LOVE to see JULIE use the Star Ledger piece PUBLICALLY...

1984- awesome idea with the use of stadiums going towards concerts and what not. Did you get a response on that?

Seems like Lesniak and Barchi weren't specific enough with what they wanted. I didn't think Barchis responses were that bad. Barchi thought Lesniak wanted a new arena, and Lesniak gave him a price for a practice facility.

I would like to see JH type up and draw a practice facility plan. Make the thought more tangible. A lot of students already think we spend a lot of athletics and not enough on academics. That is why Barchi is not a terrible president. Students want academics, alumni seem to want athletics. Put money on anything that you can get a positive result from. Until we get a coach that can get a .500 season, no wonder Barchi hasn't jumped at the idea of getting new facilities. Just not worth it financially.
I think there is/was some type of coalition fighting us on concerts at the stadium--the town of Piscataway and the NJSEA. I think the NJSEA is almost disbanded by now and the Meadowlands Arena is closed for the next two years anyway. As for The RAC, once the air conditioning is in, we should get some concert promoters to have shows here year-round.
She has spoken out on the financial situation honestly
Mulcahy did what he could and helped FB but also dropped 6 other programs and let basketball and the other RU sports programs fend for himself.
Pernetti said the right things and helped get RU move into the B1G (something Mulcahy started getting RU ready for),
but none of his plans for Basketball fell through and RU wound up with the same basketball problems that it had under Mulcahy.

Hermann is doing with whatever she's given to work with and like the previous two Rutgers ADs one of those tools is a hostile local media that historical fought against RU pending money to upgrade any of its sports, but is the first one to claim those sports need to be upgraded.
Julie would be foolish to think the local media would be a good outlet to state her case.
More than likly they would use the old Josh & Ted's Stadium expansion tactics and take part of what she said to make something good, look like a bad thing RU is doing.
Originally posted by Scarlet Shack:
use this piece to TURN the PRESSURE the school's TOP brass...AND get Trenton on board (or at least not OPPOSING) for the school to do what needs to be done and get the facilities in order while MONEY is cheap and the revenue to support the debt it coming.

Our biggest public obstacle...the shitstorms that Star Ledger creates about our athletic director's management just gave Julie the PUBLIC ammunition to do PRESSURE the school and state to help the school which is now in the Big ten

Julie NEEDS to use this as a starting point to turn the tables on this

This post was edited on 2/23 10:42 AM by Scarlet Shack
I agree 100%, but that would require Julie to break her silence on speaking live to the press, which she's shown no signs of doing. She needs to get over it and get on her soap box!