OT: Hillsborough man killed helping cut down a tree

A terrible tragedy. I’ve cut down a lot of trees in my day, and had my share of panic when they don’t fall as expected. Condolences to the family.
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Call the professionals when trees are involved
especially when you're 68 YO.
but I'm a hypocrite cause I still go up 20 feet to cut stuff and bring down medium size trees in my yard all the time.
But I've also done this my whole life. Maybe not 5 years from now though.
Sorry to hear.
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"a tree that he was helping to cut down.."

Two guys that don't know what they are doing is worse than one when it comes to things like trees, moving heavy objects, etc
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Or just strap some dynamite to one side of a tree, light the fuse and run like hell.
My way is more fun. You get to feel like you're Godzilla walking through a forest. It's how we did the whole farm.
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Something doesn't make sense... he was helping someone take the tree down, but he wasn't found until later that night? Or was the story clarified after I originally saw it?
Something doesn't make sense... he was helping someone take the tree down, but he wasn't found until later that night? Or was the story clarified after I originally saw it?
First they said heart attack and now they are saying unwitnessed fall
Gravity is stronger then any man alive.
Or as Radiohead sang:

"Gravity always wins."

Ironically, that lyric is from the song Fake Plastic Trees, which are not known to be dangerous to cut down. The lyric was not specifically about trees, however:


I messed up taking down a huge tree years ago. I had done several without incident. Took down a huge ash tree and there was a lot of carpenter ant damage inside the tree. It didn’t fall the way I had planned. Luckily nobody got hurt but I came real close to demolishing my living room. A learning moment for me.
Couple of years ago I was helping a buddy take some trees down around his cabin. First two closest to the cabin and boathouse were notched correctly and fell perfectly. The next two I tried to get cute with my notches and completely messed them up. Both fell awkwardly and in the wrong direction. Fortunately, they weren't near any structures and no one was injured. Always make sure sure to notch/wedge correctly and have clear paths for escape if/when doing it yourself.
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First they said heart attack and now they are saying unwitnessed fall
This is all I saw:

"A preliminary investigation revealed that Abate was assisting with a cutting a tree on the property. The tree being cut began to fall and as he was moving away, the falling tree stuck him in the head, causing a traumatic head injury, according to reports.

Abate was pronounced deceased at the scene."

This is all I saw:

"A preliminary investigation revealed that Abate was assisting with a cutting a tree on the property. The tree being cut began to fall and as he was moving away, the falling tree stuck him in the head, causing a traumatic head injury, according to reports.

Abate was pronounced deceased at the scene."

I was referring to the late bob saget
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This is terrible. I like to DIY lots of home projects but two things I don't mess around with are electrical work and trees. Both can go horribly wrong, very quickly.
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My brother bought his first house, needed my help taking down some trees

First two trees went down fine. The third became a "let's not tell anyone else what just happened here" kinda story

I've had a lot of respect for the professionals since that day
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I messed up taking down a huge tree years ago. I had done several without incident. Took down a huge ash tree and there was a lot of carpenter ant damage inside the tree. It didn’t fall the way I had planned. Luckily nobody got hurt but I came real close to demolishing my living room. A learning moment for me.
A learning moment...what exactly was the lesson? How to do it right the next time? Or don't do it next time and hire the pros?
My brother bought his first house, needed my help taking down some trees

First two trees went down fine. The third became a "let's not tell anyone else what just happened here" kinda story

I've had a lot of respect for the professionals since that day
That's scary. EVERYONE complains about how expensive tree removal is, but when you think about what can happen if it goes wrong, it's a no brainer. It's also rarely a 1-2 man job if you want to do it safely. Watching the tree guys work is amazing. I had two big pines taken down when I first bought my house, stumps and all, in about an hour. Lots of respect for those guys.
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