Biggest complaint is coach’s stubbornness to admit going for 2 so early - was wrong! He points to analytics charts and says it was the right move - doubtful that applies so early in the game. And then to criticize “armchair” coaches who haven’t played for making judgments, when he is using a chart written by such!
It is merely common sense to get as many basically guaranteed points as possible until number of possessions are limited. There were other possibly questionable decisions during the game, but those can be attributed to football instincts & experience.
The 2 point attempt is NOT one of them.. he says it’s math, uh no it’s not, because the algebraic value of number of possessions cannot be determined so early in the game. And then if you are to make a decision supposedly determined by math, then do not belittle those intellectual non players who criticize!
Bad decision came back to haunt him, as after last RU TD, a two point attempt could have tied it!