OT: giving out expired Halloween candy to kids--really?


Heisman Winner
Aug 28, 2003
My wife and I took our 3 kids trick-or-treating Saturday evening. When we came back we started looking at all of the candy they received; and to our surprise, we received quite a number that were marked as expired in 2013 and 2014--ie, not even close. Has this happened to others? We were dumbfounded (my wife wants to throw at--I mean return to--the homeowners the candy as we remember which houses gave expired candy) and I'd say pretty we are pretty annoyed.

As my creative days are behind me, I'd welcome any creative ideas to make our feelings known.
Well, I go out and pick up new candy each year at the food store. But I confess, I don't examine the candy to see if the store is selling me expired candy. So I really have no clue if I'm handing out expired candy or not.

Please don't throw candy at my house.

P.S. How on earth do you know which houses handed out expired candy?
Simply tape it to their door with a sign stating expiration date and NO THANKS for your treat now where's my trick.
Bake them an apple pie with those ground apples from the orchard. Steal their pumpkins and make than a pie.
Yes. Year old chocolate is like flavorless dust. And the candy companies just rebag the candy & sell it the next year.

Where did you see an expiration date on fun sized candy?!?
Outside of kids with allergies who looks that closely at candy? In my house, it gets dumped on the table, I take all the RPB cups for me, the pure sugar crap goes in one pile, we pull out my wife's allotted amount per kid and the extras plus sugar crap gets donated to Eva's kitchen.
SMH - did she check to see if it was gluten free and organic too?
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I gave out over 35 bags of candy around 900 pieces none of those were expired.
Outside of kids with allergies who looks that closely at candy? In my house, it gets dumped on the table, I take all the RPB cups for me, the pure sugar crap goes in one pile, we pull out my wife's allotted amount per kid and the extras plus sugar crap gets donated to Eva's kitchen.

Sure, give the crappy candy to the soup kitchen

One group of kids ran my bell at 9pm. They were like 19.

I drop 2-3 pieces in each bag to try and get rid of the tractor trailer worth of candy my wife bought. One of these kids is like "uhhh, can I have a Starbust too?"

I was like, "yeah sure, whatever...tide you over until your pension check shows up."
... of all the things in life to complain about.. sheesh

My wife and I took our 3 kids trick-or-treating Saturday evening. When we came back we started looking at all of the candy they received; and to our surprise, we received quite a number that were marked as expired in 2013 and 2014--ie, not even close. Has this happened to others? We were dumbfounded (my wife wants to throw at--I mean return to--the homeowners the candy as we remember which houses gave expired candy) and I'd say pretty we are pretty annoyed.

As my creative days are behind me, I'd welcome any creative ideas to make our feelings known.
Im assuming the person overbought, and just stashed it in a closet. Reality is that its not like its gonna go bad in any meaningful way. Its not medicine.
Anybody else see the houses with the blue pumpkins? Apparently, a blue pumpkin means it's an allergy sensitive house and they give out non food items. Next year, I'm gonna create a pumpkin that let's all the moms know there is an orgy inside and see how it flies.
"Mom, who was the Halloween Sadist, and why did he try to hurt all those people?"

"Well, the shame of it is he wasn't always a sadist. It all started one Halloween when a family took their kids out trick or treating:

My wife and I took our 3 kids trick-or-treating Saturday evening. When we came back we started looking at all of the candy they received; and to our surprise, we received quite a number that were marked as expired in 2013 and 2014--ie, not even close. Has this happened to others? We were dumbfounded (my wife wants to throw at--I mean return to--the homeowners the candy as we remember which houses gave expired candy) and I'd say pretty we are pretty annoyed.

As my creative days are behind me, I'd welcome any creative ideas to make our feelings known.

The next year the Halloween Sadist placed razor blades in apples and many serious injuries were reported. They were never able to make the charges stick. Something about all the evidence was hearsay. So he's still out there, getting revenge for all that expired candy. Next time you go trick or treating you better ask yourself, "is this the Sadist's home?'"

The End.
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Is there anything on this site that people do not COMPLAIN about??? A bunch of whiny you know what's
Anybody else see the houses with the blue pumpkins? Apparently, a blue pumpkin means it's an allergy sensitive house and they give out non food items. Next year, I'm gonna create a pumpkin that let's all the moms know there is an orgy inside and see how it flies.

First, lol at the orgy pumpkin.

Second, whoops, my 1 year old is a big Sesame Street fan so we made her a blue cookie monster pumpkin. Hopefully there isn't a post on the Syracuse boards about a gluten, nut and red dye free household plotting to get revenge on me.
Anybody else see the houses with the blue pumpkins? Apparently, a blue pumpkin means it's an allergy sensitive house and they give out non food items. Next year, I'm gonna create a pumpkin that let's all the moms know there is an orgy inside and see how it flies.

We actually have a bowl of awesome candy (kit-kat's, rpbc) and an allergy free bowl. My wife has Celiac Disease, so I am sensitive to it.
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My wife and I took our 3 kids trick-or-treating Saturday evening. When we came back we started looking at all of the candy they received; and to our surprise, we received quite a number that were marked as expired in 2013 and 2014--ie, not even close. Has this happened to others? We were dumbfounded (my wife wants to throw at--I mean return to--the homeowners the candy as we remember which houses gave expired candy) and I'd say pretty we are pretty annoyed.

As my creative days are behind me, I'd welcome any creative ideas to make our feelings known.

The OP should know that an "expiration date" usually does not mean that the product will be spoiled after that date, but rather only means that it will no longer be at its peak quality -- assuming, of course, that bag candy ever had a peak quality.
The OP should know that an "expiration date" usually does not mean that the product will be spoiled after that date, but rather only means that it will no longer be at its peak quality -- assuming, of course, that bag candy ever had a peak quality.

This message brought to you by the Nation's Candy
OMG I thought I had seen everything. Please crawl back into your hole and stop complaining. You do know you and your kids are freeloaders don't you? Love the attitude - My kids deserve the best fresh candy off the free candy aisle.
What amazes me is that I've somehow managed to live for so long without ever once in my life checking the expiration date on any candy I've eaten. What luck, huh?

My grown children too - what amazing luck that they made it to young adulthood w/out me checking the expiration date on each and every piece of their candy. I sure hope they don't sue me for negligence. Quick, somebody call DYFS.
I actually think it's a cool thread. Think "Comic Relief." With all the crap going on with RU sports, the University, the country, the WORLD we all need a few laughs. AND we get an orgy pumpkin thrown in.
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How the heck do you know what house gave you expired candy? Did you take notes as you walked around with your kids or do you already hold a grudge with some people and specifically paid attention to what they gave out?
The latest Consumers Report has a full page article on expiration dates. Essentially, they are still safe long after the "best by" dates.
One thing nobody has mentioned is that parents should be looking at what their kids bring in today just to be on the safe side. The fact that some of these individually special size candies have dates on them is surprising to me.