Is There A Game Saturday?


All American
Jun 29, 2002
And how many of us diehards/non diehard fans are the least bit interested for the game on Saturday? And not even making plans to use our tixs or can't even giveaway tixs to the game?

The answers to those questions and the mere fact its being posed should sound troublesome to our administrative leaders.

The enthusiasm is dead. Flood needs to go fast.

I can't wait to go. Rutgers and Maryland are the new comers and we need to show that even our wounded team can beat Maryland. I don't care who is coaching when it is game day.
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Nobody in my family will come but my son and he's sick. Part of me hopes he doesn't get better......
We'll be there, got a couple of others coming, tailgate is looking good.
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I'll be there with four others. Got to say no one is excited for this one. It's almost like we're going just because it's the last game of the year. We're all emotionally drained from this year. With little hope for the future right now there won't be much enthusiasm in my group. It's a very sad day because usually we're screaming on D and cheering good plays on offense while others around us sit on their hands. Might be joining them in this one.
For the first time since the the Syracuse game in 2006 we'll have scoreboard football,but no one is excited over that?We had only the WVU-USF game to follow then,but on Saturday we'll have a half dozen early games to keep one eye on.
I was more excited to go to the R.U.- U. Conn. game on thanksgiving morning years ago than this crap fest.! I might go I might not. If i go it will only be because I have tickets. There must be a better game on T.V.!