Only have a passing interest in the program now...


All American
Jan 15, 2002
People know me around here as a big Rutgers fan. I will always plug our programs and boast of our victories. But right now, all I hear around is that our program stinks. I was ready to have my kids proudly wear their Rutgers t-shirts at their school here in the south the day before the first game. The arrests stopped that notion. I was embarrassed for them to wear Rutgers stuff nearly everywhere.

Now all I can do is laugh. It is just like how I felt as a student during the Shea years. I expect nothing but ineptitude, so all I have left is a passing interest.

As a result a change needs to be made before it gets worse. Hopefully this loss just made the decision that much easier.

Rutgers leaders, do what needs to be done. Make this program something to be proud of again and not just an excuse to tailgate and for our foes to have as a homecoming opponent.
If you don't hang with the program when we are at the bottom, the ride to the top won't be as enjoyable. Go RU