OT- this day, 2 years ago

Originally posted by bac2therac:

wtf is wrong with todays youth
I graduated in 1993. I hope that I wasn't as retarded as most of these knuckleheads.
Originally posted by RCTrooper:

Originally posted by bac2therac:

wtf is wrong with todays youth
I graduated in 1993. I hope that I wasn't as retarded as most of these knuckleheads.
same year as I did, we all partied hard but I could never recall incidents like this where the behavior went anti social. I think when that Woodstock 98 thing happened and reality tv took off and people started recording everything on cameras and phones, that's when this kind of behavior blew up. They see stuff like this on tv and everyone wants to live it
Part of it is the false notion put forth by Big Academia that you have to go to college. Most of those ppl don't belong in college. I wonder how many of them have dropped out. Probably most. They won't be getting a refund from Big A. It's a scam.
This post was edited on 4/14 9:54 AM by RUaMoose
Originally posted by RUaMoose:

Part of it is the false notion put forth by Big Academia that you have to go to college. Most of those ppl don't belong in college. I wonder how many of them have dropped out. Probably most. They won't be getting a refund from Big A. It's a scam.
This post was edited on 4/14 9:54 AM by RUaMoose
No - thats the notion put forth by the people doing the hiring. Big academia might be taking advantage, but they didnt create the situation.

And dont throw going into the trades at me. Because if all of these people went into trades instead of trying to go to college that too would end up being a low wage, high cost scenario (you already have to pay quite a bit to take classes for certification, and that would get more expensive as demand boomed, while at the same time salaries would drop like a rock, just like happens for most fields that suddenly get popular.)
Originally posted by bac2therac:

Originally posted by RCTrooper:

Originally posted by bac2therac:

wtf is wrong with todays youth
I graduated in 1993. I hope that I wasn't as retarded as most of these knuckleheads.
same year as I did, we all partied hard but I could never recall incidents like this where the behavior went anti social. I think when that Woodstock 98 thing happened and reality tv took off and people started recording everything on cameras and phones, that's when this kind of behavior blew up. They see stuff like this on tv and everyone wants to live it
The cell phone and social media are the big culprits. Before them rare did one have a video camera while now a days everyone has them. In addition it is easy for them to be shared. Before Facebook, twitter, YouTube you couldn't instantly share a video with thousands or even millions of people. In addition things escalate much quicker now. If there was a huge party you can now tell 100s of people in seconds. It used to be all your friends would not find out until the next day.
Originally posted by RutgersROB:
at least they got the R-U chant right
LOL. I was just gonna comment on that but wanted to check if anyone else posted that. Stupid ass students. Should all be locked up and thrown out of school. Now...get off my lawn and go away u f'n cloud.
quickest and easiest way to break that up, take out the firehoses and just start spraying them into the air, if the cold water doesnt make them disperse, you lower the hoses little by little until everyone is washed away. I used to own a duplex on Guilden St which has basically the same type of homes. Its amazing that porch roof didn't collapse, i know the one on my house would have.
Originally posted by derleider:

Originally posted by RUaMoose:

Part of it is the false notion put forth by Big Academia that you have to go to college. Most of those ppl don't belong in college. I wonder how many of them have dropped out. Probably most. They won't be getting a refund from Big A. It's a scam.

This post was edited on 4/14 9:54 AM by RUaMoose
No - thats the notion put forth by the people doing the hiring. Big academia might be taking advantage, but they didnt create the situation.

And dont throw going into the trades at me. Because if all of these people went into trades instead of trying to go to college that too would end up being a low wage, high cost scenario (you already have to pay quite a bit to take classes for certification, and that would get more expensive as demand boomed, while at the same time salaries would drop like a rock, just like happens for most fields that suddenly get popular.)
No one is saying "all" those ppl should go into trades but there's certainly a case to be made for more balance. The fact is many in college aren't college material. I forget the exact stat but it's something like only 20-30 percent of those that start college actually get a 4-year degree. A lot of that is because they didn't belong there in the first place. I suspect the world could use plumbers and auto mechanics as much or more as someone with a business degree.