I would still be in floods corner if I saw improvement

Are you telling me he hasn't already proven to you he will never win?
Truthfully, you should not look any further than special teams to help you with your decision.

Just curious, is there any financial reason it would benefit us to keep Flood another year?
Zap, that's a point that no one addresses when discussing cost of firing Flood. We should start doing some math examples of what it will cost us to KEEP Flood. And, from a marketing sales viewpoint the distribution and sales of anything Rutgers has, and will continue to plummet. IMHO
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The economic value of keeping flood until we get a little more money is contradicted by the reality of potentially losing 5-6 thousand fair weather season ticket holders next year if he is still running the show.

The writing has been on the wall recruiting wise for about 3 years. I used to have premium but I couldn't stand knowing the ins and outs of the horrible job Flood has been doing. It's been much easier just going to the games and knowing only superficially how terrible a recruiter he actually is.

The damage being done transcends mere wins and losses. All you see is, recruiting is struggling. Whoops, we failed to land this guy or that guy. The underlying story that folks miss, is that there is serious damage being caused in the relationship between HS coaches, parents and recruits with Rutgers. It is not true that NJ HS Coaches like Flood - that's baloney. That is another myth. Not only are we not recruiting the NJ four and five stars, we have burnt bridges to former RU recruiting strong holds. These relationships took time to build, and Flood nuked it in less than four years. Also, with regards to the arrests and the bad apples in the program, does anybody really think that this happened over night? No, it's the culture that has been changed. The academic emphasis. The emphasis on molding good citizens. Belichick drafts Rutgers guy because they are molded a certain way. That is all but gone.
If turay was developing....if young receivers were flashing.....if a young lineman was flashing....if our dlinman were showing fire here and there....if our qb wowed us once in a while.....if our game plan confused our openenent at times.....if we had any back up linebackers pushing the starters.....
I need something to hang my hat.on if u want my support.

Wholly agree with this. High water mark was last year with senior QB Gary Nova. I was a supporter until after the OSU game this year. Figured Wisky game would show us nothing different and that proved right. Hope we get a hot up and coming coach who can recruit and coach. Don't know much about Matt Rhule but he sure had Temple hopping this year. I think they play a pro style and he knows our area. Would help us in PA and NJ. Looks like he is having fun out there and confident to boot.
There have been off -field issues since 2013. Floodies, however, don't want to hear it nor would they ever believe it!
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You are forgiving. At this point I have way more than enough evidence to know he should not be our coach.
There have been off -field issues since 2013. Floodies, however, don't want to hear it nor would they ever believe it!

Why are you still shouting about "floodies" does it make you feel better. Even guys that like the man and hoped he would succeed, are not arguing about keeping him on merit or with that hope any more. It is all about if we have a plan going forward. Because if there is no plan, get rid of your girl as well too.
Why are you still shouting about "floodies" does it make you feel better. Even guys that like the man and hoped he would succeed, are not arguing about keeping him on merit or with that hope any more. It is all about if we have a plan going forward. Because if there is no plan, get rid of your girl as well too.
Good God Yes, there has to be a plan…doesn't there?:D