
Jul 25, 2001
2 are RU verbals. One to OSU, one to MSU.

The rest are Undecided.

Some of the old ladies on this board should take up knitting. Or drinking. Or both.

This post was edited on 4/11 3:28 PM by RU4Real
Until we start getting our fair share of NJ top 10 and top 30 recruits, we are going to struggle to break out of the lower half of the B1G.
Originally posted by T2Kplus10:
Until we start getting our fair share of NJ top 10 and top 30 recruits, we are going to struggle to break out of the lower half of the B1G.
I'd like a nice scarf for next season. I'll even buy you the wool.
We went 8-5 last year with some good wins with recruiting as it was...this year has started leaps ahead of most classes we have ever had. We can be a decent B1G team regardless but we can be a top team with the majority of the top 10.

Stop crying so much.
Originally posted by yesrutgers01:
We went 8-5 last year with some good wins with recruiting as it was...this year has started leaps ahead of most classes we have ever had. We can be a decent B1G team regardless but we can be a top team with the majority of the top 10.

Stop crying so much.
If you are happy with classes ranked in the 45-55 range, well, enjoy.

Sorry, but going 3-5 in conference, including 4 brutal annihilations, and posting the best win of the year against a 7-6 MD team isn't enough.
It's not exactly like the players we threw out there were ho hum recruits either. the Senior and Junior classes may have been the two best recruiting classes we've had in the past decade (besides '09).
I'm happy with results, not what mike farrell rank our classes. 10 of the past 11 year with a winning record, 7 years of 8+ wins in the past 10, twice playing for a chance at a bcs bowl in the past 8 years, 23 players in the NFL on active rosters, 8-5 with a bowl win our first year in the B1G.
Originally posted by NYSportsFan:
I'm happy with results, not what mike farrell rank our classes. 10 of the past 11 year with a winning record, 7 years of 8+ wins in the past 10, twice playing for a chance at a bcs bowl in the past 8 years, 23 players in the NFL on active rosters, 8-5 with a bowl win our first year in the B1G.
What??? You mean you base your opinion on our team and our coaches on the actual results??? You infidel.

Clearly you don't know squat about big-time college sports.

This post was edited on 4/12 1:51 PM by BoroKnight
Originally posted by yesrutgers01:
We went 8-5 last year with some good wins with recruiting as it was...this year has started leaps ahead of most classes we have ever had. We can be a decent B1G team regardless but we can be a top team with the majority of the top 10.

Stop crying so much.
Did you watch the games or are you just running with "8-5"?

Put together a couple more seasons like last year's and there won't be anyone more RU fans left to watch the human sacrifices.
Originally posted by T2Kplus10:
Until we start getting our fair share of NJ top 10 and top 30 recruits, we are going to struggle to break out of the lower half of the B1G.
Going for 0 for 30 in the last 3 years for the Top 10 NJ recruits is g-d awful.

Posting about getting 2 of the NJ Top 50 as of now is a joke.
2016 has plenty of opportunity for Flood to turn Recruiting around in our home state.
4 years from now lets re-rank the top 50. People will be astonished at how it turns out.
Can't wait until some of my the blind people see what 2016-2018 is going to be like. The last 3 years of recruiting is going to bite us in the butt big time. Our recruiting will show starting next year and you will see it affect our wins tremendously. The rest of the B1G has out recruited us and you can't recruit 10 plus junior college transfers each year either.
Originally posted by RU#1fan:

Originally posted by T2Kplus10:
Until we start getting our fair share of NJ top 10 and top 30 recruits, we are going to struggle to break out of the lower half of the B1G.
Going for 0 for 30 in the last 3 years for the Top 10 NJ recruits is g-d awful.

Posting about getting 2 of the NJ Top 50 as of now is a joke.
2016 has plenty of opportunity for Flood to turn Recruiting around in our home state.
You know wanting it to be true is different than it actually being true? Forget the fact your premise is BS I still have to ask since this all about rankings.....
Rettig or Olson?
Hicks and Martin or Hiiliman?
Turay or Sickels?
i could keep going but you probably won't respond. Oh, and 3 of your top 20 from 13 and 14 aren't even in school anymore.
Originally posted by RU4Real:
2 are RU verbals. One to OSU, one to MSU.

The rest are Undecided.

Some of the old ladies on this board should take up knitting. Or drinking. Or both.

This post was edited on 4/11 3:28 PM by RU4Real
Butters thinks RU's 2016 class is already a failure.


And how many times are we going to rehash the last 2 years, especially the 2014 class? Do you guys rehash the worst years of your life over and over and over again, or do you move forward and put the worst behind you?
And before anyone gets up in arms.....

I am not saying that anyone in this Thread or on the Message Board is a troll.

I would have to actually study their posts and see if they are truly objective or just constantly being negative even in the face of blatantly positive news. And I have not been around long enough to do that.

So yeah I am not calling anyone out.. just want to make sure so nobody feels attacked or anything.
Originally posted by MikeRU1766:
And before anyone gets up in arms.....

I am not saying that anyone in this Thread or on the Message Board is a troll.

I would have to actually study their posts and see if they are truly objective or just constantly being negative even in the face of blatantly positive news. And I have not been around long enough to do that.

So yeah I am not calling anyone out.. just want to make sure so nobody feels attacked or anything.
You'd be amazed to find that some of the biggest fans one here did not go to Rutgers while many of the biggest trolls did.
Originally posted by RU4Real:
2 are RU verbals. One to OSU, one to MSU.

The rest are Undecided.

Some of the old ladies on this board should take up knitting. Or drinking. Or both.

This post was edited on 4/11 3:28 PM by RU4Real
^^^^^^^ I agree...Nuts would always have at least a few facts he would drum up. Always the same facts over and over but at least he did have them.

Moz- yes, I am very happy with this year's 8-5 and will continue to bring it up. I am almost sure you were a 4 win guy at most. Somehow we won 3-4 more games then you thought we would. As for the 4 games we got our asses handed to us...We do need to do much better and I feel we will just on the bases that it will be our 2nd time through the order. We may not beat them but we will play much better and plan much better for those games this year.
I am worried about OL and QB like everyone else but we will be much better off in many other areas.

As for the top kids- we DID in fact get some of the top players. I am sure if someone went through performances last year of all the true and RS freshmen, we have a good share of top performers.

And how the F does anyone say 16 isn't any better? We already have high level 3 star players, a few of which will be EE and a chance at a 4th star...It is April guys, APRIL!
Originally posted by RUchip:
Can't wait until some of my the blind people see what 2016-2018 is going to be like. The last 3 years of recruiting is going to bite us in the butt big time. Our recruiting will show starting next year and you will see it affect our wins tremendously.
so to be clear, you think 2016-18 we're not going to be good but you can't wait for that to happen so you can tell the so called blind people "I told you so"?

Can't wait? Really?
Obvious troll is obvious. Repeated inflammatory remarks; completely unwilling to discuss facts or support his statements.....
We have a pretty good idea how the heralded classes of 2011 and 2012 will shake out when all is said and done. Floods 2013/14 classes without the top NJ kids are only a year or two in the program...Add in some of the transfers Flood has gotten...His 2013/14 classes look like they will be at least as good as those "GREAT" Schiano classes. Two years in, there are a couple of kids that got away that I would love to have on the team and will be very good players but I am sorry to some of you that want to keep shouting how Floods classes are going to kill us, you are flat out wrong. You play the game on the field and I love the 2011/12 kids as I love every kid that plays for us, but there is nothing that says to me that our most recent classes are not as good or better players on the field. And, they have only started. Some still have to prove themselves and some may not work out but list number two looks pretty damn good if you don't look at star ratings.

Q. Gause
K. Johnson

Nick Arch