
All Conference
Nov 29, 2009
Why do teams sign up for this and let ND into their turf to recruit and get most of the money.

Is BC desperate?

Dumb Idea
Do you seriously think by playing a game in Boston "opens" the door for Notre Dame? Get in touch with reality. ND, like so many top programs, recruit where ever they want. If anything this helps BC playing a high profile team.
BC has seven home games and their playing a road game at Fenway. Don't see an issue here. It would be like TTFP playing their home game at the Meadowlands. Don't see an issue here.
Originally posted by rutgersal:
BC has seven home games and their playing a road game at Fenway. Don't see an issue here. It would be like TTFP playing their home game at the Meadowlands. Don't see an issue here.
Ditto that.

Why would it be better for BC to play "another" road game at South Bend...vs playing a "road game" at Fenway?
So if its such a great idea then you would sign up Rutgers for this too then. We let ND showcase their team at the meadowlands and only get a 5000-10000 seats?
Originally posted by fg7321:
So if its such a great idea then you would sign up Rutgers for this too then. We let ND showcase their team at the meadowlands and only get a 5000-10000 seats?
If ND wanted to play one of their home games at the Meadowlands at MetLife against Rutgers sure!! Why not?

Remember we backed out of the previous deal with them as they would get more home games and Rutgers had to play all their home games at MetLife.

I don't understand your objections to either scenario. They are huge pluses for the home state team not ND
Originally posted by fg7321:
So if its such a great idea then you would sign up Rutgers for this too then. We let ND showcase their team at the meadowlands and only get a 5000-10000[/URL] seats?
Yeah. Why not? Playing a road game at the Meadowlands plus seven home games is a win-win all around. They're going to recruit whomever they're going to recruit anyway. They just pulled the #1 player in the state last year without playing us. One of the few ways we can change perception is to play them and beat them.

Better for them to play us than to play Syracuse at the Meadowlands.
Originally posted by fg7321:
So if its such a great idea then you would sign up Rutgers for this too then. We let ND showcase their team at the meadowlands and only get a 5000-10000 seats?
Sure...if it meant RU would get a home game vs Notre Dame....why wouldn't RU want to ND "return" game played at the Meadowlands vs traveling to South Bend?

With ND's new ACC scheduling agreement...most ACC schools get 4 games vs ND (2 home and 2 road) over the last 12 years of this agreement but BC was one of the few (along with Syracuse and Pitt) to end up with 5 games vs ND.
If I recall, the RU-ND meadowlands deal would have had a disproportionate amount of games in South Bend and ND would control a large number of the Meadowlands gate. Rutgers told them to go pound sand.

ND-BC already have a long standing rivalry, plus this also helps their 5-game ACC requirement that they agreed to.
Originally posted by MGSA99:
If I recall, the RU-ND meadowlands deal would have had a disproportionate amount of games in South Bend and ND would control a large number of the Meadowlands gate. Rutgers told them to go pound sand.
The deal that Notre Dame wanted with Rutgers several years ago was for Rutgers to play a road game in South Bend and then for Notre Dame to return the Rutgers home game at the Meadowlands, where UND would get half the seats and half the revenue. That meant that Rutgers would have fewer seats at the Meadowlands than at our home stadium. It was just a bad deal for Rutgers.

But if UND wants to play a Rutgers home game at Rutgers Stadium (with Rutgers getting all the revenue) and have Rutgers return the UND home game at the Meadowlands, that would be great.
Originally posted by Upstream:

Originally posted by MGSA99:
If I recall, the RU-ND meadowlands deal would have had a disproportionate amount of games in South Bend and ND would control a large number of the Meadowlands gate. Rutgers told them to go pound sand.
The deal that Notre Dame wanted with Rutgers several years ago was for Rutgers to play a road game in South Bend and then for Notre Dame to return the Rutgers home game at the Meadowlands, where UND would get half the seats and half the revenue. That meant that Rutgers would have fewer seats at the Meadowlands than at our home stadium. It was just a bad deal for Rutgers.

But if UND wants to play a Rutgers home game at Rutgers Stadium (with Rutgers getting all the revenue) and have Rutgers return the UND home game at the Meadowlands, that would be great.
They wanted us to play 2 in South Bend for every 1 at the Medowlands and they wanted half the gate at the Meadowlands.

There was a time when RU had to make those kind of deals. That time passed and RU told them to get lost.
Originally posted by fg7321:
Why do teams sign up for this and let ND into their turf to recruit and get most of the money.

Is BC desperate?
How many D1 recruits do you think come out of New England every year???
Originally posted by fg7321:
Why do teams sign up for this and let ND into their turf to recruit and get most of the money.

Is BC desperate?

How is BC desperate? The choice was play the ND home game in South Bend or play the home game in Fenway. It's not like BC gave up a home game in Alumni Stadium.
No brainer. Playing Notre Dame is a guaranteed TV game. You have to love a 'road" game your fans can go to. Notre Dame is a known name regardless and does not need to play in Boston to recruit in Boston (and, if you've been reading this board, it's not like New England is a big recruiting area anyway). Besides, BC vs. Notre Dame is a game that really should happen regardless of conference affiliation (or partial affiliation). What other Catholic schools play FBS football?

I am no fan of either school. But if I'm Boston College I would do this any time.

Playing Notre Dame does not automatically make some school "desperate." And if a school is "desperate" it's usually for money, and I can't blame them for that in every case, either. Regardless, it doesn't apply here.
From what I remember we had a verbal agreement with ND to play basically a 4-2-1: 4 in South Bend, 1 in Piscataway, 1 at the Meadowlands and 1 either at the Meadowlands or at Piscataway if we expanded the Stadium (which we did). ND then suddenly changed course, stating they wanted all 3 of Rutgers' 'home' games at the Meadowlands with them getting half the gate. We then told them to take a long walk off a short pier. UConn ended up accepting something similar to those terms before the Connecticut legislature flipped out, stating they didn't build a $90 million dollar stadium so UConn could play ND at Gillette or the Meadowlands; that series was subsequently cancelled as well.

Joe P.
FG7321 - do you understand recruiting? Do you understand the geographics of recruiting?

Take a glance at BC's roster.
Incidentally, I have been told by very good source that under the current Meadowlands policies, even a sold out game at the Meadowlands represents less money for RU than a Piscataway game....even if it is not (but must be near) a sold out. Apparently, we lose tons of money of concessions and the operational cost is not that lower.

Now, if the game gets national broadcast, and the purse (either direct or indirect income) is higher...then RU could see itself at the Meadowlands. (yes, for certain games the Big Ten has in the past allowed direct stipends from a third party broadcaster to cover transportation and other incidental cost).
OP is a dump post. Nothing wrong here. Big boys play and recruit wherever they want