machine worked out, I would love to go back there for a night.

For you young guns out there, a little advice: Shower, iron clean clothes, and a quart of Paco Rabanne. Eye contact. The most beautiful women want an average looking guy...with money and connections, but you can fake that. Average looking girls want an average looking guys and uggos want an average looking guy. There is only a narrow band of 9's that insist on a handsome man. You're practically better off being average looking. I cite Lovette v. Roberts, Joel v. Brinkley, and Zappa v. Greg Alman's Ex.

As for RU bball, I'm a disappointed but not disaffected. Let's win a few and feel what a good roll feels like.
Thank you, Good-Knight, for bringing up fond memories of the Baja Club in a Rutgers Mens' Hoops forum of all places. I'm sure you and I must have crossed paths there on some Friday and Saturday nights back in the day. Although I'm a happily married man and have been so for 30 years, my thoughts do drift back every once in a while to that club and my "torrid love affair" with the Salma Hayek look alike that I met there. Oh to be 27 again, working in NYC with money to spend and not a care in the world.

The only thing that hasn't changed in all these years is I'm still waiting for Rutgers BB to make a serious run in the Tournament. I thought this year would be the year with our two freshman stars, but it looks like the futility will continue.
At a business dinner reception in Bologna, Italy, 2008, I was seated at one of 5 tables, with an empty chair to my right. Halfway through, someone put a purse on that seat. I turned to see Paris Hilton standing next to me.

She immediately got mobbed by others at the party, so I got up and went across the ballroom to the wine bar and got a glass of Cabernet. I watched alone from a distance while she graciously took pics with others, and after a few minutes everyone went back to mingling while she was left standing there.

She looked around and started heading toward the bar, where just the bartender and I were standing. As she approached, I asked him for another glass of wine, and just as she came up behind me, I turned, held out the glass for her, and said, “I’m guessing you might like one of these.”

We clinked glasses, took a sip of wine, and proceeded to chat for a good 10 minutes, uninterrupted until another guest came over with a camera and said, “You two look like a nice couple, how about a photo?” We obliged by getting close together (enough for me to put my arm around her waist). The pic was taken, and I asked the picture-taker to email it to me.

If I knew how to post a pic on here from my iPhone I’d share it, but rest assured it was one of those rare moments that you just couldn’t anticipate.
When you learn how to post a picture from your personal photos Billy, let me know!
Been on these boards for 20 years…this is an all time thread. Keep the stories coming!
I'm in the middle of a divorce. Brought someone to a football game this past fall who is currently on Broadway and has appeared in numerous Law & Order episodes. Caused a bit of a stir.
You’re dating Sarah Hyland?