OT how disgusting is Baylor

I guess women should go back to ankle length dresses? And being born in a poorer community makes someone a ticking time bomb for sexual assault? If you been paying attention, even rich white guys are ticking time bombs for sexual assault in the locker rooms.
I don't think it should fall on parents of girls to tell them not to dress sexy. First of all, a woman can easily dress tastefully and still look sexy as all heck. The only real thing you need to teach your daughters and sons for that matter, be careful of getting yourself into a bad situation. Be responsible.
This all comes down to NCAA rules, guidelines, punishment and enforcement. Somewhat agree.

All of the kids or should I say young adults committing these crimes were born innocent into terrible environments. Seems plausible.

Schools like LSU, Alabama, Florida, Baylor and yes Rutgers too, recruit these kids and exploit them for their athletic ability knowing full well they are a timebomb waiting to happen. Seems plausible. If you recruit in Miami, for example, you'd be a fool to think that the gang influence on impressionable HS kids is negligible.

Not blaming the victim here but I wish "mom & dads" would sit down with some of these young ladies and explain that alcohol and certain outfits combined with raging hormones can result in criminal behavior. Agree & think that most rational, concerned parents actually do have this conversation (probably several times...).

Some of the outfits I see today really cross the line of decency. Agree.
I parsed out trap's post that I was agreeing with. My thoughts in bold.

What he said afterwards about looking up skirts -- uh -- he's on is own there.
I parsed out trap's post that I was agreeing with. My thoughts in bold.

What he said afterwards about looking up skirts -- uh -- he's on is own there.

Put it all together and he's saying "it's not the kid's faults." That's the problem.
We all get it...there has to be some common sense used. but, unless a girl has invited a man to touch her, she should be able to safely walk across campus after a drink with a nice sexy outfit on. I am also willing to bet that there are as many if not more sexual assaults at IVY Schools as there are in some of the schools mentioned.
NUTS: if that's what he was saying, then I strongly disagree.
I parsed out trap's post that I was agreeing with. My thoughts in bold.

What he said afterwards about looking up skirts -- uh -- he's on is own there.
I did not look up anyone's skirt. Please read the post carefully. She was wearing high hip daisy duke shorts that resembled a Bikini bottom. She then took her right leg and foot and positioned it on top of the seat in front of her. The fabric was too tight naturally pulling to one side. Anyone sitting to her right got a free show, you barely had to move your head. It was so blatant my two guests (both women) saw the same thing and insisted that we move our seats. You guys are attacking me as if I did something wrong.

Here's the warped politically correct mindset that makes up society today. You are all killing me for turning my head to the left and looking at a 21 year old girls partially exposed vagina but not one person has commented on how the hell society condones this type of public attire. Her shorts crossed all boundaries in my opinion. Are there no more stigmas left in this country. Common sense?? Give me a break. No one should ever get sexually assualted regardless of attire, but please don't tell me it doesn't make a difference especially in the court room. I knew a sweat girl in HS, truly a gem who unfortunately was a victim of date rape. The kid who raped her was given an 18 year prison sentence. Why so harsh of a sentence, because people turned out in droves to testify on behalf of this girl, also I believe she was a virgin. Please don't tell me attire doesn't matter, especially in the court of law.
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Put it all together and he's saying "it's not the kid's faults." That's the problem.
Yep, pretty much. It's the fault of the environment they grew up in, the school's make it easy for them and women drinking and dressing sexy are at fault as well