OT: Shop Rite brand soda


All American
May 7, 2007
I've visited 5 Shop Rites and have not been able to find any Shop Rite brand soda in either bottle or cans.I've heard that there's an aluminum can shortage.Has the product line been discontinued?
I always found the store brands like shop rite - cola’s to suck . But the fake sprite and ginger ale not too bad and definitely good to use as alcohol mixes
Who drinks Shop Rite brand soda? If you are going to drink something that's bad for you, at least buy the tastiest version of it.

I guess no obscure person has died recently so the OP, Mr. Obituary, has nothing else to post about.:WideSmile:
I've visited 5 Shop Rites and have not been able to find any Shop Rite brand soda in either bottle or cans.I've heard that there's an aluminum can shortage.Has the product line been discontinued?

I don’t drink mixed drinks, but other than that, do many adults actually drink soda?? I understand that children and teens do, so you are probably buying for them.
I don’t drink mixed drinks, but other than that, do many adults actually drink soda?? I understand that children and teens do, so you are probably buying for them.
Yes, I know adults who do. I like gingerale once in a bluemoon if I'm out. Also, maybe 1 time a year at my parents I'll drink a Vanilla or Cherry Coke. All this soda talk has me craving a rootbeer float.
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Who drinks Shop Rite brand soda? If you are going to drink something that's bad for you, at least buy the tastiest version of it.

I guess no obscure person has died recently so the OP, Mr. Obituary, has nothing else to post about.:WideSmile:
I'll have an obscure obituary ready to go in a few minutes.
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Who drinks Shop Rite brand soda? If you are going to drink something that's bad for you, at least buy the tastiest version of it.

I guess no obscure person has died recently so the OP, Mr. Obituary, has nothing else to post about.:WideSmile:

Funny, my first thought here was that this was a RIP for Shop Rite brand soda. :WideSmile:
Who drinks Shop Rite brand soda? If you are going to drink something that's bad for you, at least buy the tastiest version of it.
Who manufactures store brand items? Obviously Walmart and ShopRite don't have their own soda or dish detergent factory someone must be producing it and selling it to stores under their brand. My brother used to work for Wakefern and used to tell me who made what. ShopRite soda was actually Shasta. Have no idea if that's still the case. Walmart Great Value brand is easy in some cases because they tell you right on the label "Compare to <known brand>". Don't know why you'd by Dawn dish detergent at WM when you can save about 1/3 on the GV brand which is the same detergent
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My wife has been looking, without success, for Nabisco original graham crackers for months.
One checker figures it is about all of those smores. Talk about unhealthy things to eat.
They do not sell as shop rite brand any longer it is now i=under the label "bowl and basket"
Can and Coin shortages at the same time?

yup. Most metal for cans comes from overseas.

The coin shortage is due to (1) people using fewer coins (bars and restaurants are huge “circulators” of coins and (2) the mints were closed for a while
yup. Most metal for cans comes from overseas.

The coin shortage is due to (1) people using fewer coins (bars and restaurants are huge “circulators” of coins and (2) the mints were closed for a while

Convenience stores and coffee places, less foot traffic I guess.

I've been using a lot of coins lately , I can tell they are happy when I do