Played through D1 as a pitcher, then a long time after in a Men's league.
I had very good mechanics, so I finished in a good fielding position (or defensive!) position. I also had very good control, so I left very few pitches over the middle of the plate.
That being said, I was hit countless times, usually in the thighs or butt as I tended to turn away... but that was a learned behavior after taking one to the cup.
Gave up a single up the middle once and didn't think anything of bending down after and picking up my hat. It wasn't until that night that I realized I had an impression of the stitches on my forehead. That batter was a former AAA player, so his bat speed, especially with an aluminum bat was ridiculous.
Our Men's league went to wood bats, which prolonged my pitching career by a couple of years. This was before the weight/length differential was implemented on aluminum bats.