OT: RIP Bob Saget

I figured it out. It’s space aliens. Was an experiment gone wrong. Fits all the facts.

Cone to think of it, what better way to prep a world for invasion than to start a pandemic. I’m now 110% certain space aliens created COVID-19. There can be no other possible explanation.
You might be on to something. Are these space creatures you refer to as space aliens of Chinese descent?
I meant to say something about Bob Sagat's demise. Besides RIP to a great comedian. Many think of him from Full House and America's Funniest Home Videos. I'll always remember seeing Bob on the movie, The Aristocrats.

For anyone unaware, do not watch this is you aren't a fan of the raunchiest possible humor. I remember seeing this at the movie theater not quite believing it was Bob Sagat telling the joke.

***Warning: This is one of the most NSFW things you'll ever watch***

Edit: Can't believe this wasn't posted earlier.
I meant to say something about Bob Sagat's demise. Besides RIP to a great comedian. Many think of him from Full House and America's Funniest Home Videos. I'll always remember seeing Bob on the movie, The Aristocrats.

For anyone unaware, do not watch this is you aren't a fan of the raunchiest possible humor. I remember seeing this at the movie theater not quite believing it was Bob Sagat telling the joke.

***Warning: This is one of the most NSFW things you'll ever watch***

Edit: Can't believe this wasn't posted earlier.
The documentary was referred to.. but no link posted. I don't find it all that funny. It is just cringe comedy.
I meant to say something about Bob Sagat's demise. Besides RIP to a great comedian. Many think of him from Full House and America's Funniest Home Videos. I'll always remember seeing Bob on the movie, The Aristocrats.

For anyone unaware, do not watch this is you aren't a fan of the raunchiest possible humor. I remember seeing this at the movie theater not quite believing it was Bob Sagat telling the joke.

***Warning: This is one of the most NSFW things you'll ever watch***

Edit: Can't believe this wasn't posted earlier.
Sick and disgusting.

And not funny.
for you guys into comedians.. this was kinda interesting... the show is on Amazon Prime, iirc. The one below is Canada.. the original was Australia (which I have not seen any of).

Last One Laughing.. 6 hours, a bunch of comedians, they try to make each other laugh.. and try not to laugh.. playing for a charity. It has some cringe.. some situational stuff where they are trying to get each other out with nervous laughter.. it is at least funny-peculiar... if not funny-ha-ha

ear problems can make balance a little off. can't say that was cause of fall, but maybe being fatigued after preforming made for a situation that a balance problem would cause his fall .
Maybe. But I have seen and spoken to long COVID folks who are dealing with issues right now. Yet I’ve been vaccinated and boosted and I’m doing fine. But again, time will tell on all counts.
Sounds like you are falling all over yourself to defend the vaccine--could be a balance issue you are not recognizing? 😜 🤣
Just a twisted joke, there. We are all different, and the virus and/or the vaccine can have different effects on different people. Kind of like some people who have normal cholesterol and have heart attacks while some people who have high cholesterol and don't have issues with cardiovascular disease.
Sounds like you are falling all over yourself to defend the vaccine--could be a balance issue you are not recognizing? 😜 🤣
Just a twisted joke, there. We are all different, and the virus and/or the vaccine can have different effects on different people. Kind of like some people who have normal cholesterol and have heart attacks while some people who have high cholesterol and don't have issues with cardiovascular disease.
Sounds like you are falling all over yourself to defend the vaccine--could be a balance issue you are not recognizing? 😜 🤣
Just a twisted joke, there. We are all different, and the virus and/or the vaccine can have different effects on different people. Kind of like some people who have normal cholesterol and have heart attacks while some people who have high cholesterol and don't have issues with cardiovascular disease.
Sounds like you are falling all over yourself to defend the vaccine--could be a balance issue you are not recognizing? 😜 🤣
Just a twisted joke, there. We are all different, and the virus and/or the vaccine can have different effects on different people. Kind of like some people who have normal cholesterol and have heart attacks while some people who have high cholesterol and don't have issues with cardiovascular disease.
No not at all. I didn’t bring it up and I was just relaying my experience in response to another poster’s comment.
Covid had nothing to do with Bob Saget's death. So why highlight that ?

So you are retracting your original statement?
Same with the vaccine.
The vaccine does much more good than harm. The number of side effects from the vaccine are far outweighed by the damage covid does to the body.

On another note and I havent seen it mentioned, maybe there were multiple falls. Prescription mental altering medications, fatigue, vestibular disturbances from covid and an initial head injury could have cause many more falls leading to the multiple fractures around his skull.
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Unfortunately no one can speak thoroughly and intelligently to long term side effects of the vaccine.
The experts expect none

Like most vaccines

We do know that results were 90 to 94% effective against needing to be put on a ventilator

I also know that every medical professional my family uses recommended the vaccine and were vaccinated themselves

But Jenny McCarthy and NJGuy experts in immunization are concerned
Unfortunately no one can speak thoroughly and intelligently to long term side effects of the vaccine.
People holding forth on subjects for which they have no education or experience comprise 99.9% of CE forum posts, and 98.9% of FB and BB forum posts. Vaccines are no exception.

At least @LETSGORU91 is a doctor, so he has some relevant education and experience, putting him well ahead of 98.9% of other FB forum contributors. He has no crystal ball, but his experience helps him understand historical scholarly vaccine research evidence, where available, with which he can make informed abstractions looking forward. Which is more than even high IQ folks can do when lacking the requisite medical training and experience.

At least I think he’s a doctor. If not, oops. 😀
People holding forth on subjects for which they have no education or experience comprise 99.9% of CE forum posts, and 98.9% of FB and BB forum posts. Vaccines are no exception.

At least @LETSGORU91 is a doctor, so he has some relevant education and experience, putting him well ahead of 98.9% of other FB forum contributors. He has no crystal ball, but his experience helps him understand historical scholarly vaccine research evidence, where available, with which he can make informed abstractions looking forward. Which is more than even high IQ folks can do when lacking the requisite medical training and experience.

At least I think he’s a doctor. If not, oops. 😀
I thought the “vaccine” experts had moved on to their expertise in Eastern European foreign policy already
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Unfortunately no one can speak thoroughly and intelligently to long term side effects of the vaccine.
Not yet, but the short and intermediate term effects of the vaccine have been outstandingly positive going up against those who were not vaccinated and contracted covid. Of course no one can have an intelligent conversations about longer term effects of the vaccine when the longer term hasn't happened yet, although we are almost a year and a half into the first needles goin in. But get this, the short, intermediate and long term effects of covid are well established and those infected with damage all ready done and documented will absolutely have (and are experienceing) irreversible, long term effects. I bet the same fears are/were raised with measles, mumps, rubella, polio, shingles, HPV, flu (even though it's a crapshoot), etc. have been shown to be very beneficial. It's a risk not taking them. I liken it to the smoker who says, "nothing will ever happen to me". Then develops lung cancer or COPD. Or those who dont exercise, dont eat a healthy diet and don't address other modifiable risk factors, then experience a heart attack or have bypass surgery and say "damn, I wish I had done better". I see these scenarios every single day. We are all adults here and are capable of making our own big boy and big girl decisions. Take the information at hand and do what's best in your mind. But, there's no sane information out there that condones the use of tobacco products, drink in excess, eat unhealthy, be sedentary, etc. AND...wait for it...refraining from taking the covid vaccine.
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I thought the “vaccine” experts had moved on to their expertise in Eastern European foreign policy already
Actually, Russia has been heavily seeding the United States and Western Europe with disinformation about vaccines through fake social media accounts, among other mediums, almost as soon as it became public knowledge that the vaccines were in development. Part of a broad state-run campaign to destabilize the target nations, sow mass dissent, overload healthcare systems, etc.

These disinformation campaigns, along with recently publicly confirmed cyber warfare attacks on energy sectors of various countries including the US, Putin has been quietly waging a digital war on the West for years, now. A not so secret secret.

And it has worked quite well, so far. In the US in particular, Russian intelligence saw a polarized nation that already habitually latched onto factless unsupportable narratives spun up by political talking heads and propagandist websites. We were, and are, ripe for manipulation.

Amazes me that people don’t realize that their vaccine fears, and certain political positions on both sides, originated in a room full of Russian intelligence operatives. Talk about sheep.
So you are retracting your original statement?
Why would I need to? At the time of my original post, it was accurate.

And we still don't really know, and we never will.

According to the linked Newsweek story, on the night before his death:

"Per People, Cocci stated that Saget complained of feeling unwell and having hearing issues due to what he described as ongoing COVID symptoms."

"All there was on there was drinks. He wanted Red Bull, Diet Coke and regular Coke and that was it," stated Cocci, who added that she did not see Saget "ingest" anything throughout the course of the evening, "not even water on stage."

So, are we to believe Bob Saget's self-dianosis? Or was it a doctor's opinion? Bob Saget did play a doctor in Condition Critical with Richard Pryor, so perhaps that is good enough if his statement was not based on a doctor's diagnosis?

The prescription drugs, all the caffeine, sugar and Red Bull, that does not sound like a good combination.

I thought the “vaccine” experts had moved on to their expertise in Eastern European foreign policy already
They have?
Actually, Russia has been heavily seeding the United States and Western Europe with disinformation about vaccines through fake social media accounts, among other mediums, almost as soon as it became public knowledge that the vaccines were in development. Part of a broad state-run campaign to destabilize the target nations, sow mass dissent, overload healthcare systems, etc.

These disinformation campaigns, along with recently publicly confirmed cyber warfare attacks on energy sectors of various countries including the US, Putin has been quietly waging a digital war on the West for years, now. A not so secret secret.

And it has worked quite well, so far. In the US in particular, Russian intelligence saw a polarized nation that already habitually latched onto factless unsupportable narratives spun up by political talking heads and propagandist websites. We were, and are, ripe for manipulation.

Amazes me that people don’t realize that their vaccine fears, and certain political positions on both sides, originated in a room full of Russian intelligence operatives. Talk about sheep.
The answers to all of these questions are on Hunter Biden's laptop. But remember, according to 50 national security experts, the NY Times, WaPo, CNN and the liberal news outlets, Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation! So you have the correct answer!!!! 😜
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The experts expect none

Like most vaccines

We do know that results were 90 to 94% effective against needing to be put on a ventilator

I also know that every medical professional my family uses recommended the vaccine and were vaccinated themselves

But Jenny McCarthy and NJGuy experts in immunization are concerned
That's because Jesus told NJGuy about the evils of the vaccine. It's in Corinthians 3
I still can't figure how....with so many mamalukes around...we were able to conquer smallpox and polio.
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That's because Jesus told NJGuy about the evils of the vaccine. It's in Corinthians 3
I still can't figure how....with so many mamalukes around...we were able to conquer smallpox and polio.

Mocking a poster’s religious beliefs because he said no one knows the long term side effects of a new vaccine.
The experts expect none

Like most vaccines

We do know that results were 90 to 94% effective against needing to be put on a ventilator

I also know that every medical professional my family uses recommended the vaccine and were vaccinated themselves

But Jenny McCarthy and NJGuy experts in immunization are concerned
Lot of anger there, Tom.

You angry that I pointed out the obvious — that we don’t know the long term effects of a new vaccine?

People holding forth on subjects for which they have no education or experience comprise 99.9% of CE forum posts, and 98.9% of FB and BB forum posts. Vaccines are no exception.

At least @LETSGORU91 is a doctor, so he has some relevant education and experience, putting him well ahead of 98.9% of other FB forum contributors. He has no crystal ball, but his experience helps him understand historical scholarly vaccine research evidence, where available, with which he can make informed abstractions looking forward. Which is more than even high IQ folks can do when lacking the requisite medical training and experience.

At least I think he’s a doctor. If not, oops. 😀

Over time, I have seen you “holding forth” on many subjects you are not educated on or experienced with.

On a daily basis.

Mocking a poster’s religious beliefs because he said no one knows the long term side effects of a new vaccine.
So, Jesus DIDN'T tell you about this evil vaccine ?
And BTW I am laughing at your beliefs based on your many ridiculous posts on this board...not just those absurd vaccine-related ones.
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So, Jesus DIDN'T tell you about this evil vaccine ?
And BTW I am laughing at your beliefs based on your many ridiculous posts on this board...not just those absurd vaccine-related ones.
Is the vaccine evil?
The answers to all of these questions are on Hunter Biden's laptop. But remember, according to 50 national security experts, the NY Times, WaPo, CNN and the liberal news outlets, Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation! So you have the correct answer!!!! 😜
Weirdly irrelevant and politically themed deflection. The existence of various partisan political scandals, with which both sides constantly attack each other, in no way invalidates the fact that Russia has been heavily engaged in pitting people in the US against one-another.
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Over time, I have seen you “holding forth” on many subjects you are not educated on or experienced with.

On a daily basis.
I didn’t specifically exclude myself when I gave percentages, did I?

You don‘t actually know much of anything about my education and experience because I never give out real information about it. Just tidbits here and there, not even enough to even be useful as hints.

Why so defensive?
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