I watched a 45 min presentation a few weeks backs with her and an economist, mostly about the current state of inflation. Her enthusiasm for her beliefs is contagious, and I can see why people follow her, but sitting back I had the definite feeling they were trying to pool the wool over my eyes. They read a lot into limited data, drew some crazy causal chains, and ignored data/explanations that didn't fit their narrative. For example, she argued that high gas prices are deflationary, because it'll lead to more online shopping which will lead to less stores, malls being built -- see, deflationary! Ha, ha, for the record, they predicted inflation under 2% by the end of the year. My belief, you only get that if there's a massive recession, and if there is a massive recession, the financial markets will roll over for better buying opportunities. And look around, people still spending too much for an imminent recession, labor market too tight.
Anyway, I don't think the tech story is done, in the very long run. You'll need that technological innovations in the future, but they have to get through this valley of high inflation and high rates, and we're only entering it now. It may stretch out for some time. I do think, given debt loads, central banks want artificially low rates, to stimulate growth, that's the norm, but only if inflation allows it. I wonder if we're entering an era of higher inflationary pressures -- strengthening labor, energy, re-shoring some manf., ect. We'll see.