My Scenario

Aug 3, 2001
We know that RU hired an 'outside' law firm to investigate all of the inner workings of the Athletic Dept., not just Flood/Football related. The most well kn own investigative law firm that handles collegiate athletics is 'Collegiate Sports Solutions'. Interesting side note on this firm, since 2014 they have employed as a lead investigator a gentleman named Kevin MacConnell.

I don't know for sure if CSS is the firm that RU is using, but there is a strong chance that 's the case.

I believe that the chance that a Schiano/MacConnell team returns to RU& is pretty strong.

And I swear, I didn't hear this idea at Subway.
No but I am sure that you have some reason why you believe that "there is a strong chance" why this is the case. Like proof, evidence .. one of those pesky sort of things. Otherwise, this IS one of the sonrets of things one does hear at Subway.
No but I am sure that you have some reason why you believe that "there is a strong chance" why this is the case. Like proof, evidence .. one of those pesky sort of things. Otherwise, this IS one of the sonrets of things one does hear at Subway.
We will know by Wednesday if I am right or wrong.