OT: Who Killed NJ's "Pedals the Bear"?

The first three days of the bear hunt were archery only, therefore the shots were taken at close range.

Yeah....I'll bet.
Listen, since they're so close to the bears why don't they just slip condoms on the bears' junk.
That should help with population control.
A bunch of yahoos in the woods with guns and bows.....yeah... right. THAT'S the best way to cut back on the bear population. To me it's just like those Civil War re-enactments....only with a lot of dead animals.
Friggin pathetic.
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I think that no matter where your actual beliefs lie that most people would say that this guy specifically targeting this bear out of some need to feel like a dude is wrong. Likely because he sucks at life and wanted attention or at least it seems like.

You don't kill animals to get attention. Unless you are a sociopath.

I have no problem with hunting and in some cases it is actually necessary.
Has the kill been confirmed? The rumor spread from an anti-bear hunt website & the reports on Friday were there was no bear matching Pedal's description brought to Fish & Wildlife.

This smells like a publicity stunt for the anti-hunt movement.
It's sad how little some of you value non-human life. Some of you on this thread disgust me.


I'm deeply saddened whenever an animal is killed. However, I also believe that wildlife management through hunting is necessary. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing a deer writhing in agony after being hit by a car. It stays with you for a long time. I know that police routinely shoot bears that are hit by cars also.
I'm deeply saddened whenever an animal is killed. However, I also believe that wildlife management through hunting is necessary. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing a deer writhing in agony after being hit by a car. It stays with you for a long time. I know that police routinely shoot bears that are hit by cars also.

Agreed (also saw a dog but never saw the body) but, in a way (I guess as the argument goes) not as bad as an deer starving for weeks during a snowy winter when it can't get at food (while that same deer now could feed several people for a long time. Also saw similar recently on one of the Discovery Channel "Alaska" shows. Family had a cow they were fairly certain wouldn't make it through the winter, the cow at that instant could stlll be used for its meat. Father killed the cow. Sad and perhaps unwarranted by our standards-being merciful and thinking of survival on that family's part.
I'm deeply saddened whenever an animal is killed. However, I also believe that wildlife management through hunting is necessary. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing a deer writhing in agony after being hit by a car. It stays with you for a long time. I know that police routinely shoot bears that are hit by cars also.

Look, no one is denying that there is a problem with over-population. The problem I have is with this bullcrap "solution" of sending out a bunch of yahoos into the woods to "hunt" the animals.
As I said earlier, they're like Civil War re-enactors....only with a bunch of dead animals.
I say they should send them out there "hunting" with only a knife....give the bear a decent chance.
It's the sporting thing to do.
This thread had taken an unexpected turn.

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Look, no one is denying that there is a problem with over-population. The problem I have is with this bullcrap "solution" of sending out a bunch of yahoos into the woods to "hunt" the animals.
As I said earlier, they're like Civil War re-enactors....only with a bunch of dead animals.
I say they should send them out there "hunting" with only a knife....give the bear a decent chance.
It's the sporting thing to do.

How are civil war re-enactors like hunters? Please explain because I don't get the connection.

Are you lumping the RU cannon crew in with hunters too? wasn't directed at anyone in particular. It just comes from personal experience from living 67 years in New Jersey. And I've spent enough time in many other states to see that New Jersey is not unique in this regard. Of course that's not the majority....especially for the younger ones. But there are many, many whites who....shall we say "prefer their own kind".....particularly those who didn't get the opportunity like I did to attend Rutgers. You know....the poorly educated.
Contrary to your arguments, I've met Hispanic and Black bowhunters out in the field here in New Jersey. Your myopic viewpoint of hunters is not even up to date.
How are civil war re-enactors like hunters? Please explain because I don't get the connection.
They both dress up in costumes from olden times and go out and play like they were actually back in those olden days. As I said, the one big difference is the Civil War re-enactors don't end up with a bunch of dead animals.
The Davey Crockett wanna bes are pathetic.
They both dress up in costumes from olden times and go out and play like they were actually back in those olden days. As I said, the one big difference is the Civil War re-enactors don't end up with a bunch of dead animals.
The Davey Crockett wanna bes are pathetic.
So you don't like hunters, white people. historians, or people who use technology? Did I miss anybody? Ever think it's all your hatred towards others that makes life miserable for you? Golden rule maybe?
They both dress up in costumes from olden times and go out and play like they were actually back in those olden days. As I said, the one big difference is the Civil War re-enactors don't end up with a bunch of dead animals.
The Davey Crockett wanna bes are pathetic.

You do understand re-enactors serve a purpose beyond their own personal reasons. It gives people a chance to understand the most tragic event in American history in a visual sense. It's no different than what would be a living museum or are you against them too? Should they close Gettysburg National Park?

I asked you about the RU cannon crew. They're re-enactors too.

BTW, I have no idea what David Crockett has to do with the civil war. He died decades earlier.
What about people who enjoy venison or elk meat. Gets real hard to buy that in the store. Also wouldn't that mean people who have gardens in their yards be losers for trying to recreate past times that aren't necessary when they can just buy vegetables in the store.
A bear with a deformity was killed during the hunt? A net positive for the population as a whole.

Not really, his deformity was probably due to being hit by a car so it would in no way pass on genetically. Also, it's very unlikely he would even be able to mate to start with.
I'm okay with hunting, especially for food (duh).

Seems kind of pansy-ass to hunt animals w/a rifle though. Bow-hunting is a little better. Ideal is hunting with just a knife. Like to see man w/knife vs. polar bear.

I think we should thin out the violent offender herd in prison and allow hunting death-row prisoners. But no weapons. That'd be cheating. Just stick the prisoner out in the woods and let in a hunter.

Could generate a lot of revenue. Maybe fix a few bridges. I'm just saying.
Pedals did. Making yourself a bigger target ain't a smart plan
You always wear an orange vest when walking in the woods with hunters lurking around every corner. Definitely a safety issue and probably would've have been written up if the game warden got there first.
If I was a hunter I wouldn't have shot Pedals even without knowing it was famous. However a bear with broken front paws is going to have a hard suffering life, those front paws are important. So I have mixed emotions between it being put out of its misery versus its popularity and it trying to find food from people. If what someone said is true, that a person wanted to shoot this particular bear to upset people, that is not a hunter.
You have to realize that hunters love animals and most hunters are animal conservationists. Maybe for a selfish reason in that they want there to always be natural areas with plentiful game to hunt. For example, deer were extinct in New Jersey and because of hunters, an effort was put forth to transplant deer from other states to NJ and deer are protected by laws and hunting rules.
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Outrage? Over a legal bear hunt? C'mon man.

I started hunting in NJ as a kid, just 10 years old. Pheasant and rabbit and deer. Couldn't take bear back then, although they were there, in lesser numbers. But now, NJ has many black bear. And there's a need to thin the population, responsibly. It's resource management. Hunting is not for everyone. I get it. But for some it is recreation, tradition, and sustenance.

BTW, here in NC, we have an over population of coyote and feral hogs, enough so you can shoot as many as you want. Sport? Not exactly. It's just the best way of keeping the population in check.
If I was a hunter I wouldn't have shot Pedals even without knowing it was famous. However a bear with broken front paws is going to have a hard suffering life, those front paws are important. So I have mixed emotions between it being put out of its misery versus its popularity and it trying to find food from people. If what someone said is true, that a person wanted to shoot this particular bear to upset people, that is not a hunter.

was deformed, not broken (I think) but either way seemed perfectly fine walking around the way he was and not in misery. Misery is reserved for the guy who went out of his way to take out that one particular animal.

(I am not anti-bear/deer hunt)..if done right and for the right reasons I completely get it.
Yeah...what could go wrong with a bunch of Yahoos playing Daniel Boone re-enacting sitting out in the woods, sipping on their JD, and waiting for some poor bear to come along so they can shoot it....from a safe distance of course.'s hunting. These are probably the same hopeless lot that used their magnifying glass on ants when they were children. Heartless duds.
And to pretend that this "hunt" is some intelligent way to limit the bear population ? Dunderheads all.

We can add wildlife management to football and baseball as things you know nothing about
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maybe one of the most pathetic threads ever. It would take a 'Hawk' length post to address each stupidity lol
Curious... Absent hunting, what do you think should be done to maintain the bear population? What's your suggestion for managing it?

I guess you could always NOT build in their area, then there would be far less of a need for management. Also, as an environmental major, environmental management through hunting is not the best way to thin the populations. They should be thinned like predators do, taking the weak/sick/old........more often than not hunters take members of the healthy, breeding population. As such, the bears are genetically weaker after such exercises.
So you don't like hunters, white people. historians, or people who use technology? Did I miss anybody? Ever think it's all your hatred towards others that makes life miserable for you? Golden rule maybe? is pretty good for me. I've been very fortunate.
Also, some of my best friends are white people. And I like most historians....and also lots of people who use technology.
It's hunters that I dislike.
I guess you could always NOT build in their area, then there would be far less of a need for management. Also, as an environmental major, environmental management through hunting is not the best way to thin the populations. They should be thinned like predators do, taking the weak/sick/old........more often than not hunters take members of the healthy, breeding population. As such, the bears are genetically weaker after such exercises.

Generally speaking, there isn't much building "in their area".

There are, however, populations near and adjacent to "their areas". Absent some form of active population management, bears do what everything else does - they procreate. The population requires additional real estate and so bears move into areas where people already live.

This is the typical story of the bear - human interface in New Jersey (and no doubt elsewhere as well). Bears in populated areas will grow accustomed to people, will lose their inherent fear and shyness and direct encounters become more common. These encounters will invariably lead to confrontation.
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I guess you could always NOT build in their area, then there would be far less of a need for management. Also, as an environmental major, environmental management through hunting is not the best way to thin the populations. They should be thinned like predators do, taking the weak/sick/old........more often than not hunters take members of the healthy, breeding population. As such, the bears are genetically weaker after such exercises.
" in their area..." ??? The bear population exploded due to a lack of bear hunting for some 30 years. With a bear management hunt, you want to decrease the "healthy, breeding population" somewhat because the bears are exceeding their range. Any new building in the 70's & 80's was done when there was a much smaller bear population. Last year in our town, we had bears walking through in the daylight hours. Never did I think I would wind up nose to nose with a bear while walking my dog on the sidewalk. For years, after I moved here in the early 1980's, I never thought about running into a bear or coyote when hunting in the hills, now I find bear and coyote sign all the time.
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