Kyle Flood Halloween costume Part 3


All American
Dec 1, 2012
Every year under Flood I have designed a costume of KF with changes each year based on our current situation.

This year the costume will feature the black fleece that he has had on for multiple games this season, to go along with the white pants we often see. Of course a note pad is needed to keep track of the progression of trick or treating. For every house that gives out any of your top 3 favorite candy, you need to mark down 1-0 for that house. For every other house, you went 0-1.

Now, you are able to bring whatever trick or treating crew you want when you go out, and if your child has a friend that may not be able to go due to poor performance in the classroom, simply email his or her teacher to ask what you can do to help. You also can meet up at a public library but you will also be required not to wear the costume the the library so nobody notices you.

Lastly, if a particular street seems to have a lot of "0-"1 houses, simply stick to that street because it probably will give you the best chance of finally finding a "1-0" house.
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