ot: calls from the toilet


All American
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2006
OT: distraction from coaching- who takes calls from the toilet at work . Totally gross, seems to be a lot of it people
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I work with a lot of IT folks and commonly see those from India taking calls while in the bathroom in their native language. If I am on the bowl I make an extra effort to make bathroom noises so the person on the other end of their calls knows they are in the bathroom.

I think some that work in city environments do it because there is no quiet area to take calls since the streets can be noisy and busy too. In a suburban office you can easily walk outside or to your car to take a personal call.
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Nothing like blowing up the toilet when some jabroni at work is in the next stall yapping on his phone. It's my pleasure!
LOL. Sorry for no courtesy flush. I didn't want to disturb your conversation.
Public restrooms are for peeing only (unless there's a true explosive emergency at either end). No exceptions!
Guy: "How's it going?" Me in stall: "....okay?" Guy now in stall: "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Me in stall: "I am going to a Rutgers game" Guy in stall: "Can you hang on a second? There is a guy who thinks I am talking to him". Me: runs out the bathroom
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Next time it happens, I'm gonna start moaning like I'm passing a stone, jut to **** up the conversation I hear