RU vs Maryland Football/Wrestling Doubleheader @ Yankee Stadium


Gold Member
Dec 24, 2015
Carton just announced on the fan that it'll be next year November 4th.

I'm sure this will go over well on the board:popcorn:
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A bad joke. Disappointing and no consideration to the RU fans.
As a football & wrestling season ticket holder, I don't love this & prefer home games/matches on campus. Yankee Stadium is awful for football, from the sight lines to the actual playing surface. Adding wrestling, which hopefully doesn't take away a home RAC match, is to get more fans there, because they know they have issues with our fans not wanting to go to this game. For those wondering, this will be included with season tickets:

Ticket information for the "Big Ten Battle in the Bronx" is still to be announced. Season ticket holders will receive priority consideration for the exclusive event, which will be included in season ticket packages.
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Cool, I am looking forward to watching some good old fashioned wrastling with a lots of powerslams, piledrivers, and suplexes. Maybe they can have some past WWE superstars make some guest appearances before the college kids enter the ring. It will be interesting to watch them break down the squared circle prior to the game.
As a football & wrestling season ticket holder, I don't love this & prefer home games/matches on campus. Yankee Stadium is awful for football, from the sight lines to the actual playing surface. Adding wrestling, which hopefully doesn't take away a home RAC match, is to get more fans there, because they know they have issues with our fans not wanting to go to this game. For those wondering, this will be included with season tickets:

Ticket information for the "Big Ten Battle in the Bronx" is still to be announced. Season ticket holders will receive priority consideration for the exclusive event, which will be included in season ticket packages.

If this is truly forced upon us as a home game we are forced to pay for, I will seriously think about skip being a season ticket holder for one year, maybe more. And I've seen almost every home game since 1971.

It's not like it will be hard to pick up a new season at the same location. Plus we now skip buying the parking, we park on Riverview for 20 bucks.
I posted this in the boomer and carton thread.
It's CRAP. I've watched 2 football games at Yankee Stadium. The sight lines are HORRIBLE. At the end of each game I felt like my back was wrenched from sitting in a twisted position. Some of our idiot "fans" are crying about entry point prices to attract "new" Rutgers fans and that $45 was too expensive to park in Johnson park.

Now most of us have to drive over 1-2 hours to get to the Bronx $30 for gas, pay $40 to park where you can't even tailgate in a parking garage, $10 hot dogs, $16 beers, $8 popcorn, $6 soda ( times 4 for a family of 4). Do the math... How do you like your entry point now to bring in new Rutgers "fans" that's not including what the price of a ticket will cost at Yankee stadium ... What a joke.
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F Steinbrenner and the Yankees.
I go to a few baseball games there each year and get screwed with the price gauging.

Will stay home next year and watch that game on TV. And Dobbs better not make that game a required purchase in the seasonal renewal next year.
If this is truly forced upon us as a home game we are forced to pay for, I will seriously think about skip being a season ticket holder for one year, maybe more. And I've seen almost every home game since 1971.

It's not like it will be hard to pick up a new season at the same location. Plus we now skip buying the parking, we park on Riverview for 20 bucks.
Seriously? Gimme a break. You're gonna give up your season tickets to make a stink?
I'm excited for it. Whether people like it or not, the partnership with the NYY is not going away. Its great for exposure, and great for recruiting. Its not so much that the sightlines are bad...its just that aren't as close to the field. I've never had a hard time seeing the game there. Plus excited for this as a huge opportunity for RUWR.
F Steinbrenner and the Yankees.
I go to a few baseball games there each year and get screwed with the price gauging.

Will stay home next year and watch that game on TV. And Dobbs better not make that game a required purchase in the seasonal renewal next year.

You should email Dobbs and let him know your concerns.

Guys drawing this false line in the sand about paying for this game may as well come to terms with it now....the odds are probably about 3% that this game won't be included as part of our season ticket package. You all know full well it will be.
F Steinbrenner and the Yankees.
I go to a few baseball games there each year and get screwed with the price gauging.

Will stay home next year and watch that game on TV. And Dobbs better not make that game a required purchase in the seasonal renewal next year.

Who's Dobbs? The AD's name is Pat Hobbs. And while you are at it you should complain about $45 parking at Johnson Park
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I'm excited for it. Whether people like it or not, the partnership with the NYY is not going away. Its great for exposure, and great for recruiting. Its not so much that the sightlines are bad...its just that aren't as close to the field. I've never had a hard time seeing the game there. Plus excited for this as a huge opportunity for RUWR.

I agree OC !!!!

Time after time Im amazed how consistently NEGATIVE people can be.

Its something new.....and i am sure it IS good for the wrestling fans,,,,.....if its a dealbreaker for some,,,dont attend....the absence of negative karma is prob a good thing.
i am sure they have an alternate venue in case of snow LOL

I wish I lived closer....
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You should email Dobbs and let him know your concerns.

Guys drawing this false line in the sand about paying for this game may as well come to terms with it now....the odds are probably about 3% that this game won't be included as part of our season ticket package. You all know full well it will be.

I think the last paragraph of press release basically says it's going to be part of season ticket package.
"Ticket information for the "Big Ten Battle in the Bronx" is still to be announced. Season ticket holders will receive priority consideration for the exclusive event, which will be included in season ticket packages."

I personally think any of the sightlines are terrible and not based on distance. The higher level seats aren't as bad as the lower. The angled view on lower field level seats gives terrible depth perception.
I hate pretty much every aspect of the experience there for the football games but I'm sure I'll be there to support in the end. I think there wouldn't be nearly as many complaints though if the game was not a 'force you to buy' season ticket vs just outside of the season package.
I'm confused as to why people are reacting to this as if it is new information. The wrestling part is new, football has been known for months.
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Seriously? Gimme a break. You're gonna give up your season tickets to make a stink?

Why not ? It's not like I can't get an almost identical season ticket the next season , our base is so low, and I don't care about priority points as I don't use an RU lot.

PS- I also attend many home wrestling matches and some BB games.

If RU folks go to Yankee Stadium, with their awful viewing lines, and dangerous to players turf, it just gives Delaney the support to keep scheduling these. The RU AD probably does not have enough juice to fight it.

And yet we still only get a small , partial cut of the BIG 10 pie.
this year RU is wrestling Princeton at 11am on 11/19 in the stadium. The positive about that is we are all able to leave our tailgate, attend the wrestling match and then head back to the tailgate until the football game later that evening. Yankee stadium allows no tailgating. I cannot imagine they would let us, nor would we want to, hang out in the stadium for hours until the football match.

Do they make the football game immediately after the wrestling match to avoid this? What if the weather is bad..rain? snow? At RU the back up plan for the 19th is put the match back in the RAC (although with over 10k tickets sold I'm not sure where we are all sitting in the RAC) what is the back up plan for inclement weather in the Bronx?

Hobbs and company have a year to work out a lot of details but as a wrestling and football season ticket holder I doubt we will head to the Bronx that day.
this year RU is wrestling Princeton at 11am on 11/19 in the stadium. The positive about that is we are all able to leave our tailgate, attend the wrestling match and then head back to the tailgate until the football game later that evening. Yankee stadium allows no tailgating. I cannot imagine they would let us, nor would we want to, hang out in the stadium for hours until the football match.

Do they make the football game immediately after the wrestling match to avoid this? What if the weather is bad..rain? snow? At RU the back up plan for the 19th is put the match back in the RAC (although with over 10k tickets sold I'm not sure where we are all sitting in the RAC) what is the back up plan for inclement weather in the Bronx?

Hobbs and company have a year to work out a lot of details but as a wrestling and football season ticket holder I doubt we will head to the Bronx that day.

I would think it must be back to back. Yankee stadium will make some dough off the people who attend both...that 2 hours for the wrestling, at least a half hour in between (probably one hour til kickoff) and then another 3.5 hours for the football game. Not too many events get people in the gate for 6-7 hours.
I have to think that RU has been strong armed by the BIG. We all know that the main reason for us getting into the league was that we represented the NY market (sorry Cuse!) and to some extent so does Maryland as the northeast. Just maybe, we both have to go along with their program as payback.
I can't speak to the sight lines or tailgating as I've never been there but this sounds awesome. Wish it were in late September or October but will be an exciting event for sure. More people need to know about your wrestling program and just how exciting the sport can be and this will help with that.

I always hear you folks talk about how NYC is only a short train ride away so is that extra ~1 hour really that big a deal?
What a bunch of complainers. This is going to be a cool event .. watch Big Ten wrestling then head over to Billy's for some drinks and back into the stadium for some RU football. I don't get a chance to attend wrestling matches so I'm particularly excited about this.

Also people forget on this board that there is a huge contingent of RU alumn living, working in/around NYC. Many of those are at best casual or non-RU fans. Events like this can get many more of those people involved with RU and becoming a fan again. It's marketing that we have to and should be doing at this point in the athletics lifecycle. I understand some gripe about non-ideal sight lines and loss of home field advantage but the novelty and marketing of the event more than make up for that.
BTW, if they did this for a PSU vs. RU double header it would be the #1 game of the season for me and there's no way I would miss it.
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Our fanbase rules
I can't speak to the sight lines or tailgating as I've never been there but this sounds awesome. Wish it were in late September or October but will be an exciting event for sure. More people need to know about your wrestling program and just how exciting the sport can be and this will help with that.

I always hear you folks talk about how NYC is only a short train ride away so is that extra ~1 hour really that big a deal?

This is much better than a football only game. Football is not great to watch there.

At least now, this will be an event. Good job by Hobbs.
I would think it must be back to back. Yankee stadium will make some dough off the people who attend both...that 2 hours for the wrestling, at least a half hour in between (probably one hour til kickoff) and then another 3.5 hours for the football game. Not too many events get people in the gate for 6-7 hours.

It will take a least an hour to get the wrestling stuff off the field and players to warm up. That's a total of 7 hours . Now just consider if it's a cold rain. Yankee Stadium has no retractable roof. I would think the wrestling would be very poorly attended, and folks would wait in their cars or bars until the football game is about to start, unless they have covered or indoor club seats.
Our fanbase rules@@

This is much better than a football only game. Football is not great to watch there.

At least now, this will be an event. Good job by Hobbs.

I'm very surprised more people aren't completely stoked for this. I don't know how much it benefits your football team because there is a long way to go but for the wrestling team? Good Lord, you are an up and coming program and other than Iowa and Okie State, who else has had this type of vision and/or recruiting pitch.
All the hype and marketing will not change the fact that this is a BAD place to watch a football game. Watching a wrestling match will probably be worse. This looks like a one and done to me. $$$$
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I'm very surprised more people aren't completely stoked for this. I don't know how much it benefits your football team because there is a long way to go but for the wrestling team? Good Lord, you are an up and coming program and other than Iowa and Okie State, who else has had this type of vision and/or recruiting pitch.

Agree. Awesome for wrestling.
I would think it must be back to back. Yankee stadium will make some dough off the people who attend both...that 2 hours for the wrestling, at least a half hour in between (probably one hour til kickoff) and then another 3.5 hours for the football game. Not too many events get people in the gate for 6-7 hours.

I would think more than a half hour in between. Need to clean the mats off the field, players need warm ups.

tolls/parking/tickets/$8 sodas/$15 sandwiches/ $10 beers. we will need to take a small loan out to attend this game.

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