OT: NFL Releases Social Justice Plans for Week 1

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You know what was great about sports? It used to be a place where everyone could escape for just a few precious hours a week. Rich or poor, black or white we all had stresses and issues but for that small amount of time all that mattered was your team wins the game and we were all in it together.

Those days are long over. Now we have athletes wealthy beyond belief screaming about being oppressed.
What hopefully is realized by all:
change is needed so law enforcement doesn't seem to treat people different and
there are bad cops that make the others look bad.
There is a feeling by many , of all walks of life, that the police won't police themselves and that adds to the problem on the way people think the police are.
Every ploice department must look for a way to earn the trust and respect of the community they serve, not expect that because of the badge worn.
Every member of community needs to realize police work is a tough job and one that mistakes will be made.
If the mistake isn't covered up/ignored and the department meets it head non accepting responsibility while taking steps to right the wrong, the community needs to show the members of that department the respect and trust it deserves.
The sad fact is that doesn't seem to be happening, thus the protesting demanding it starts.

All protesters aren't into looting and violent action, those that are make symphony for the issue harder to obtain.
But painting all protester with the same brush is the same as claiming all cops are bad because of the few and every police officer can't be trusted to turn in the bad ones as part of their protect and serve responsibility.

Remember the old saying, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
So when some protesters get out of hand, that doesn't end the social justice issue the protests are about from being valid nor does the bad protesters actions excuse the bad cops actions that caused the uproar.

All I see here is excusing police brutality because of the actions of the protesters that hurt the cause and protesters that cause trouble being excused because of the police actions that are the reason protests are going on.

Instead of fighting because of different political agendas, try to find common ground that might lead to a solution, not just continuing the same old argument over and over again.

On a separate note: I wonder how many posting in support of the police were in the their overpaid and not worth the money they make crowd that were posting feelings like that a few years ago on this board.
Seems like the police and teachers are two of the most maligned groups when the jobs they do are/were discussed on this board , when things are more calm.
The incidents are far and few between and they certainly are going go grow with the funds being taken that could be used for training.

The bigger change needed is civility in the people they police. Society is breaking down at an alarming rate.
Those who don't like it, you have the choice to watch NFL Football or not to watch.
Those who don't mind a little social justice with their sports, enjoy.
If colleges start doing what the NFL plans, same choice.

But realize social change , one way are another, happens and whether it's sports or other entertainment venues, businesses must change the way they present themselves or face extinction because they refused to change the image they present to the public and fall out of favor.
Right now it seems like more people understand change is needed and the NFL is
courting that crowd rather then the fans that are against the fight for social justice that is going on now.

Businesses know that if they send money to Black Lives Matter they will not likely become a target. Worked for years for the Mafia. For some reason the Mafia was considered a criminal organization but BLM is viewed in a positive light in the MSM. Black lives matter. But say no to Black Lives Matter.

Is Portland a cry for Social Justice? Was the looting a cry for Social Justice? So if you don't bow to the mobs you are against the fight for social justice? Ridiculous. Nice way to put it if you don't want to admit your bias.
I applaud the NFL for trying to right their wrongs. Not "paying attention" when CK was trying to make folk aware of the "issues" was foolish. This needs to last more than 1 week.....

Sports and issues never work out well. It didn't then and it won't now. Sports are supposed to be reprieve from politics, which this most certainly is now.

CK was paid attention to. Some just didn't like the response. Wait until issues come that aren't so popular. Like abortion. Is the NFL going to allow a Christian to play with anti abortion slogans on their jerseys? As they say, the toothpaste is out of the tube now.
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I would characterize myself as center-right.

I'll attempt to give my perspective on where we are today.

1. I think it is a problem when a large percentage of a minority group thinks the system is stacked against them.
2. I think it is a problem when I go to 'nice areas' and they are almost exclusively white and when I go to 'bad areas' and they are predominantly black.
3. I firmly believe that there are instances where it is a disadvantage to being black in this country. I believe that Driving While Black is a real thing. I believe that in some professional settings, being black others it hurts. I believe that you are likely to be looked at more skeptically in certain situations/communities if you are black.
4. I also like to believe that the vast majority of people I know would treat black and white people with the same amount respect, but I also imagine the one out of 100 knuckleheads who make an issue of someone's race is the one that most people would feel most acutely and sting the most.

I don't think the solution to the above problems is to create a lower standard for blacks so they can be successful (i.e. affirmative action programs) and I don't think the solution to the above problems is as simple as white people and/or cops to just 'stop being racist'. Like the vast majority, I want this country to give everyone a fair shot regardless of their skin color, sexual orientation, or other...if you can get the job done, you should be successful. I believe in a meritocracy.

I don't think 'racism' is a big problem and I'm massively turned off by the 'social justice warriors' movement as I don't think, broadly speaking, they are interested in debate...they just want to impose their world views on people and I think they are well outside the mainstream of thought.

I do think prejudice is useful tool of evolution and think prejudice is almost impossible to stamp out and at the core of perceived racism in this country. Prejudice meaning pre-judge...if you are a captain of a pick-up basketball game and there is an athletic black guy and a white guy with goggles...who are you picking? That is prejudice...but based on one's life experiences, picking the black guy is likely a good bet to make. If you are a cop, no doubt you look for things that look like trouble...and if your experience is that a specific group of black guys hanging out on the street corner on a Tuesday afternoon has been trouble in the past, you are more likely to view them as a potential problem that requires investigation.

I honestly have no idea how we get rid of prejudice...I really don't. It's innate to who we are as human beings. I do think we can be aware of our bias and challenge ourselves when it makes sense, but easier said than done. I don't think race is the only thing we see when making 'pre-judgements'...we also see how someone is dressed, what their behavior is, who they are with, where they are at, etc...and that cuts across all races. There are plenty of white people I cross to the other side of the street when I see as they look dangerous. Maybe they aren't, but I'm not taking a chance. There are prejudices against all races (Asians..good at Math, White people...nerds, flat brimmed cap...surfer or skater, obese people...lazy, etc.).

I believe that things like slavery, Jim Crow, and the destruction of the black family (incarceration rates, Welfare) have led to a high degree of trauma in black families and black communities that get passed from generation to generation. In my mostly white high school, you could always tell the kids that came from divorced families or had parents with drinking expect a child to navigate emotional and physical trauma without good support and role models is a big ask. Is it any surprise when kids growing up in tough environments turn into adults that are not prepared to succeed (on average...a very small slice will have their experiences drive them, but that is also a response to trauma). I think it is the relatively higher level of trauma in black communities that leads to kids with less life skills and less preparation to succeed in the world. That is what leads to the negative prejudices which unfairly impact those who are prepared and capable and don't deserve to get painted with a negative brush.

So What Is The Solution?
1. Properly identify the problem
2. Break the cycle of trauma (not sure skills, early intervention (like pre-k) for kids in troubled homes, mentoring programs, corporate efforts to 'invest in their communities' to provide job skills, etc.)
3. Incentive families to stay together
4. Achievement and ass kicking

If the problem is a 'white person' problem and the solution involves white people rescuing the black community, we are going to get nowhere. People have their own problems to deal with and while I think the vast majority want to see improved outcomes for the black community, no one will work as hard for the black community as the black community. I don't think the mindset some want to install in people of 'I'm the victim of a systemically racist society' is nearly as useful as 'I'm a proud black man/woman and I'm going to go out and succeed in the world'.

I land in the camp that says that the prejudice and modest biases that exist can be overcome with achievement and social/government efforts focused on the right things (achievement, life skills, mental health/trauma issues, etc.). Until the right things are addressed, we're just going to go round and round in circles.

Great post!
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There is no systemic racism. Only democrats push the "systemic racism" narrative. I have asked my white republican friends and my democrat friends the same questions. 1) are you a racist? 2) are do have any friends that are racists? 3) have you encountered any racists? The answers to all those questions to the 25 people I have asked them to, has been "NO" to all. So Where is all this racism? BTW, you are free to answer the above questions.
In a thread littered with terrible posts, this one takes the cake.
Jackie Robinson was a hero. The picture of Pee Wee Reese putting his arm around Jackie in defiance of prejudice white people is iconic. Many athletes today owe guys like that a lot. They played for very little money and for the love of the game.
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Well, this has certainly triggered many of our GOP friends (note, I am not saying all, since there are certainly some reasonable ones). Is it really a surprise to anyone though?
The responses and a lot of shots taken @yesrutgers01 show that this country has a long way to go on issues of race.
I don't agree with everything @yesrutgers01 has said on this thread or on this board, but he is in quite a unique position to offer views on perceptions of how this country is doing on race.

I have posted thoughts of Coleman Hughes on this board before, and he has a fairly good perspective on some of these issues. One of his major themes is that there is indeed a policing problem in this country. That is not to say the police are the problem, but a small percentage of bad apples are making a bunch look rotten, and that is unfortunate. A lot of us would do well to listen to the thoughts of others who have a different perspective, and truly hear them without discounting or diminishing their experience or perspective. Until we can start doing that on both sides, it is going to be difficult to bridge the divide.
Doubt anyone here will listen to the whole discussion, but this is excellent, and at least listen to the next 2-3 minutes of what Coleman Hughes says:
"If we are talking about race, the fact that you are to me a white-looking person, that means you have to essentially kowtow to me. You are beneath me in this conversation because you haven't lived as a black person. You don't know what it's like to experience anti-black racism. If you have experienced prejudice in the past, it's been from a position of power as a white man. These are all the arguments that are being made right now and that means . . .I have a kind of epistemological authority over you. I know things that you can't know, and therefore, that asymmetry should inform this entire conversation. I think that is fundamentally wrong. It gets epistemology wrong, because, first, two black people can have two totally different opinions. . . . "

We need civility on both sides. I do think politicians play this up and divide us all.

I think the "both sides" thing is an excuse. One party made their whole presidential campaign about bashing white people - demonized every day. I knew then there would be a lot of trouble because. There was fear the GOP was making inroads with black voters. The TDS crowd couldn't have that. There were zero rational ideas. Everything became about "free free free" and demonizing white people - the men especially. That's an old tactic. You should read the stuff white people are being told to do in Seattle ( ).

We have a massive blame game diversion taking place. Black crime (not from all of course) has been massive since the 60s. Peior to 60s black crime was the same as white. Prisons were mostly white. Black Illegitimacy was equal to white. Then the spoilers came in and played God. The gov became the center of black life and fathers went away. They got angry and the kids got angry. The abandoned mothers got angry (you should hear how some of them berate their male kids).

Fiftenn years ago the kid in my area started fighting cops because thats what the out of town agitators taught them to do. if a kid got arrested, the other kids would get him free from the car. Two and three cars became needed to make arrests. Its obvious there are some bad cops but people make excuses for what certain populations put cops through. I've caught some of it because people thought I was a cop

Now you just have more agitation by radicals and selfish agitators. Lots of black lives were saved by police. Not they are being beaten down while black people are getting killed all over the place - by other black people.

Who even knows "Hands Up Don't Shoot" never happened? The last admins DOJ report even said so.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie
I think the "both sides" thing is an excuse. One party made their whole presidential campaign about bashing white people - demonized every day. I knew then there would be a lot of trouble because. There was fear the GOP was making inroads with black voters. The TDS crowd couldn't have that. There were zero rational ideas. Everything became about "free free free" and demonizing white people - the men especially. That's an old tactic. You should read the stuff white people are being told to do in Seattle ( ).

We have a massive blame game diversion taking place. Black crime (not from all of course) has been massive since the 60s. Peior to 60s black crime was the same as white. Prisons were mostly white. Black Illegitimacy was equal to white. Then the spoilers came in and played God. The gov became the center of black life and fathers went away. They got angry and the kids got angry. The abandoned mothers got angry (you should hear how some of them berate their male kids).

Fiftenn years ago the kid in my area started fighting cops because thats what the out of town agitators taught them to do. if a kid got arrested, the other kids would get him free from the car. Two and three cars became needed to make arrests. Its obvious there are some bad cops but people make excuses for what certain populations put cops through. I've caught some of it because people thought I was a cop

Now you just have more agitation by radicals and selfish agitators. Lots of black lives were saved by police. Not they are being beaten down while black people are getting killed all over the place - by other black people.

Who even knows "Hands Up Don't Shoot" never happened? The last admins DOJ report even said so.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie
Nice story. Did you make it in the NYT fiction best sellers list with that one?
will anyone put Nicole Brown Simpson's name on their helmet

There is no systemic racism. Only democrats push the "systemic racism" narrative. I have asked my white republican friends and my democrat friends the same questions. 1) are you a racist? 2) are do have any friends that are racists? 3) have you encountered any racists? The answers to all those questions to the 25 people I have asked them to, has been "NO" to all. So Where is all this racism? BTW, you are free to answer the above questions.

It's posts like these that are why the CE board got shut down and why this thread will be locked shortly. Racially insensitive and divisive at a minimum and Skinny, I suggest you look in the mirror and ask that question, since generally racists are the ones who think there's no racism.

@yesrutgers01 - keep up the good fight - you make superbly insightful posts on race in America, given your unique (for this board at least, which leans as far right and white and male as any collection of 1000+ adults can) perspective and experiences.

My most shocking personal realization of racism came only about 10 years ago the day after my 30th HS reunion, when I was hanging out with 4 of my HS friends (all white - 99% white HS in South Jersey with maybe 4 of 400 black graduates and 2-3 Jews, one of whom was my best friend). I felt I was reasonably well traveled and read by the time I was 48 and I had a few close black friends over the years, including a great friend/roommate in college, so I thought I had seen a few things and knew a lot about racism.

So the night after the reunion I was out with 4 of the guys I grew up with and growing up through the 70s in an all white town, there wasn't much obvious racism, since there was nobody around to be racist to and apart from the occasional racist joke, which I never thought much about back then, I simply didn't give race much thought, except in the books I read. All 4 of these guys stayed in our hometown area and 3 didn't go to college, but have done ok in various blue collar jobs (the other guy is in pharma) - I kind of lost touch with them since HS, as I didn't come back much, but we became FB friends when that all started up around 2007-8.

Anyway, it was the middle of football season and this was when Michael Vick was the Eagles QB and they were on TV and he made a bad play and one of the guys called him a "stupid effin n-----" and the other guys laughed. I didn't, but I'd heard talk like that before (there are always some white guys who assume that other white guys are ok with racist talk) and challenged them saying c'mon, that's a dumb racist thing to say and then we got into a discussion on black QBs and they all said Vick, McNabb, etc., would never win a Super Bowl and that Doug Williams was a fluke and that black QBs simply weren't smart enough to lead teams to a SB win - I argued pretty hard with them and they could tell I was pissed so we started talking about HS stuff.

Nobody used the N-word again, since it was clear I wasn't having that, but it was also still clear these guys all thought like every NFL GM in the 60s through the 90s, at least. It was jarring. I had planned to stay and watch the whole game, but left at halftime, as I realized that maybe they'd always been racist, but I was too naive to see it in HS and I never really saw them much in the next 30 years (or at least race didn't really come up when I did). I don't think they all of a sudden became bad people, but man what a shock to see the casual racism and I'm sure this was not some odd anomaly, especially judging by the posts in this thread.

I'll also relate one really great formative period in my life, junior year at RU, when I lived with a good friend of mine who was black (we were both engineers) and where I had the privilege of truly learning at least somewhat what it was like to be a minority. While we had some larger parties with everyone in the apartment, which were mostly white, my roommate had a couple of smaller parties where I was one of maybe 2 white folks out of 25-30. I had never been a "minority" before in any setting and I was certainly nervous at first, but also found it to be pretty eye-opening and a helluva lot of fun.

My roommate and I used to talk about race all the time (he taught me a lot) and about 5 of us spent an hour after the party mostly talking about race - they were actually very interested in my perspective having been a "minority" for a night. My immediate first thought was Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird talking about how much one can learn by "walking around in someone else's skin." My stock went up a few notches after bringing in that perspective.
Nice story. Did you make it in the NYT fiction best sellers list with that one?

Its all accurate and you cant disprove any of it. We live in a time when its easy to see whats going on. We have a party, a media and an academic cohort that's made a heard break into extremism - Marxism, communism, socialism - whatever you want to call it. They want to break the country a dozen ways. They are bad citizens and bad people - and they aren't one race. One plank in the platform calls for having millions of people from around the world crash in. See how "black lives matter" when they get buried under that.

The NYT is fabricating ridiculous faux history that few scholars take seriously but the lies get inflated more and more. We have organized gangs roving the nations colleges and cities creating violence. The "protests" always descend into mayhem once the beat down and indoctrinated psychotic kids go home. Nobody has been worked over psychologically like today's kids. Massive excuses are made for real problems. The criminals become the good guys and the law gets recast as the criminals.

No surprise there is a communist group calling for eradication of police. This all has nothing to do with improving race relations. It has to do with using black people as battering rams. The same people who wrecked Venezuela want a go at US. The US people might actually be worse. In any case, you already have armed militias formed and a bunch of US cities will be lost relatively quickly. The city leaders are feckless. You have a good chance of hostile people outside your house soon and it was easy to see coming

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It's posts like these that are why the CE board got shut down and why this thread will be locked shortly. Racially insensitive and divisive at a minimum and Skinny, I suggest you look in the mirror and ask that question, since generally racists are the ones who think there's no racism.

@yesrutgers01 - keep up the good fight - you make superbly insightful posts on race in America, given your unique (for this board at least, which leans as far right and white and male as any collection of 1000+ adults can) perspective and experiences.

My most shocking personal realization of racism came only about 10 years ago the day after my 30th HS reunion, when I was hanging out with 4 of my HS friends (all white - 99% white HS in South Jersey with maybe 4 of 400 black graduates and 2-3 Jews, one of whom was my best friend). I felt I was reasonably well traveled and read by the time I was 48 and I had a few close black friends over the years, including a great friend/roommate in college, so I thought I had seen a few things and knew a lot about racism.

So the night after the reunion I was out with 4 of the guys I grew up with and growing up through the 70s in an all white town, there wasn't much obvious racism, since there was nobody around to be racist to and apart from the occasional racist joke, which I never thought much about back then, I simply didn't give race much thought, except in the books I read. All 4 of these guys stayed in our hometown area and 3 didn't go to college, but have done ok in various blue collar jobs (the other guy is in pharma) - I kind of lost touch with them since HS, as I didn't come back much, but we became FB friends when that all started up around 2007-8.

Anyway, it was the middle of football season and this was when Michael Vick was the Eagles QB and they were on TV and he made a bad play and one of the guys called him a "stupid effin n-----" and the other guys laughed. I didn't, but I'd heard talk like that before (there are always some white guys who assume that other white guys are ok with racist talk) and challenged them saying c'mon, that's a dumb racist thing to say and then we got into a discussion on black QBs and they all said Vick, McNabb, etc., would never win a Super Bowl and that Doug Williams was a fluke and that black QBs simply weren't smart enough to lead teams to a SB win - I argued pretty hard with them and they could tell I was pissed so we started talking about HS stuff.

Nobody used the N-word again, since it was clear I wasn't having that, but it was also still clear these guys all thought like every NFL GM in the 60s through the 90s, at least. It was jarring. I had planned to stay and watch the whole game, but left at halftime, as I realized that maybe they'd always been racist, but I was too naive to see it in HS and I never really saw them much in the next 30 years (or at least race didn't really come up when I did). I don't think they all of a sudden became bad people, but man what a shock to see the casual racism and I'm sure this was not some odd anomaly, especially judging by the posts in this thread.

I'll also relate one really great formative period in my life, junior year at RU, when I lived with a good friend of mine who was black (we were both engineers) and where I had the privilege of truly learning at least somewhat what it was like to be a minority. While we had some larger parties with everyone in the apartment, which were mostly white, my roommate had a couple of smaller parties where I was one of maybe 2 white folks out of 25-30. I had never been a "minority" before in any setting and I was certainly nervous at first, but also found it to be pretty eye-opening and a helluva lot of fun.

My roommate and I used to talk about race all the time (he taught me a lot) and about 5 of us spent an hour after the party mostly talking about race - they were actually very interested in my perspective having been a "minority" for a night. My immediate first thought was Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird talking about how much one can learn by "walking around in someone else's skin." My stock went up a few notches after bringing in that perspective.
I've found the same to be true about lots of former co-workers of mine. A bunch came out during the Obama years.
Its all accurate and you cant disprove any of it. We live in a time when its easy to see whats going on. We have a party, a media and an academic cohort that's made a heard break into extremism - Marxism, communism, socialism - whatever you want to call it. They want to break the country a dozen ways. They are bad citizens and bad people - and they aren't one race. One plank in the platform calls for having millions of people from around the world crash in. See how "black lives matter" when they get buried under that.

The NYT is fabricating ridiculous faux history that few scholars take seriously but the lies get inflated more and more. We have organized gangs roving the nations colleges and cities creating violence. The "protests" always descend into mayhem once the beat down and indoctrinated psychotic kids go home. Nobody has been worked over psychologically like today's kids. Massive excuses are made for real problems. The criminals become the good guys and the law gets recast as the criminals.

No surprise there is a communist group calling for eradication of police. This all has nothing to do with improving race relations. It has to do with using black people as battering rams. The same people who wrecked Venezuela want a go at US. The US people might actually be worse. In any case, you already have armed militias formed and a bunch of US cities will be lost relatively quickly. The city leaders are feckless. You have a good chance of hostile people outside your house soon and it was easy to see coming

Yikes, seriously, stay off the interwebs. Its rotting your brain.
Nonsense! There is no police brutality problem with the police targeting blacks. This is a false narrative being proffered by the MSM to carry the democrats water. This is the same canard that the MSM is pushing the whole the U.S. is racist. This is the knee jerk reaction to Trump making serious in roads with the black community. All this racist talk and police brutality talk is designed with one purpose, to keep blacks on the democrat plantation. Blacks are tired of the democrats false promises that they are going to "save them". I believe the majority of blacks are going to be voting for Trump and Republicans this cycle.
Holy delusional!
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It's posts like these that are why the CE board got shut down and why this thread will be locked shortly. Racially insensitive and divisive at a minimum and Skinny, I suggest you look in the mirror and ask that question, since generally racists are the ones who think there's no racism.

My most shocking personal realization of racism came only about 10 years ago the day after my 30th HS reunion, when I was hanging out with 4 of my HS friends (all white - 99% white HS in South Jersey with maybe 4 of 400 black graduates and 2-3 Jews, one of whom was my best friend). I felt I was reasonably well traveled and read by the time I was 48 and I had a few close black friends over the years, including a great friend/roommate in college, so I thought I had seen a few things and knew a lot about racism.

Anyway, it was the middle of football season and this was when Michael Vick was the Eagles QB and they were on TV and he made a bad play and one of the guys called him a "stupid effin n-----" and the other guys laughed. I didn't, but I'd heard talk like that before (there are always some white guys who assume that other white guys are ok with racist talk) and challenged them saying c'mon, that's a dumb racist thing to say and then we got into a discussion on black QBs and they all said Vick, McNabb, etc., would never win a Super Bowl and that Doug Williams was a fluke and that black QBs simply weren't smart enough to lead teams to a SB win - I argued pretty hard with them and they could tell I was pissed so we started talking about HS stuff.

Nobody used the N-word again, since it was clear I wasn't having that, but it was also still clear these guys all thought like every NFL GM in the 60s through the 90s, at least. It was jarring. I had planned to stay and watch the whole game, but left at halftime, as I realized that maybe they'd always been racist, but I was too naive to see it in HS and I never really saw them much in the next 30 years (or at least race didn't really come up when I did). I don't think they all of a sudden became bad people, but man what a shock to see the casual racism and I'm sure this was not some odd anomaly, especially judging by the posts in this thread.
And you know what, the NFL just counted down its annual list of the top 100 players and 3 of the top 10 are "Black" quarterbacks.

This is just so incredibly ignorant that it's astounding. What do you think that because a black athlete is sucessful and highly paid that they don't have untold number of family members and friends who are just average joes so to speak. And that these family members and friends aren't subject to the same concerns? I guess their attitude should be well I'm good hell with those other Black people. Why should I care about Breonna Taylor. I've got a mansion a bughatti and 2 tesla's baby. .

The thought process of you and others in this thread is really something to behold. I've got the utmost respect for people like Lebron James and others like him who they would love to just have " shut up and dribble."
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And you know what, the NFL just counted down its annual list of the top 100 players and 3 of the top 10 are "Black" quarterbacks.
Really. I don’t care what color they are or aren’t but that’s a shocker. Mahomes is too young to be on that list but to me he may end up being the best and certainly will go down as an all time great if he does what I expect him to do. Who else would be in the Top 10?
This is just so incredibly ignorant that it's astounding. What do you think that because a black athlete is sucessful and highly paid that they don't have untold number of family members and friends who are just average joes so to speak. And that these family members and friends aren't subject to the same concerns? I guess their attitude should be well I'm good hell with those other Black people. Why should I care about Breonna Taylor. I've got a mansion a bughatti and 2 tesla's baby. .

The thought process of you and others in this thread is really something to behold. I've got the utmost respect for people like Lebron James and others like him who they would love to just have them " shut up and dribble."

I really want to say OK Boomer, because it fits, but instead I'll just say, you're entitled to your opinion.
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Really. I don’t care what color they are or aren’t but that’s a shocker. Mahomes is too young to be on that list but to me he may end up being the best and certainly will go down as an all time great if he does what I expect him to do. Who else would be in the Top 10?
It's not Top 10 of all time. It's Top 10 active players.
The other two are Russell Wilson and Lamar Jackson.
I've found the same to be true about lots of former co-workers of mine. A bunch came out during the Obama years.

That's because you seem to view everything based on race.

With that logic, a lot of racists have come out during the Trump years too.
E eryone who hates him, of course cuz he's a White guy. Am I playing this right?
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