Penn State Rutgers FB A VERY Hot Ticket


All American
Apr 3, 2002
Out here in Happy Valley, lots of buzz about this game, even though they would never admit it. Prices will be very high for this game. Hundreds of dollars per ticket. Yikes!
It's a rivalry. I don't care what the all-time record is. Both schools hate each other. I can't wait for this game to take it's rightful place on rivalry weekend.
Out here in Happy Valley, lots of buzz about this game, even though they would never admit it. Prices will be very high for this game. Hundreds of dollars per ticket. Yikes!
So alot of people are talking about it, but nobody is admitting to talking about it? Gotcha.
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It's cool we get to have this conversation on a yearly basis without the need of OOC scheduling. Just two years ago, only game to really get excited about was Louiseville...
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We don't need moral victories this time. This is the number one win I want.
Rutgers is one of the two best home games on the Penn State schedule for 2015. I looked into the RV valet service for this game and they were already sold out but with availability for the other games besides Michigan.
PSU tier 1 rivalries Ohio State, Michigan, Mich St.
Tier 2 Maryland, Rutgers, Wisconsin and Iowa
Tier 3 the rest of the conference.

Just one fans opinion!
I think this is a result of all the NJ people who went to PSU still trying to convince themselves that going to PSU was a better choice than going to RU. Buyers regret sort of thing going on.
It's a rivalry. I don't care what the all-time record is. Both schools hate each other. I can't wait for this game to take it's rightful place on rivalry weekend.

I never knew Rutgers hated us until fairly recently. When I heard about you guys joining the B1G, my original feelings were mostly positive. My cousin graduated from there so that was cool and its a fairly easy road trip. Then I started reading message boards, talking to friends that were RU alums, and now this is the game I want to win more than any other on the schedule. I mean it's always fun going out and besting OSU and Michigan but I'm not reading their message board everyday.
I think this is a result of all the NJ people who went to PSU still trying to convince themselves that going to PSU was a better choice than going to RU. Buyers regret sort of thing going on.

I am one of these Jersey-to-PSU people you refer to but I can assure PSU was absolutely the right choice for me. 20 years ago when I was a high school senior my criteria was a university with a top notch Architectural Engineering program and one that had a big-time football program. I applied to 2 schools, PSU and Miami, and after visiting each campus it was a no-brainer.
I think this is a result of all the NJ people who went to PSU still trying to convince themselves that going to PSU was a better choice than going to RU. Buyers regret sort of thing going on.

I hate these types of posts. I HATE PSU's football teams, I'm indifferent about the other teams, and disgusted by what happened there, but to suggest that it is not a good academic choice for most is silly and makes you seem ignorant.
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the rival part of it is in the players and how many are from each others state we pick up a lot of Penn kids and Pedo U picks up a lot of Jersey kids and most have offers from both this is the foundation of a rival.
Bet the farm those fans are going to be vulgar, obnoxious, crule and probably violent. And I doubt there AD will apologize for it too.
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RU/PSU is a no-brainer rivalry. I think most honest PSU fans are pumped for these games. Rivalry weekend would be HUGE. But I think the league wants to push the RU/MD thing.

Not a bad start w last year's game.
It's a rivalry. I don't care what the all-time record is. Both schools hate each other. I can't wait for this game to take it's rightful place on rivalry weekend.
The only Penn State loss I can remember not being upset by, was the loss in '88 to Rutgers. The ONLY reason for that was a kid who grew up across the street and I had known since he was born, George Bankos from Whitehall High School, was playing for Rutgers. George was a great kid. I saw him after the game outside the Rutgers locker room. He was so excited and had such a huge smile on his face. I felt good for him. He had played a terrific game that day.
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So alot of people are talking about it, but nobody is admitting to talking about it? Gotcha.
It's evident that he is saying that many fans are talking privately about it being a rivalry, but few will publicly admit to it being a rivalry. PSU fans absolutely do not want Rutgers to start keeping our recruits home and becoming a legitimate rival because it is well known in the college football world that if we keep much of our players home, we will be very good. PSU can point to the overall record all they want to reassure themselves that they are dominant, but they do so knowing that we weren't investing in athletics until recently and were only on the schedule as a guaranteed victory, just as all D-1 teams did for years. Now teams don't put us on their schedule for a cream puff game, and it's for the simple reason that we've begun to make an investment in athletics, are about 40% of the way there financially, and when we have built the infrastructure things will be very different.

Many PSU fans like to talk about winning last year's game against us in their "biggest down year," but that's the point in football--don't get down. While institutional control was lacking at PSU, it was not lacking at RU, and it's all part of the game. We are ascending, and whether PSU pulls themselves out of the abyss they've fallen into remains to be seen. Living on past glory is unattractive. Like Tennessee, PSU has to prove it on the field. Like it or not, we will become a publicly admitted rival, but I have zero doubt the public talkers on the boards and elsewhere will still be arrogant, a la their current head coach.
It's evident that he is saying that many fans are talking privately about it being a rivalry, but few will publicly admit to it being a rivalry. PSU fans absolutely do not want Rutgers to start keeping our recruits home and becoming a legitimate rival because it is well known in the college football world that if we keep much of our players home, we will be very good. PSU can point to the overall record all they want to reassure themselves that they are dominant, but they do so knowing that we weren't investing in athletics until recently and were only on the schedule as a guaranteed victory, just as all D-1 teams did for years. Now teams don't put us on their schedule for a cream puff game, and it's for the simple reason that we've begun to make an investment in athletics, are about 40% of the way there financially, and when we have built the infrastructure things will be very different.

Many PSU fans like to talk about winning last year's game against us in their "biggest down year," but that's the point in football--don't get down. While institutional control was lacking at PSU, it was not lacking at RU, and it's all part of the game. We are ascending, and whether PSU pulls themselves out of the abyss they've fallen into remains to be seen. Living on past glory is unattractive. Like Tennessee, PSU has to prove it on the field. Like it or not, we will become a publicly admitted rival, but I have zero doubt the public talkers on the boards and elsewhere will still be arrogant, a la their current head coach.
Welp, glad you can speak for us PSU fans, but I can assure you that many PSU fans are not thinking of RU as rivals right now. Make no mistake, we want to beat RU and to that extent every game is important.

I'm not sure why you're so intent on creating a rivalry anyway, just play the games and win. If it develops naturally great but you can't really force it on a fanbase that doesn't see it. The hatred if you call it that by PSU fans comes mostly from comments made by your fanbase on boards and then again at the game, otherwise they were indifferent to RU. Just another team to play and yes, in their minds, beat.

Lastly, let's be honest here, most teams who have won championships tout past glory. The only people who complain about it are teams who have never reached that pinnacle of success. It doesn't matter that RU wasn't investing in athletics then, whose fault is that? I hear you guys talk about Louisville 2006 like it was the second coming so give me a break. we are not worried about Rutgers getting good because we've been playing with other "good" teams forever. Do you think that other teams are going to remain stagnant while only Rutgers ascends?!?
Penn St fans claiming they don't consider RU a rival then going on to explain why, makes me think that Nit is protesting too much to be
considered giving an honesty opinion.
Nits deny everything and this no rivalry ( in their minds) might be another denial by a Nit posting on his/her rival's board
All I say is: if it happens, it happens.
If RU and PSU's games are very competitive, it will.
Both schools don't have a B1G rival and unless Maryland gets in the act, the odds are they will be each other's rival.
Despite the denying, Nit fans feel RU is the closest thing they have for a rival asnd know : not one ether B1G school considers Penn St a rival.
Nit fans claim they are indifferent to RU., only because all the other B1G schools feel that way about being PSU's rival.
Also makes losing to RU ( in 2015) a bit easier to take for the Nit deniers
I am one of these Jersey-to-PSU people you refer to but I can assure PSU was absolutely the right choice for me. 20 years ago when I was a high school senior my criteria was a university with a top notch Architectural Engineering program and one that had a big-time football program. I applied to 2 schools, PSU and Miami, and after visiting each campus it was a no-brainer.

Out of curiosity what is Architectural Engineering? I'm an engineer, my brother is an architect. We both had two completely different curriculums in college....
Win a game or two then talk trash. I think that's how it is supposed to work.
Win more than 7, then talk trash. Better yet, win 10.

But more to the point, the OP wasn't talking trash--take a look at his post. He simply made a statement that it is more of a rivalry than is being admitted. IIRC, the OP is a prof at PSU, so he is someone who would have a sense of this. As for PSU, the PSU posters are almost categorically condescending, and the number of dickheads that made their way over here after last year's 3-point victory was nauseating.

The only fanbase that I've experienced that is worse than PSU's is Wisconsin's. I didn't think it would be possible to experience greater rudeness and outright delusional tendencies than PSU's, at least based on what I read online, until Wisconsin came to our house this past year. They win the In-Person Dooshbag Award, hands down, and from what I've been told by other B1G fanbases, I am not alone in that perception. But as far as online presence goes, PSU and Tennessee are tied for the most pompous, living-in-the-past arrogant fanbases in the country. LSU doesn't even talk as much shit as either school, and they have much more recent success to brag about.
Way too early too buy tickets on the secondary market.
technically yes, but I got a good deal, and looking at PSU's home schedule, we are their 2nd biggest game of the year behind Michigan. The fact that we are close enough to drive for most RU fans I expect prices to rise as we get closer to the game. The fact that all the local hotels are already booked and all the RV's are already booked for that day should tell you something.
technically yes, but I got a good deal, and looking at PSU's home schedule, we are their 2nd biggest game of the year behind Michigan. The fact that we are close enough to drive for most RU fans I expect prices to rise as we get closer to the game. The fact that all the local hotels are already booked and all the RV's are already booked for that day should tell you something.

Ah yeah, its called Penn State Football Weekend, let alone a Saturday NIGHT game. (Hence why some of the 70,000 or so day-trippers (those that drive in-out for PSU games on Game Day) spend $$$ to stay for home Night Games.

NOTE: There are still hotels available in/around State College...(its still worth to spend $$$ to spend weekend in State it really is a cool college town on game weekends).
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Out of curiosity what is Architectural Engineering? I'm an engineer, my brother is an architect. We both had two completely different curriculums in college....
Architectural Engineering
University Park, College of Engineering (A E)

PROFESSOR CHIMAY J. ANUMBA, Head, Department of Architectural Engineering

This major emphasizes the application of scientific and engineering principles to the planning, design, and construction of buildings and building systems. The goal of the program is to provide engineering graduates with the best education available for careers in the building professions. Graduates will have the ability to practice as registered professional engineers in a variety of areas, both public and private, related to the planning, design, construction, and operation of buildings and to assume a place of leadership in society.

Four options are available in the ten-semester major: the Construction option, which emphasizes building construction engineering and construction management; the Lighting/Electrical option, which emphasizes the design of lighting and electrical systems for buildings; the Mechanical option, which emphasizes the design of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems in buildings; and the Structural option, which emphasizes the analysis and design of building structural systems. Courses in architectural design are included in all options to give the engineering student an understanding of architectural design and its relation to engineering. Courses in engineering design are provided throughout the program. The design experience is culminated in a year-long capstone design course.

A limited number of undergraduate students in the B.A.E. program will be considered for admission to one of two integrated undergraduate-graduate degree programs. The first leads to the student earning both the B.A.E. and M.A.E. degrees and involves a graduate-level component in the capstone senior project. The second provides the student with the opportunity to earn both the B.A.E. and M.S. degrees and involves a research-oriented thesis in addition to the capstone undergraduate senior project. Students who are currently enrolled in the 7th semester of the B.A.E. degree program may apply to one of the two integrated programs and will be admitted following a positive review by the faculty committee on graduate admissions. To be considered for admission to either program, students must have attained a GPA of at least 3.0 and a grade of C or better in all classes listed as AE. A commitment from an AE graduate faculty member to serve as the student's M.S. thesis adviser is necessary for admission to the B.A.E./M.S. program. Students admitted to an integrated program must maintain a GPA in all classes used toward the M.A.E. or M.S. degree of at least 3.0. Students must complete a minimum of 172 credits for both the integrated B.A.E./M.A.E. and B.A.E./M.S. degree programs, 18 of which must be at the graduate level (500, 600 or 800-level). For the B.A.E./M.A.E. degree program, all of graduate credits are course credits. For the B.A.E./M.S. degree program, a thesis is required and six credits of thesis research (600 or 610) must be included in the candidate's academic course plan.

The professional degree, Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, is granted upon the satisfactory completion of the five-year program.
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Jason how are job opportunities for architectural grads from PSU. My niece just got accepted to PSU and Pratt both very exclude. I think PSU only takes 50 frosh and Pratt 38
Win more than 7, then talk trash. Better yet, win 10.

But more to the point, the OP wasn't talking trash--take a look at his post. He simply made a statement that it is more of a rivalry than is being admitted. IIRC, the OP is a prof at PSU, so he is someone who would have a sense of this. As for PSU, the PSU posters are almost categorically condescending, and the number of dickheads that made their way over here after last year's 3-point victory was nauseating.

The only fanbase that I've experienced that is worse than PSU's is Wisconsin's. I didn't think it would be possible to experience greater rudeness and outright delusional tendencies than PSU's, at least based on what I read online, until Wisconsin came to our house this past year. They win the In-Person Dooshbag Award, hands down, and from what I've been told by other B1G fanbases, I am not alone in that perception. But as far as online presence goes, PSU and Tennessee are tied for the most pompous, living-in-the-past arrogant fanbases in the country. LSU doesn't even talk as much shit as either school, and they have much more recent success to brag about.
My my did I hit a nerve... LMAO
It is not a rivalry. Don't want one! No thanks, keep walkin Creep State!

Creep State

"Penn State University Football
Urine Tossers

Behold: a group of fans so vile that the university had to adopt a resolution denouncing "negative cheering" all the way back in 2000. Loophole: They didn't tell the kids not to throw stuff! Thus students ......have pelted visiting players and band members with snowballs, mud balls, and bottles of urine. Lacking projectiles during the 2008 riots that followed a win over Ohio State, Penn fans uprooted small trees to hurl at police. And let's not forget the notorious 2007 incident in which a crowd of onlookers cheered as a student chased down two OSU fans and threw a full can of beer at their heads. Video of that assault was proudly posted on YouTube, tagged as "comedy.""
Jason how are job opportunities for architectural grads from PSU. My niece just got accepted to PSU and Pratt both very exclude. I think PSU only takes 50 frosh and Pratt 38

PSU AE job placement rate was 100% when I went to school. I heard during the 2008/2009 economic meltdown the JPR was no longer 100%. I'd assume it's recovered by now but honestly I really haven't kept up on it. The PSU AE career fair is the best in the country. Kansas State also has a very good AE program.

If you're talking a strict Architecture degree vs. AE I have no idea.