Opinions on Greg Hardy news?

Now that the pictures are out, Goodell has to suspend him indefinitely. He already is a buffon, but would be an even bigger one if he did nothing. Hardy is truly a piece of human garbage with no redeeming qualities. RR looks like mother theresa compared to him.
It's all bad, but it's obvious this (hardy incident) was not a "single moment of control lost" he jacked this girl up and threw her on a bed of assault rifles .
If the team wants to deal with him, yes he should be allowed to play. Ray too, he just has the stigma because it was caught on video...and it was pretty terrible.
RR got shafted because of video + (most importantly imo) he is playing an easily replaceable position. Good RBs are a dime a dozen, whereas Hardy is a very good player in probably the second most valuable position in the NFL.
Just realized Dallas plays the night game.... (if it was the 1pm kick-off, he might have made it, at least through the weekend).

Hardy won't make it that long......... his career is over
Now that the pictures are out, Goodell has to suspend him indefinitely. He already is a buffon, but would be an even bigger one if he did nothing. Hardy is truly a piece of human garbage with no redeeming qualities. RR looks like mother theresa compared to him.
Supposedly the NFL already had the pictures.
  1. One would hope so...he is a bum and if Goodell and the NFL lets him play then the whole thing is a joke and Goodell is the real buffoon here. And then there is Jerry Jones who is another piece of crap in his own way.
The NFL can't do anything. He was already suspended for this incident and the CBA doesn't allow for multiple penalties for same incident. Granted, this didn't stop them before but they've lost on appeal
If it don't involve PSI of game balls - Goodell doesn't want to know about...the guy is a whack job and there is a 50/50 chance he will either kill a QB this year or one of his dates.

He got in a damn shoving match with Dez Bryant on the sidelines already...2 whack jobs fightin over the Jello. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Supposedly the NFL already had the pictures.

I 100% believe this....this is all PR at this point. If this starts to spiral in the media (and I think it will) then Hardy is done, and if it doesn't have much legs then Hardy stays. Pathetic that there has to be a big enough outcry by the public to make the right thing happen, but I guess it's better than 20 years ago when this probably would have been just a blip on the radar.
When you body slam someone on a bed of assault rifles.... Why does he even have a bed of assault rifles in the 1st place? Why would you slam someone on top of them? WTF? This guy is clearly a total headcase and needs to be locked up for everyone's safety.
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He already is a buffon, but would be an even bigger one if he did nothing. Hardy is truly a piece of human garbage with no redeeming qualities. RR looks like mother theresa compared to him.

With Rice the behavior was a surprise. With Hardy it wasn't a surprise - which is why I don't see the women as innocent little victims in these cases. I don't excuse the behavior and Hardy should put dumped from NFL and watched closely (he's a real headcase like the Kansas City guy) but there is a cohort of women that go out with dirtbags because they like dirtbags and this would be one of those cases.
It is all timing, media momentum, action-video evidence and the transient societal thirst for retribution - RR had the worst of all circumstances - and in a general (and twisted) sense a vast part of society seems to act as though the punishment (& continued exclusion) of RR serves as some sort indication that the issue has been addressed - sort of like a part of the culture wants to say "hey RR was punished ... so, matter addressed ... can we move on? this is an uncomfortable topic and we'd prefer not to have to get into messy stuff like this again" ...
maybe a bit cynical - but don't see this being terminal for Hardy - ugly & vile as sin - yes! ... but he plays on ...
With Rice the behavior was a surprise. With Hardy it wasn't a surprise - which is why I don't see the women as innocent little victims in these cases. I don't excuse the behavior and Hardy should put dumped from NFL and watched closely (he's a real headcase like the Kansas City guy) but there is a cohort of women that go out with dirtbags because they like dirtbags and this would be one of those cases.

Saran your comment comes off really bad. Dating a 'bad boy' and getting the crap beat out of you are 2 totally different things. Is there a psychological component of a woman continually picking the wrong guy? Maybe - but that's a big jump to make here. Bottom line nobody deserves this - so yes, women who suffer domestic violence are in fact victims.
NFL did what they could do. Goddell had his power gutted by Brady decision. This is on Jones. No owner should've signed him
The ticker on the bottom of Sports Center this morning already reads, "Jones stands by Hardy signing."

As stated above, the only way Hardy's career is over is if Dallas cuts him and he is subsequently black balled ala Ray.