RU Army ROTC's first female general

Yes, BG Darpino is in the Hall of Distinguished Alumni.

Rutgers Magazine
5 Star Alumni

She got a "direct commission" which is how the Army recruits professional specialist officers. Most often doctors and lawyers. Basically once they graduate med or law school the Army pins a rank on them and sends them to a few extra weeks of training to learn how to salute and wear the uniform (of course a little over simplification) before attending the initial branch professional course with the people that came through the Academy, ROTC, or Officer Candidate School.

At my Officer Basic Course for the Medical Service Corps (Non-physician medical specialists) the direct commission folks were three Ph.D entomologists that had recently got their degrees and were going to a Walter Reed Medical Center research lab as soon as they finished the course. They were good sports at being sort of fish out of water, green horns if you will, compared to those of us that had been in training for a while. We kind of made them mascots when we went into field exercises and made sure they didn't get in a real trouble.
Yes, General Darpino started in the Judge Advocate-General's office. As she says in the article, it's a terrific place to start if one wants to litigate a lot -- and I mean a lot. The training is excellent. And going into JAG made sense for her because her husband was going into the military.
It's odd that this press release came out: graduates go to JAG all the time. I actually once considered the idea, but a friend persuaded me that there was no way I was compatible with the military.
Originally posted by srru86:
Asbury Park Press
RU ROTC first alumna promoted to general returns

Recently promoted Army Brig. Gen. Patricia Jones Frost returned on Tuesday to Rutgers ROTC as its first alumna promoted to general to help commission 15 Army cadets.
She was a year behind me in ROTC. Knew she would do well, but this is outstanding.
Great stuff!

And thank you srru86, for "standing on that wall and manning a post."


This post was edited on 9/10 12:58 PM by e5fdny