I agree that good things cost money. For many, it simply comes down to what they value
NJ has a lot to offer - 4 season, tons of diversity, tremendous food options, the best schools, close to NYC/Philly
I love warm weather, relaxed people, and college sports. So the diversity, food, schools, close to cities fact(s), though real, aren't imperative for me
My wife loves all of those aspects, sans the big cities being close. To her, living in NJ is fine and she'd be fine with it in retirement
That's why moving to the panhandle is a compromise IMO. You get all four seasons (though an abbreviated, milder winter and a longer, hotter summer).
Additionally, though I'd be fine w/staying there 12 months/year, it gets hot. Real hot. For extended periods. Due to that, having a place "up north," be it in the Carolina's, NJ, Delaware, New England, though not essential and certainly not cheap, would fit her needs for the summer
We'll see though. Still a ways to go and many variables. Where our child ends up, health, finances, her parents, etc. - but I'd rather try planning now then being left scrambling when it's time