Need a whole new culture!

Blow it up....there is not one thing we can point too to be optimistic about...I'm a 30 year fan and generally a flood supporter
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If we get a new staff I'd prefer a fresh new start away from the whole Paterno/Schiano/Flood line. The chop and other doesn't bother me but I want to try a new direction with new people.

Outside of Herman who I mentioned a couple years ago and Fuente who I mentioned early this year Meacham/Aranda are my next tier of guys. Gotta try and sniff them out before they blow up.
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Problem is trying to photocopy a culture. Copy is never as good as original. There is little unique about flood regime except for less authoritarian. However, it does seem the Schiano's OCD type A mania was part of the reason for its success. Never good for the only reason to hire a coach was to preserve a recruiting class of a coach who left.
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It ain't that chop or the family that's the problem it's floods culture of treating players differently, accepting mediocrity and killing the enthusiasm for the program.

From that first 15 days of spring video it was obvious to anyone with management experience that flood was in way over his head. He got lucky that he had a senior laden first team.

So yes a whole new culture is needed but it's all those things that Flood has brought to the table that is slowly but surly tearing down everything Schiano built that needs to be eradicated
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Did everyone enjoy Jump Around?

"You know it's a fun tradition when EVERYONE gets involved"

Think that will ever happen for ridiculous EDM? Anybody still think only kissing the student section's ass in important?

When a real administration and coach come in you can be sure that crap will all blessedly be swept away. And thank God.
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The chop and family are OK, it's how the HC has the team play is what makes them acceptable or the feeling they have had their day.
Chop and Family are good for Rutgers: Flood bad for the Scarlet Knights.
Changing the HC will do more to build a winning culture than dropping things that were part of what made RU Fans feel different than other fanbases when RU FB was under a HC that started the RU Chop and Family sayings.
Not saying bring back that HC, only saying there is nothing wrong with the Chop or Family being part of Rutgers Football.
we need to wipe the slate clean from the Schiano era, Flood was Greg lite, a nicer version without the chops let alone dedication to winning.

Its time to step into big boy football

RU moved into the big boy ranks when it joined the old BE , when Miami and VT were in it.
When RU was winning ( watered down BE version) the Chop and Family made RU Fans proud.
No need to wipe the slate clean of everything on it, Chop & Family will do just fine if the RU Administration starts supporting RU FB enough to build a winning program and not hire on the cheap.
I'm always an optimist, but, I have officially joined the Flood must go group. We need a coach with some fire in his belly and some personality. Flood is like a HS math teacher, oh wait, he was a teacher. I want a young ambitious coach with a vision....another 2000 Schiano.

I have also joined the anti-PRO style offense group. This offense is predictable and boring. I don't care if we lose Russo, Dare, I want a dual threat QB that puts pressure on a defense with his running ability.

And when did the defense become so slow? They may be fast but they play slow....that's coaching.
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I'm on board as well. We need a clean slate. Anyone defending the CHOP probably wants Schiano back.
The Chop and family thing isn't the problem and shouldn't be changed. It would be like USC not doing the V thing the second they weren't winning.

It is part of Rutgers now. It is all over the Hale Center. The problem is the coach not the chop.
Keep the chop - it's a defining mantra and something to build generations of tradition on. Sux the NCAA is so afraid of RU to outlaw such expression on the field and took away the chop from our players.

Changing the culture doesn't have to mean dropping the chop.
Seeing players celebrate a tackle or a dropped pass by an opposing receiver while down 40 is a sure sign we need a new culture.

That's a stretch....all players, regardless of team do that. I've seen players all across the nation partying like it's 1999 if they score, make a big hit or sack even when down by 50 points
At this point no reason to deal the little things or trying to dissect what's wrong with the program, simply put we need a change in leadership for the football program. Frankly we also need to change AD's as well, Julie will be an impediment to getting a coach with the necessary credibility to change the program culture and direction.
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I think that rhetoric has jumped the shark. It's just stupid at this point. Flood is just a simple fool. Hmmm ... How long til he talks about going 1-0 next week ? Monday ?

As someone said in another thread, what kind of sap wears a visor in the rain ?

I bet even after he's fired he's not smart enough to figure that out and will keep coming to work.
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I don't mind chop as something like other schools have, the gator arm thing at Florida, the tomahawk chop at FSU. The U hand sign at Miami, the pitchfork hand sign at Arizona State, etc.

But I don't want anything more to do with any Schiano guys. Not Flood, not the boat rower, well I guess that's it, but no more.
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I think that rhetoric has jumped the shark. It's just stupid at this point. Flood is just a simple fool. Hmmm ... How long til he talks about going 1-0 next week ? Monday ?

As someone said in another thread, what kind of sap wears a visor in the rain ?

I bet even after he's fired he's not smart enough to figure that out and will keep coming to work.

I no longer like Flood, but, a lot of coaches say the 1-0 thing....even Urban Meyer.

I think they all attended the same coaching motivation seminar.
TIME FOR A CHANGE! Need new QB, Defensive coordinator . kickers and punters. RB coach was fine but need to cut it down to 3 rb's. Offensive coordinator for the most part did a decent job. Flood has lost it . He sounds like a good guy but he is to stubborn. Pull the QB if he isn't cutting it.
The problem with identifying CHOP with the gator chop or the Tomahawk Chop is you don't see Jimbo sitting on the sideline chopping his arm like Chief Strongbow.

You guys are confusing something for the fans with the culture of the program.

Under Schiano, "keep chopping" meant something. It defined an underdog attitude...a never quit mentality...overcoming adversity.

It doesn't mean that anymore. The fans don't sit in the stands "Chopping."

Anyone who ever played the sport at the HS level or above knows that coaching catch phrases come and go. They don't define the program...especially to the outside world.
The Chop is very ingrained in the program. It is bigger than Flood. It is all over the Hale Center.
I think that rhetoric has jumped the shark. It's just stupid at this point. Flood is just a simple fool. Hmmm ... How long til he talks about going 1-0 next week ? Monday ?

As someone said in another thread, what kind of sap wears a visor in the rain ?

I bet even after he's fired he's not smart enough to figure that out and will keep coming to work.

This made me laugh out loud.
The Chop is very ingrained in the program. It is bigger than Flood. It is all over the Hale Center.

It's's not carved in granite.

If Bo Pellini got the job tomorrow and said, "uhh yeah, take that down" you would object?

A non Schiano disciple is going to want a clean break from that stuff, I can assure you of that.
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