Restaurant needed for NB


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2006
Is there a place or two that is considered the best place in town to eat, have the in laws coming and want to take them and junior somewhere nice. Any insight is appreciated.
Frog & the Peach is my favorite, and I've heard great things about Stage Left.
Frog & the Peach is my favorite, and I've heard great things about Stage Left.
If you don't mind splurging ($50-$100 per person, depending on liquor and could be a lot more if you try just a little, as both places have extensive and expensive wine lists), you can't go wrong with either of these choices, as the food, atmosphere, service, etc., are all top notch at both places. Lots of other places that are very good, also, for a little less...
Just giving my opinion, but I took a girl to Frog and the Peach once and I thought it was just so-so. And for the prices you pay you should receive much better than so so. Of course, I only have been once so I am not an expert I am just giving my opinion from my years in New Brunswick. Another option is Catherine Lombardi and Stage Left.

My personal favorite though is Steakhouse 85. I don't know what type of diner you and your in-laws are, but Steakhouse85 is delicious and if I could choose anywhere to go to eat in New Brunswick regardless of money, 85 would be my first choice every time.
Frog & the peach or due Mari. Excellent restaurants
Due Mari is excellent. clydz is very good. Has an interestimg, exotic meat menu & 100 martinis Frog & the Peach is hit or miss.