OT: Temple on-campus stadium going forward

I’ve seen high school stadiums in Texas that look nicer than that.

Matter of fact, I believe that a high schooler may have designed Temple’s new stadium.
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It's such a cute little thing. It even has a sort of upper deck on the sidelines. I wonder if they'll use a curtain to cover it like SHU at the rock?

They also won't have to worry about parking or tailgating since no one would bring a car to that crappy neighborHOOD.
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Katy, TX Legacy Stadium (High School):
I wasn't allowed to read it as it said I needed to subscribe but quite honestly, if it is 35k seating, I have two immediate thoughts.
1) Will they ever fill it if they are not playing Rutgers/Pitt/PSU/ND?
2) If you hope for a P5 invite, what would make anyone thing 35k seats is enough to entice any P5 conference even if you do fill it?
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This is far from a done deal. I’m not sure what the temperature of the neighborhood is up there, but you have to get something like this through the neighborhood association before heading to a politically appointed ZBA. From what I recall, the mayor was opposed to this. Maybe he’s changed his mind. That neighborhood definitely doesn’t need a stadium and frankly investments in football is not a good long term idea in my view.
This is far from a done deal. I’m not sure what the temperature of the neighborhood is up there, but you have to get something like this through the neighborhood association before heading to a politically appointed ZBA. From what I recall, the mayor was opposed to this. Maybe he’s changed his mind. That neighborhood definitely doesn’t need a stadium and frankly investments in football is not a good long term idea in my view.
Indeed. From a 2016 article/opinion:

"My issue is with the location Temple has chosen for the project, a two-block site between Broad and 16th from Berks to Norris. Temple's campus has been inching west of Broad Street, and the stadium would run smack up against a fragile, African American neighborhood that has been desperately trying to hold its own against "dormification" by student housing developers. Sometimes called North Central, it is a storied place that has nurtured Philadelphia's black middle class, people like the Rev. William Gray Sr. and his son, U.S. Rep. Bill Gray; Cecil B. Moore; Helen Dickens, Philadelphia's first black, board-certified obstetrician; and filmmaker Louis Massiah."
Tough crowd, if I didn't know any better, I would think this is a Ped State board directing their vitriol at RU. If Rutgers is so much further advanced then Temple, which we are, then good for Temple if they can pull it off.
What is so tough? It is known that not many Temple fans show up for their home games. Will that change if they have their own stadium? That's a good question.

The Temple hate is pathetic. Every heard the saying “It’s about us, not about them”?
Don't see any hate. Just folks asking some legitimate questions about the viability of the project. Their attendance has been quite lackluster, and there are some challenges to building this. Don't understand why that is considered hate.

No doubt, Temple has been doing very well lately. Rhule left the program in good shape, and they had a great season under the new coach with Nutile at QB.
You sound like a freaking idiot.
It is pretty hard to trigger my "racist" alarm.. but that "neighborHOOD" did it.

No need for the caps... everyone knows north Philly has issues. And my thought was also that, if people start showing up for games there is no parking... but there is only one reason to use caps for "HOOD" there.
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The article stated that they will build a 35,000 seat stadium for $135 million. Several years ago we added 10,000 seats to an existing Rutgers Stadium for $100 million. Either we overpaid or Temple is way off on there projected cost as we paid $10,000/seat and TU is estimating $3,900/seat. We will soon find out.
The article stated that they will build a 35,000 seat stadium for $135 million. Several years ago we added 10,000 seats to an existing Rutgers Stadium for $100 million. Either we overpaid or Temple is way off on there projected cost as we paid $10,000/seat and TU is estimating $3,900/seat. We will soon find out.

Villanova will get their 30,000 seat stadium built and get their SEC invitation before that Temple Stadium gets built. St Josephs in Phil gets bigger crowds, they should be playing there.
Didn't even realize they were heading in this direction. While the Linc is too big this would constitute a major investment in the football program and I am not sure how the cost benefit analysis works when you have the Linc as a viable option. They must think the program has significant upside even if remaining in the AAC.
Villanova will get their 30,000 seat stadium built and get their SEC invitation before that Temple Stadium gets built. St Josephs in Phil gets bigger crowds, they should be playing there.

Didn't even realize they were heading in this direction. While the Linc is too big this would constitute a major investment in the football program and I am not sure how the cost benefit analysis works when you have the Linc as a viable option. They must think the program has significant upside even if remaining in the AAC.

Probably would never happen, but why couldn't two or three schools (Temple/Villanova/St. Joes) build in a neutral location and share the costs?
Doesn't seem like money well spent. They'd be better off helping to to renovate UPenn's stadium.

Katy, TX Legacy Stadium (High School):
Legacy Stadium, at 70 million dollars, is now the most expensive high school stadium in the country. Seats about 12 000 IIRC. This might be about the right size for Temple. :)

In any event, if they can pull off the proposed multipurpose stadium/retail complex, good for them. I don't know if it's a practical idea or not, but that's their business, not mine.
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Probably would never happen, but why couldn't two or three schools (Temple/Villanova/St. Joes) build in a neutral location and share the costs?

I meant St Josephs HIGH SCHOOL, LOL. I don't think St Joes U even has a football team. Maybe a club team? But you have a good idea, in a share w Villanova, if not Penn as well.
The neighbors will have this project tied up in the courts for the next ten years at least.
Nope, that's already been negotiated and settled. That was the holdup from submitting this to the planning board a year ago. It's full-steam ahead, though these are still preliminary sketches. What gets built won't be exactly what you see here, though the scale seems to be settled.
Stadium looks neat. Lack of parking is problematic though. Reminds me of Cincy or BC. Not a bad thing at all. Good luck to them! Hope it happens!
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Didn't even realize they were heading in this direction. While the Linc is too big this would constitute a major investment in the football program and I am not sure how the cost benefit analysis works when you have the Linc as a viable option. They must think the program has significant upside even if remaining in the AAC.

The Linc is too big and it is controlled by the Eagles. When Temple renegotiated the lease, the Eagles demanded a significant rent increase. The two sides eventually compromised, but it became clear that the Eagles would continue to push for much higher rents with each new lease. That is why Temple really started getting the on campus stadium project into gear.