OT: Hobbs in trouble...

Salvi's Headband

All Conference
Oct 30, 2006
113 an absolute tool.

"After NJ Advance Media contacted Rutgers Tuesday with questions about the allegations, Hobbs called one of the reporters working on the story and launched into a profanity-laced tirade that ended with him saying “You guys are f------ scum. Why should I help you people?” Hobbs sent the reporter a text message an hour later to “apologize for my words.” He then added, “This narrative around RU being a place where abuse is tolerated is bull----. But it gets clicks.”"
Sarg can't find one legitimate nugget about the football coaching search so he has to go digging about women's softball. Seems like he's been trying for years to have his breakthrough hit piece article to get him a national job - this ain't it. Sad!
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Whatever the merits of his anger or whatever, he's supposed to be a professional. This seems like a legitimate thing to ask questions about. Sounds like the softball coach's husband was a real scumbag.

I know, I get it. But after all the crap we've been through with the media it's kind of nice.

Now it's bad, unprofessional, and definitely not the right thing to do.

But it's funny.
Hmmmm....6 FORMER players...wonder how many listvstartung jobs when the new HC came rolling into town.

...and don’t even get me started about having them do 17-second 100’s. We use to do EJ d sprints all night for soccer, hoops, based baseball etc, this is NOTHING new.
lots of things here

first of all, todays youth are pussies, including most likely these hoo...tough it out.....

these incidents are now commonplace around the country not just here but we just went through one with swimming and then had them a couple years back with lacrosse coach and then with Tyree.

Hobbs words were in appropriate considering when the last AD opened her mouth more than half the board here blamed her for everything and defended the press, the same press Hobbs is cursing at is the same one that many of you threw rose petals out when they retweeted any Julie people need to be consistent here. I am disappointed in Hobbs for the football disaster but will defend him vociferously on this....f the media. Hobbs cannot shout at them enough for their hit pieces.

once you realize that the nj press and press in general are the enemies you will be okay. Julie was right, the Star Ledger and should go out of business
I don't have an issue with the wind sprints, ground balls, etc. I also don't have an issue with players washing out. It was clear a culture change was needed. The "period" comment, if true, is a problem and maybe it's time for the husband to take a step back.

As for Hobbs, while I appreciate that he's defending the school, he stepped in it big time. You can't have the AD of the school going off without apparently realizing or appreciating that you're always on the record. I guess we're about to find out how much support he really has.
reading the story makes it sound like the scene from Carrie with the gym teacher


lots of things here

first of all, todays youth are pussies, including most likely these hoo...tough it out.....

these incidents are now commonplace around the country not just here but we just went through one with swimming and then had them a couple years back with lacrosse coach and then with Tyree.

Hobbs words were in appropriate considering when the last AD opened her mouth more than half the board here blamed her for everything and defended the press, the same press Hobbs is cursing at is the same one that many of you threw rose petals out when they retweeted any Julie people need to be consistent here. I am disappointed in Hobbs for the football disaster but will defend him vociferously on this....f the media. Hobbs cannot shout at them enough for their hit pieces.

once you realize that the nj press and press in general are the enemies you will be okay. Julie was right, the Star Ledger and should go out of business
Your first sentence is so true. I remember 2 years ago the Florida football HC was in hot water and had to apologize because, while yelling at a player for an unsportsmanlike penalty, he told the player to "Be a man and look me in the eyes."
Yes, that is now considered inappropriate... The media said he challenged the player's manhood. Sad.
100 yards in less than 17 seconds is a jog. I didn't realize softball players were so pampered.

Not to offend anyone but some of the softball ladies are packing on a few extra lbs and probably don’t thrive doing punishing wind sprints. Just a guess but this seems like extreme brow beating from the coaching staff. Hobbs and Baumgartner could be on the wrong side of this dispute, but we’re only hearing one side of it.

Sounds like Coach Butler May subscribe to the Mike Sheppard school of coaching. But then again I’m not aware of the conditioning standards in WSB employed by most coaches.
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Not to offend anyone but some of the softball ladies are packing on a few extra lbs and probably don’t thrive doing punishing wind sprints. Just a guess but this seems like extreme brow beating from the coaching staff. Hobbs and Baumgartner could be on the wrong side of this dispute, but we’re only hearing one side of it.

Sounds like Coach Butler May subscribe to the Mike Sheppard school of coaching.

“extreme”??? These are division one college athletes, not seven-year-olds, please stop.
There's only 3 left. Having ten girls quit or transfer in a single year is not good.

By the way what exactly did you mean by “there’s only three left?” That there’s only three girls left on the softball roster of about 30? I find that very hard to believe. I count 19 currently on the roster. Probably doesn’t include this year’s class that just started school in September.
Clearly a coordinated effort from the big booster Schiano supporters to get Hobbs outta there and pave the way for King Greg’s return.

Never can trust the fake news media, or as I like to call them, the enemy of the people.
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Interview the starters. see if they think they were abused.

Article states toward the bottom that only 3 returning starters on the roster for upcoming 2020 spring from 2019 spring (new coach's first season). Some of the defections are likely to have been 2018 starters (under old coach) who left before the past season (2019 spring) but there have been a few departures since the 2019 spring season ended as well. The article spells out the timing in a bit more detail.

It would take actual names, rosters, and starting line-ups to connect the dots on who lost starting spots (or were revoked schollies, or other actions?) relative to who the defections are at this point.
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Article states toward the bottom that only 3 returning starters on the roster for upcoming 2020 spring from 2019 spring (new coach's first season). Some of the defections are likely to have been 2018 starters (under old coach) who left before the past season (2019 spring) but there have been a few departures since the 2019 spring season ended as well. The article spells out the timing in a bit more detail.

It would take actual names, rosters, and starting line-ups to connect the dots on who lost starting spots (or were revoked schollies, or other actions?) relative to who the defections are at this point.

As I stated earlier in this thread I would be willing to bet a beer or 2 that these 7 girls either lost their starting jobs or thought They would be earning them based on seniority or something like that I didn’t like the fact that a new boss was in town and was actually working them hard like at a real program!
The husband has no business being around the team. That's a fair hit. Hobbs is also a complete moron for his response.

The actual allegations against Butler sound like crap. At the worst it's a coach going slightly overboard with conditioning. If that's abuse then the word is going to just get so cheapened as to become meaningless.
Honestly who cares. Hobbs yelled at them "for acting like RU tolerates abuse." Good for him. Calling them out for their false narratives.

Of course they would print a story on that. They keep that rag afloat with RU hit pieces. And a lot of the dopes here fall for it every time.

I am going to choose to not believe any of the reporters accounts of what was said.