Land adjacent to Raritan where old NBPD HQ was


Heisman Winner
Dec 28, 2007
I thought I remembered plans to develop this land? Did plans fall through or am I mistaken on that rumor? Though flood damage would always be a concern there, I would think this is some prime real estate.
I'm pretty sure there was talk of a floating dock and another structure over there at some point, but your right I haven't heard anything about it in a long time.
There was never any structure built (was it really even discussed?) but docks were built (New Brunswick Landing), albeit a bit down river - dredging of the river was stopped due to concerns over stirring up contaminated sediment.
Serious question...if they already know the land is flood prone, and already destroyed one structure once located there, why would that land ever be considered developable in the future?
I think the land is a flood plain, but it is high off the water. I don't think the police station was damaged by flooding, it was just abandoned for newer digs.

Regardless, you can build on a flood plain, but you just need to take the appropriate precautions. Just like building on a barrier island at the Jersey Shore, you just need to leave the ground floor for parking. The building can be built on pilings. If it's a restaurant/entertainment complex, it can also take advantage of the improved, unobstructed river views (by being higher). And it might be able to take advantage of the Raritan Landing boat docks in the summertime. You should be able to walk 2-4 minutes from the docks to this piece of land along Boyd Park.
Originally posted by RUSK97:
I don't think the police station was damaged by flooding, it was just abandoned for newer digs.
Its surprisingly hard to find photos of New Brunswick after Hurricane Floyd (these are the only ones I could find) - but the old police station was most certainly flooded (at least to the best of my memory).

It was flooded. The cost to fix the utilities and bring the building up to code was prohibitive so they tore it down & built the new police HQ and courthouse.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
This post was edited on 1/9 6:12 PM by rurichdog
Originally posted by HPNJRUfan:
There was never any structure built (was it really even discussed?) but docks were built (New Brunswick Landing), albeit a bit down river - dredging of the river was stopped due to concerns over stirring up contaminated sediment.
I was in school when they tore down the old police building. They tore it down, then they set up construction trailers because that area was the hub for Conti and Route 18 sub-contractors, equipment, and materials during construction of the new road. As civil engineer majors, we were given a tour as a class trip one day and saw most of the construction going on up close.

After that ,there was a lot of hype with ideas with what to do with that area and yes there were renderings at some point. Renderings aren't plans though and tend to disappear, unless you're the firm that created them, so it seems nothing was ever approved or funding was never found.
Originally posted by PeteGiam07:

Originally posted by HPNJRUfan:
There was never any structure built (was it really even discussed?) but docks were built (New Brunswick Landing), albeit a bit down river - dredging of the river was stopped due to concerns over stirring up contaminated sediment.
I was in school when they tore down the old police building. They tore it down, then they set up construction trailers because that area was the hub for Conti and Route 18 sub-contractors, equipment, and materials during construction of the new road. As civil engineer majors, we were given a tour as a class trip one day and saw most of the construction going on up close.

After that ,there was a lot of hype with ideas with what to do with that area and yes there were renderings at some point. Renderings aren't plans though and tend to disappear, unless you're the firm that created them, so it seems nothing was ever approved or funding was never found.
That's a shame. Such prime real estate.
FWIW, after hurricane Floyd I've always felt that they should just fill in the canal between rt. 27 and new st. It was only a couple of years after the lock was restored that it was destroyed by the floodwaters of Floyd.
I'd also like to see a more durable solution to the riverbank in Body park, similar to the Susquehanna riverbank in Harrisburg, PA (pictured above)
This post was edited on 1/9 5:12 PM by Korbermeister
The development that was proposed and designed was a new Rutgers BoatHouse with potential catering facilities on the upper floors. The ability ot allow the boat storage facilities to flood was the design premise . This fell off the Rutgers priority list somewhere along the way. I think about the time they dropped Mens Crew as a Varsity sport.
Originally posted by PeteGiam07:

Originally posted by HPNJRUfan:
There was never any structure built (was it really even discussed?) but docks were built (New Brunswick Landing), albeit a bit down river - dredging of the river was stopped due to concerns over stirring up contaminated sediment.
I was in school when they tore down the old police building. They tore it down, then they set up construction trailers because that area was the hub for Conti and Route 18 sub-contractors, equipment, and materials during construction of the new road. As civil engineer majors, we were given a tour as a class trip one day and saw most of the construction going on up close.

After that ,there was a lot of hype with ideas with what to do with that area and yes there were renderings at some point. Renderings aren't plans though and tend to disappear, unless you're the firm that created them, so it seems nothing was ever approved or funding was never found.
I was there on "business" 20yrs before you. LOL

For reasons I could never figure out (just dumb luck IMO), I was only one in my pledge class to remain unscathed from the "visit". Still bothers some of them all these years later.