OT: intellects are watching the debate, what are non-intellects doing now ?


All American
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2006
not a mets fan, so posting here and reading urban dictionary - Just learned what a "hot Cosby" is, Temple fans have one thing to be sad about
Intellects are much more likely to read the Fed policy meeting notes than watch this debate garbage. Reality TV fans are more likely to be watching this debate.
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Actually left hotel bar and turned on debate, Chris Christie looks like he's gonna fall down from the side view of the camera
I just realized I have really deep navel depth, found my car keys from high school in my belly button

Now that's intellect
No serious intellectual would have watched the debate. Some probably were watching the World Series, though.
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Ha, I love the definite correlation between certain fans bashing republicans... and also being the ones that have the worst ideas about how to fix our football program.

The debate was great. Sure, we got some buffoons up there, but in general, it was a lively discussion. Certainly more so than the democrat debate.

The only non-intellectuals were the ones moderating it.
People who are not sadistic or masochistic (be they "intellects" or not) watched the World Series, not that it was an exciting game.
Who could resist watching that?

A CEO fired for being an incompetent nitwit, a "brain surgeon" who thinks Obamacare was worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11, a four times bankrupt reality show host, a Canadian son of a Fidel Castro supporter, the brother of the worst president in modern times, a governor whose major achievement was shutting down a bridge gather on a stage and blame America's problems on Mexicans, the media, and the hedge fund managers that pay their bills, and try to get a bunch of gun and bible clingers to hand over their social security to Wall Street....

The Real Housewives produces more competent leadership....
Every person on that stage is 10x more qualified than Hildebeast, whose biggest "accomplishment" was not leaving her husband after he was caught sticking cigars in an intern.

Classy Clinton's, they are. They make the Beverly Hillbilly's look like English royalty.
Certainly no intellects on the stage. The brightest guys either are too busy pandering to show their smarts (Ted Cruz is no dummy; he just plays one in Washington) or too irrelevant to matter. (John Kasich gets it. He just does.) But showing off your smarts is no way to win votes in GOP primaries.